Sad Drama Inspirational

I would’ve given anything and everything to be out in the tropical storm when I was little. It wasn’t frightening. In fact, it was cool.

I would’ve wanted to go jump in the huge puddles the rain was making. When our drain got clogged because of all the dirt and leaves the rain carried in, it created a huge puddle. It was like a pond in our backyard.

I would’ve asked Mom to go out and play in the puddles or even swim in that pond the rain created.

And she’d say no, to all my questions.

She’d tell me I’d get sick.

She’d tell me I’d get struck by lightning.

She’d tell me I’d get carried off somewhere by myself or to an island in the middle of the sea, by the strong winds that the tropical storm caused.

She’d tell me all the excuses for me to not go outside.

My mind flashed back to a particular moment in my past. I was ten, a lonely, only child who sat in her room doing nothing. I have a really hard time making friends, so I was pretty much always by myself. Or sometimes when I got super bored, I’d play with the maid’s daughter. Mom and Dad were always working, so I couldn’t bother them either. I was watching the rain pitter-patter-pitter-patter against the cold window.

The rain splattered all over the window like paint, and scattered all over the place in tiny little drops. I’d watch the drops and put them into races against each other. First to reach the windowsill wins!!

There was a knock at my door, and ten year old me pulled her brownish blonde hair with blue outlines up into a messy bun. She would’ve wanted the maids to think she was clean and did her hair before anyone came to see her. 

Or if it was the maid’s daughter who wanted to play, she wanted to be ready.

But neither the maids nor the maid’s daughter were standing in the doorway after I told them to come in. It was someone I wouldn’t expect to see standing in the doorway wearing a raincoat, rain boots, and holding an umbrella. It was someone I wouldn't have guessed to have a huge grin that showed their dimples, plastered to their face. And the smile wasn’t fake either. It was real, and it lit up the room.

β€œMom?” I asked, running to pull her into a tight hug.

β€œJoy!” She exclaimed.

I thought this was very unexpected. She wouldn’t take work off to come see me. She’d never done this before. β€œDon’t you have work?” I finally asked, looking into her deep brown eyes.

She gave a concerned look and kneeled down to be face to face with me. β€œJoy, I never want you to think I do not have time for you! You come before work. Always. I know Mom has been busy lately, but you know I come and check on you every night, right? I come and kiss your forehead, wishing I could spend more time with you. Even on the weekends I have to work. But that’s how it is. Trust me, if I could change it, I would.”

I hugged her and rested my head on her chest. I could hear her heart beating softly. Thump. Thump. Thump. β€œSo why’d you come down here?” I asked.

β€œDo you want to go out in the rain?” She asked, a grin on her face.

I looked up at her with possibly the biggest smile I’d ever made. I nodded. β€œYES!” I exclaimed, dashing off for the stairs to put on my rain clothes. After I was dressed, we ran onto the front porch and sat in the porch swing.

I looked over at Mom as we swung. She’d pulled her chocolate brown hair up into a messy bun, hairs sticking out all over the place. Her lips were a light pink like cotton candy. Her eyes were the deepest brown. If you dived in, they’d suffocate you and pull you under the surface. She had one freckle that was shaped like a heart. She told me she got teased for it when she was little, but I’ve always told her I loved it.I think it resembles how loved and lovable she is.

She points off into the distance. β€œSee that, Joy? Lightning.”

There was a bright flash of zigzag white light, and then a roll of thunder, across the sky.

β€œCome,” She said, as she got up from the swing and stepped out into the rain. She was dancing and splashing in puddles. It was like she was a kid again, having fun and dancing around. It was something I even wanted to do.

I ran out into the rain and joined her. 

As the rain fell from the dark clouds above, we stuck our tongues out and tried to catch a drop. When it landed on someone’s tongue, we’d cheer.

The wind picked up and started blowing the leaves around, forming a little tornado. We chased them as the rain hit our faces and we got soaked.

I swear, that is the best moment of my life. When you’re living in the moment. When you’re with the ones you love most. When you are having fun. When you can’t even express how much fun you are having, or how much love you want to show.

And then she was sick.


That was two years ago.

Mom has been sick ever since.

I went to Dad’s room where Mom was talking to Dad in a raspy voice. Dad had tears streaming down his cheeks, and I immediately knew something was wrong.

I rushed up to Mom’s side and Dad left the room. β€œWhat’s wrong?” I said, and even though I didn’t know what was going on, tears were still streaming down my face like rapid waters in the river.

β€œJoy.” She said in a raspy tone, tears streaming down her face. β€œJoy, I know this is hard for you.” It was barely a whisper, so I had to kneel down and hold her hand.

β€œPlease,” I said, sniffling. β€œWhat’s wrong?”

β€œJoy. I-I’m t-too s-s-sick.” She stuttered through tears and weeps and moans.

β€œNo.” I said. It was a statement. This couldn’t be happening. β€œNo, Mom. Don’t leave me.” I pleaded. If there was a space big enough for a lake, my tears would’ve already filled it up in moments.

β€œI’ll always be with you, Joy.” She’s crying harder now. β€œSo I want you to promise me something. I want you to remember something. For me.”

