
Today I decided to enjoy the sun, like most days I just lay in the sun and feel so warm. Today I was able to stay out on the back deck and really relax. I took this moment to breathe and really think about the last few years. I went all the way back to my sixth birthday. My sixth birthday was special because as a gift my mom stayed home with me for the whole year. It was the best gift ever. On top of her staying home for a full year I even got a little human to join the party. He’s the best, he leaves amazing smells on comfy blankets and I usually chew them up. They just taste so good. Mom isnt too happy with me when this happens, I don’t really know why. When my little human got bigger he started throwing food on the floor and mom would let me clean in all up. What a treat ! Mom was busy though, she was home and we were very spoiled but we didn’t get to go outside as much to walk and smell and pee on stuff. The little treats made up for that though. Between my sixth and seventh birthday my tiny human and my mom spent everyday at home with us. The other little human went away every day for a little bit, he always came back though. I was always happy to see him. He smelled like a lot of other kids and food. I’m always so happy when my humans walk in the door. My dog mom spends everyday with me, but she usually just gets me in trouble. All my other puppy siblings went away but I stayed here. My dog mom only plays with me when she wants to. I’m really glad the tiny human came to live with ya. I can really tell we’re gonna be best friends. I really had the best year that year. I really feel warm and fuzzy thinking back on this amazing year. On my seventh birthday I got some nice treats and toys but my mom went away everyday with the other human. They always came back home and I welcomed them back with kisses and some tail wagging. But something funny happened, my humans left for what felt like ever. I had to sleep home for seven nights while they weren’t here. I was so sad, my favourite human stayed with me and my puppy mom. she spoiled us. Everytime she comes here she smells of treats and always has some on her. It’s like magic. Have you ever seen treats come out of someone? You really need to see it! Oh sorry, I’m getting off track here. To keep going, where was I? Oh this sun is just so warm on my fur. I can smell birds and mud. I love the smell of mud. Oh yeah, so my favourite human was here all that time, once she came over with a plastic thing. I wasn’t very interested because it didn’t look like food or smelled like food and she didn’t let me play with it. But then I heard my moms voice telling me I was a good boy and that she loved me. I wagged my tail so hard but then I couldn’t hear her anymore. I slept two more nights alone at home. Then I heard something. A car door, boy oh boy I was so excited. I ran in circles, I barked, I jumped and I ran to the door. There they were ! They finally came back, I should of known, my humans always come back. But my heart felt sad while they were gone. Oh man, I got some nice belly rubs, some ear scratching and some treats. I was a happy boy. I knew they were going to go back to normal soon but I just really wanted to enjoy the moment. The next morning moms alarm came on and I got up and bounced like I so every morning when I hear it. It’s what I always do, my moms alarm goes off and bam I’m up. I wag my tail and wait for the door to open so I can get a big hug and have breakfast. The alarm went on but I didn’t hear mom. A little later the alarm went on again and nothing. I was still there wagging at the door waiting for my hug and breakfast. Nothing. Maybe I should bark, they were gonna for so long maybe they forgot the drill. So I barked and barked and barked some more. Yes ! I heard mom. She opened the door and I was waiting but she just said “no” and closes the door. What? Okay mom, not funny. It’s time to get up. Maybe if I keep barking I will wake up my tiny humans and mom will remember. So I barked and barked and barked some more. I heard mom get up again. Yes ! Now she gets it. She opened the door and before she could close it I jumped up and her and gave her kisses. I was just doing my job and making sure everything goes back to normal. She just yelled at me and told me to get down and go lay down. Well that was unexpected. I laid down and waited. I waited and waited and nothing happened. I eventually fell asleep. Then I finally heard mom get up. She walked out and I followed her so happy. Maybe she will stay here today. Oh no, maybe one of my tiny human is sick. She never stays home unless my tiny humans aren’t feeling good. She got my tiny humans and made them some amazing good. she shared with me and then gave me and my dog mom food. My tiny humans seemed fine and mom seemed fine. I wonder what is going on. Maybe they feel bad for leaving us alone so long that they will spend a few days with us. After food, I got some belly rubs and my tiny human came to play with me. I’m really careful around him, he smells so good though. I usually don’t care much for playing, he makes these funny sounds and I just want to lick him all over. He throws the ball and likes to play in my water bowl. I usually get the ball but gently drop it on the ground. When mom or dad play, I run like a crazy dog and usually slide all over the floor. But that tiny human he’s special, even now that he’s a little bigger he still shares food with me and even brings me some to the gate. The gate is annoying because it keeps me from cleaning every second something drops. My tiny human though always comes through. He’s a special little guy. So as lay here on the back deck I think of all this. My humans have been home since they had left us for seven nights. That was 16 nights ago. I’m not complaining, it’s been great but I’ve never sees this and I really don’t understand. I feel like the luckiest dog in the world again. No one leaves the house, it’s so différent. I miss other humans coming to visit but I enjoy this anyways. I get to eat more special human food, I get belly rubs throughout the day and I get treats everytime mom walks in front of the treat door. I get to go outside on the deck like today and lay there. The sun has been out and it’s been really fun. I even hear mom use the word pen, that’s a special place where I can run and run all day and play. I love to play in the pen. My favourite place to go is at the beach. I’m lucky when mom or dad forgets to lock the door or clip the pen door I run free all the way to the beach. If my humans are home all day everyday when the snow is all gone I will be able to spend all my time there, I won’t even have to run when im not suppose to. I will be taken there with my humans. Did you know that my three favourite things are my humans, food and the beach. I hope no one ever ask me to only pick one because that would be very hard. When I fall asleep on my couch or in the sun I dream that I spend my days at the beach with my family, but what is even more special is that I eat food there too. That’s like my most perfect day ever. I don’t know why my humans don’t leave the house anymore but they seem happy and I’m the happiest puppy in the world. I’m living the best life ! I can’t wait to see what’s next. Mom is calling me so my day dreaming time over. Maybe if I’m lucky I will be able to daydream again soon.

March 26, 2020 15:25

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Shirley Medhurst
17:25 Mar 28, 2020

Good story, although you could really improve it a lot by dividing it up into paragraphs. One thing I didn't understand was the sentence ending with 'came to live with ya' Was that just a typo?


Rachel Goguen
17:03 Mar 29, 2020

Yeah typo, it’s suppose to be “us”. I have some errors. I’m sorry.


Shirley Medhurst
07:31 Mar 31, 2020

No need to be sorry Rachel


Rachel Goguen
16:30 Apr 01, 2020

Thank you


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