Bella's Life In Maldivia

Submitted into Contest #96 in response to: Start your story with the arrival of a strange visitor in a small town.... view prompt



Bella got off the bus and, wiping the dust off her boots, looked around her at the quaint small town of Maldivia, and sighed. She had just traveled 10 hours by bus and she had no idea where she was going to sleep, let alone what she was going to eat! She picked up her suitcase and trudged along the main street, towards the Captain’s Bed and Breakfast, and hoped she would find some friendly people there, who would be willing to help her out.

She opened the door and a bell jingled, and pleasant women, with slightly graying hair and glasses, said: “Hello! I’m Mara! May I help you?!” Bella said: “Do you have any rooms available? I need a place to stay.” Mara said: “Of course! How long will you be staying with us?!” “Well, I actually don’t have anywhere to go. I just go into town’, Bella said. “I’m looking for a job, too. Do you know anyone who is hiring?” Mara looked at her and smiled. “Yes, actually, I am in need of someone to help me tidy up around here, as I’m not as young as I used to be and could use an extra hand. Are you interested? It pays $8.50 an hour, and I’ve got an empty room upstairs, if you want it.” “YES!” screamed Bella. “That would be WONDERFUL! Thank You So Much! I didn’t know what I was going to do, as I only had a little money left.”

     Mara helped her get her bags upstairs, and then took her back down and showed her the kitchen and the supply closet. “I’ll take your measurements and order you a new uniform. But, in the meantime, I think this old uniform will fit you,” Mara said. “Thank You,” Bella said. “You have been most kind. Is everyone here as nice as you?” Mara laughed. “Yes, for the most part. We have a few odd ducks, but they are harmless. So, don’t let them bother you. I think you will fit right in.” Bella started to turn to go upstairs to get settled in, and Mara put a hand on her shoulder: “Dinner is at 6pm. We are having pot roast. I hope you like it.” “It sounds yummy”, Bella said. Bella went up the stairs, found her room, took a shower, and changed her clothes. She was down to dinner by 6pm, and it was the most wonderful food she had eaten in days. She decided she was looking forward to “starting over” in this quaint, small town and was glad she had taken her friend’s advice about finding a “quiet place to start life anew”.

    The next morning, the smells of bacon, eggs, pancakes, muffins, and other wonderful breakfast foods wafted up to Bella’s room as she was getting dressed. So, she hurried down, so she wouldn’t be late in helping Mara with getting breakfast for the other guests in the 50 room Victorian-style home that was turned into the Captain’s Bed and Breakfast. Mara was just getting more muffins out of the oven, and bacon off the stove, when Bella went into the kitchen and Bella went over to help her. They got everything ready and got the buffet loaded up, by the time all the guests came down to breakfast. Then, she and Mara ate their breakfast, too. Mara asked her what she had planned for the day, and she told her not much. Mara said she could go exploring around town as long as she was back by 11 am, to help get things ready for lunch. So, off Bella went to see what other “surprises” this small town held in store for her.

     She took off down the main street and down a few blocks she saw a church and decided to go inside. It was a big church, with Beautiful, Catholic, church, with stained glass windows, and high ceilings and crystal chandeliers. Bella stood in the back of the church in awe, just looking at everything for a minute and then decided to go up front and say some prayers of thanks to God for getting her safely to such a beautiful town. She then went on down Main Street, and saw a small diner, a Hair Salon, a Barber shop, A Blacksmith shop, a shop with dresses in the window, and a small General store. She decided to go inside and check it out. She stepped in and it smelled of molasses and sugar and fresh baked goods; and she was instantly “transported’ home, to when she was a “little girl”. She closed her eyes and remembered her Mom baking fresh bread and taking cookies out of the oven, and suddenly was a bit homesick. So, she opened her eyes and looked around. There was a small group of people sitting there, watching her and a few older men in overalls, sitting in rocking chairs and straw hats. She figured they were the “odd ducks” Mara had talked about, and smiled. The shop owner said:”Hello! I’m Sam! Is there anything I can get for you?” “Oh, no,” Bella said. “I’m just looking. Thanks.” But, as she turned to look in the isles, she could feel them all looking at her as she went along. She found some fresh bread and cookies and made her purchases and decided to check out the park further down, just off Main Street.