I nodded. β€œAnything.” I promised.

β€œWhenever you see lightning, think of me. I’ll always be here. Live that special moment again. Replay it in your mind. Never forget me.”

β€œI won’t, Mom.” My tears formed a pool on the ground next to her bed. β€œMom, I-I love you.”

She tried to smile. But before I could hear a reply, her eyes shut and her chest stopped rising and falling.


*Twenty years later. Joy is 32*

The thunder awoke me from the deep sleep I was having. I looked over my shoulder and saw my husband, Arnold, sleeping peacefully. It was only four in the morning.

I tip-toed down the hall passing my daughter Amelia who was sleeping in her room.

I tip-toed down the hall and all the way down stairs where I slid on rain boots and a sweatshirt.

The rain hit my face, but I didn’t care. I sat down on the porch swing and watched the rain.

Lightning struck, and for a second, I could’ve sworn it was in the shape of a heart. Like Mom’s freckle.

I’ll always be with you.

I replayed the memory we had together out in the rain in my mind. It was more clear this time. I could feel the feelings I was feeling then.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. But when I looked up, no one was there. I think it was Mom.

Whenever you see lightning, think of me. I’ll always be here. Live that special moment again. Replay it in your mind. Never forget me.

August 13, 2021 14:46

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Theresa Bhowan
05:56 Aug 14, 2021

So beautiful and so heartbreaking. I think it resonates with me because I lost my dad in March. It really tugged at my heart strings! Beautifully done, Bella!


Thanks, Theresa! Oh I'm so sorry for your loss. :( I was going for the sad because I've never done that before, and I achieved my goal!! Thank you!!!


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02:02 Dec 29, 2022

I am in tears. This story did what few do for me...evoke real emotions. Thank you. I needed a good cry. My mom passed very very sudden, our last conversation was an argument. Many of our conversations were arguments. They always ended, we always made up and said I love you. The last one, only I got to say it. Again, thank you.


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Caroline Fonteno
22:37 Feb 21, 2022

This was an amazing story! I loved the way it showed the passing of time and how she kept coming back to that happy moment with her mom. This was a really touching story. Great job!


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Dhwani Jain
12:00 Sep 21, 2021

I have got another new story! Do check it out and leave me a review


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Jude S. Walko
02:56 Sep 17, 2021

What a beautifully tragic story. It starts and ends almost like a poem. In my mind, the mother died after catching pneumonia in the rain. I don't know if that was intended, but it made it even more bittersweet to me. What a lovely story of enduring love!


Thank you! I'm so happy/glad you like this story. I think it's definitely one of my best stories, and I'm so thankful for everyone here on Reedsy for taking the time to comment and/or like my stories. Thanks so much!! -Bella


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Dhwani Jain
13:59 Sep 16, 2021

How you doin', Bella?


I'm good! Currently doing a collab with my friend Caroline Fonteno, you should check her stories out!


Dhwani Jain
07:03 Sep 17, 2021



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Eric D.
20:42 Sep 12, 2021

πŸ˜₯ whose cutting onions? That was a sweet beautiful story especially those moments she shared playing in the rain watching the lightning they were bittersweet. And the reflecting back with her daughter moments so heartfelt. You wrote a good daughter and mother bonding story well.


haha, thank you! I'm really glad you enjoyed this!! Thanks for taking the time to leave such a beautiful comment!! -Bella


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12:43 Sep 05, 2021

Wow!!!! Amazing story. You are a FANTASTIC writer.


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Driss Boutat
14:12 Sep 04, 2021

a lot of thanks for this amazing post. πŸ™β€οΈ


No problem! Thanks for your amazing comment!! :D


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20:44 Sep 01, 2021

I released an intro to my Reedsycast if you want to read it.


Sure! I'll head on over there! :D


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Dhwani Jain
05:48 Aug 31, 2021

How are you, Bella? I know we had some 'miscommunication' at the doc, but I hope all's well now?


I'm great! School has just started, and I have a lot of homework and studying to do, so yeah. How are you?


Dhwani Jain
04:32 Sep 01, 2021

Noice.... I am great too!


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Angel {Readsy}
03:45 Aug 30, 2021

It was frightening for me, anyhow magnificent story


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Annalisa D.
17:47 Aug 28, 2021

Nice story. I really enjoyed it and the relationship they had. I've always loved playing in the rain and puddles so I liked your opening. Very moving story.


thanks! I think this is one of my best stories! I'm glad you enjoyed this. Thanks!!


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23:50 Aug 26, 2021

Good job


thanks Charlotte. :D -❀- 𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕒


William Brewer
19:43 Sep 11, 2021



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Kendall Defoe
23:37 Sep 20, 2021

This was quite beautiful. I think about the losses in my family and wonder if I have missed any special moments in my life... :)


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Unknown User
23:31 Sep 12, 2021

<removed by user>


Aww, thanks, I love Stitch. Also in the pic Stitch is drinking boba and I love boba! :D


Unknown User
02:12 Sep 13, 2021

<removed by user>


Unknown User
22:10 Sep 13, 2021

<removed by user>


lol, I know that's right!


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