Chirping from its Nest.

Submitted into Contest #9 in response to: Write a story that focuses on the relationship between siblings.... view prompt



I'm shaving. Why, you ask? Well, whenever I see myself in the mirror with my beard and mustache, I see myself as some ISIS escapee lost within the white world. Except with a scarf missing over my coal dark hair and down around my long towering neck.

I put the razor blade on my bushy cheek and began moving it. Then I received a video call from my sister.

"Brother, what are you up to?" my sister asked with a questioning look on her face. The background around her seemed so white and grandly lit. I could see massive glass doors near the corner of the screen. And lots of people as well, as if they all gathered for an exclusive black Friday sale.

Where the hell is, she?

"I just started shaving my beard and you called. What's up?"

Half of my face was still covered with snowy white foam and dense lather. My eyes were bloodshot with bags under them from lack of proper sleep due to yesterday’s partying. My long dry hair ascended up in all directions from my scalp as if praying the god somewhere beyond the deep blue sky for salvation.

"You look crazy. Why are you always in the bathroom whenever I call you?"

"Well, my lady, you always pick the most appropriate time to call me, that's why", I said with bit of sarcasm.

"Don't blame me. Since you're in a different time zone I kind of forget about what time is most suitable for you. Anyway, I’m here to buy a phone, I need your help"

I look at her with a bit of sadness and caution. Oh, my lord! Here is the next phase, she's old enough to get a phone for herself. I understand that she feels like she needs one because all of her friends don't use their mom's phone anymore. When you buy a phone, it means that you're becoming independent. It is something exclusively yours. You have all the conversations with your friends on it. It becomes a means to connect with them. You fill it with funky beats and smooth jazz that's only up to your taste. All the plans for socializing with people from bookish nerds to party players begin with it. And along with it the time you give to your family and your priorities changes. Sometimes drastically.

"Haa, do you need a phone now? If you want one just for games and movies why not use the laptop", I said after taking a deep breath.

"Come on, you got yours when you were around my age too. Please?"

I fell into thought for a moment and decided that it’s not fair of me to disregard her needs. Everyone grows up, just like I had to leave my nest, she too should begin that journey soon. In this age where bullying is wireless and the influence of everything in the world is only pocket distant away, I’m sure some people feel what I’m feeling now. Hope that she does well and makes decisions she will not regret. Maybe this is too much of a reaction but overthinking parents and siblings exist in this world after all.

She told me the model name she was looking at and then I put my phone down aside to continue shaving. I heard her saying some model names and speak about some specs. Then, there was no sound for a minute. So, I took the phone into my hand and stared at the screen.

There was a big man whose neck was twice as thick as mine. He was bald on the sides with long hair in the middle spread around his skull. His beard was so bushy that I couldn't see his mouth. He was laughing. I was confused and embarrassed for a moment. I was mind blogged. So, what should I do here? Should I put the phone down and speak or wash my face then speak. That long silence felt almost like an eternity to me.

To think that I would become a victim for someone’s amusement while clearing this forest on my face. I bought my wits together and decided. Looking at him straight in the eyes, I began speaking with an air of maturity.

"Hm, so how are the customers receiving this product?"

"It’s very good sir! You can check the reviews if you want confirmation"

If that's all people need to buy a product what's the point of all the stores and shopping centers.

"I can see that the specs are pretty good for the price. Can you give the mobile back to my sister?"

He nodded and gave the phone. My sister has no qualms regarding my dignity at times. I wonder what she feels about the event just now.

"Oi you. You gave the phone to him while I’m half shaven. Do you have any regard for my dignity?"

I'm still in the same state by the way. No progress whatsoever.

"Don't mind. So, what color do you think I should take?", said my sister excitedly.

Apparently, they have black, dark blue and gold. They don't come in any other colors for most models.

"I'd get gold. It feels lively and shiny. Black is good, it’s my favorite color don't get me wrong. Still, I wouldn't take it myself"

She fell into thought. Not a big range to choose from. I thought she will decide pretty quickly.

"I'll get dark blue, I like it."

I took a gulp. Seriously!? It’s not too different from black.

"Whatever color you like. It's not a big deal to be honest", I said recovering from my surprise.

"Sure, I’ll get that", she said with so much energy. If only she can send some of it to me through Facebook or something. Zuckerberg, I’m counting on you.

"I'll call you later. Take a break".

Seriously you shouldn't be the one to say that. "Bye Bye!"

I finished my shaving. Almost half-an-hour after I began. I can still feel all the alcohol dancing in my belly. That was a party too hyper for me and I NEED more sleep. Talking lazy steps, I went into my room, crept on to my bed.

I began dreaming while half asleep. I am surrounded by people swinging around whips, small and big, thick and thin. I have no idea where I was, who were the people around me. Then I was hit by one of the whips on my back. I was like - Oh damn! Then I jerked up only to realize it was a dream. I felt reassured and went back to sleep.

There is a great pub close to where I stay. It's a bright lively place with lots of lights, not blinding but almost. I saw a girl right in-front of me having possibly a fruit punch, by herself. Catching interest i walked towards her and faced the girl. She is tall, with deep blue eyes and long golden blonde hair. Her lips were tinted with medium pink color. But she didn’t seem too prepared, like her lack of make-up and her regular outdoor clothes. The most possible conclusion is that at least she's not here to see someone.

"Hi, I’m Sean", I introduced myself with a smile and assurance. I took my hand towards her for a handshake. She replied with a smile and shook my hand.

"Niera, nice to meet you!"

"Can I take a seat?"

"Sure, go ahead"

We spoke for so long that I completely forgot about time. We fell in love with how the things we did were different but they are what we both like. By the time the pub closed I know I like this girl and I know she feels the same way towards me. I took her hand and looked into her eyes for approval. She seemed reluctant at first, then smiled answering my approach.

I took her chin and we moved closer. Each second felt like eternity and our lips were about to meet.

Ring!!!!! I jerked up from my bed stronger and faster than ever. What the hell is going on? It was my phone. I look at it and see that I’m getting a call from my sister. I send an automatic reply - Can't talk now. I'll call you later.

"That was dream for god's sake!", i almost screamed too loud. You always have had the impeccable timing sister. Give me back my dream! Can't a single man take recluse peacefully even in his dreams while he was sleeping!? Damn you, this is it, I’m going to get you a toolbox for this Christmas. I rolled around on my bed doing my kind of meditation , got up and went into the bathroom to begin my day. This time for sure.



September 29, 2019 14:28

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