      The Park had a big fountain in the middle of it, with two big dolphins opposite each other, spouting water out of their mouths and intricate carvings along the outside of the fountain. Bella had never seen anything like it. It looked very old. She found a bench and opened the bag and started eating half of the egg& ham sandwich she didn’t finish from breakfast. She was watching the fountain, when suddenly the sandwich was snatched from her hand and all she saw was the swishing of a tail! She heard a voice and looked up and saw a man walking towards her. He was tall, with blue eyes, dark brown hair, and neatly trimmed mustache and beard. He held out his hand and said: “Hello! I’m Matt! I think my dog; Max was the culprit who just snatched your sandwich. I’m sorry about that. Can I make it up to you? Can I take you to lunch?” Bell blushed, and said: “Well, actually, I’ve got to help Mara get ready for lunch at the Captain’s Bed and Breakfast down the street. I just got into town and she gave me a job and my first day is today.”. “Well, how about dinner later, then?” asked Matt? “Sure, that would be lovely,” Bella said. She gathered up her bags and purse and decided to head back towards Captain’s Bed and Breakfast, to see what Mara had to say about Matt.

    Since Mara said that Matt was a Wonderful, Charming, and polite man, Bella decided to go out dinner with him, and met him outside Captain’s Bed and Breakfast at 7pm. They went to a small little restaurant and had a lovely meal, and then decided to take a stroll down to waterfront, and watched some sailboats out for a Sunset cruise. It was a peaceful evening, with a Beautiful sunset, the start of a few stars peeking out, and a light breeze coming off the lake. Bella shivered and Matt offered her his coat and she accepted, because she was abit colder then she thought. He had long sleeves on, so she figured he’d fine. She was watching the sunset, but every now and then, she’d glance over at him, and think about the night; and how much of a “perfect gentleman” he was-opening doors for her, bringing her a dozen roses, the envious looks of all the ladies when she walked into the restaurant with him, and the feeling of contentment, standing next to him, now. They walked back to Captain’s Bed and Breakfast, and he asked if he could give her a “Goodnight kiss”, and she shook her head, “yes”. He kissed her cheek and it sent shivers through her spine when he did. She said goodnight and went inside, and leaned against the door, with a smile on her lips.

     The next few days were busy ones, but she didn’t mind, because she was getting used to the bustling schedule of the Bed and Breakfast; and she *loved* it! The next day was Saturday, and Matt had invited her to go sailing with him, on his friend’s boat, and she was looking forward to it, with eager anticipation. She woke up almost at the crack of dawn; she was so excited, and couldn’t get back asleep, so she decided to help Mara get breakfast for the guests ready before she left. By the time she cleaned up the kitchen and swept the hallways, upstairs and down, it was time to get ready to leave. It was brisk, clear day, and she could feel the excitement in the air, as she left the Bed and Breakfast, and figured that’s what carried her rest of the way to the dock, because she didn’t feel her feet touch the ground the rest of the way to the dock. She looked for Matt and he waved her over to the most beautiful 40-ft. sailboat she had ever seen and it was painted a dark blue, with light yellow sails flapping in the wind. He said: “Hello, Bella! You look very enchanting this morning!” Bella blushed, and took the hand he offered her, to help her get up into the sailboat, with the picnic basket. He untied the ropes, and they set sail. Once they caught a good wind, they were off, and it turned into a wonderful day, filled with sunshine, and lots of waves. Matt was so easy to talk to, he made he laugh quite a lot and she truly enjoyed his company. After a few hours, they were getting hungry, so they came back to the dock, and Matt tied the boat, and helped Bella out, and they headed toward the park to have their lunch that Bella made herself. It was roast beef sandwiches, fresh fruit, and slices of apple pie for dessert. Matt complemented her on the food, and she blushed over and over. They decided to take a walk, and they ended up back at the dock, and took out the sailboat again. It was later in the afternoon, so they enjoyed a sunset sail, and Bella had never seen a more beautiful sunset then she did that night. Maybe it was the way it reflected off the water, but she thought it was more because of the wonderful company she had. When the boat came into shore and Matt was docking the boat, she wished they could’ve sailed all night….it was that Beautiful out there. Matt walked her back to Captain’s Bed and Breakfast, and promised they’d go sailing again soon. At the door, he took her hand, and looked into her eyes….she nodded slowly, and he pulled her closer and he kissed her goodnight. But, it wasn’t just a short and sweet kiss, it was like those kissed you read about in fairytales, where sparks fly and little angels sing….and you think of nothing in the world except that kiss!! Bella was floating on air!! When he stopped, she opened her eyes, and he was looking at her, with his eyes shining as bright as stars, and she blushed. She had never felt as *special* as she did right then. She knew in that moment, she wasn’t going to let Matt get away from her. He was that one *Special* guy she had waited ALL her life for! And, she could tell by the way he held her, that he wasn’t going to EVER going to let her go! She decided life in this small town wasn’t going to be so bad after all.     

June 03, 2021 22:33

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