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Fiction Suspense Thriller

I was headed back home from the beach. I had a four drive back and the weather was pouring with rain. I knew this ride was going to be tough. I had taken the back road in hopes to avoid heavy traffic. The back road was longer but quieter. Nothing more than trees and Deers.

I stopped at a gas station at the end of the road. I was leaving the town of Casper. I pulled up to the pump and got out to pay for gas. I went into the store and told the cashier that I needed twenty on one. I grabbed a bag a chip and a bottle of water for a light snack. I thought that I would also use the bathroom before I got back on the road.

I hated public restrooms, because it was used by anyone. I never sat down to use the toilet no matter what was going on. The toiletries are on the floor instead of the bin. The sinks were dirty, and they had no touchless vac. The old school hand towel that rolled down as you dry was it. I hurried up, washed my hands and dried them on my clothes.

I paid for my gas and snacks and walked out. The cashier wished me safe travels. I pumped my gas and left that was the last light I would see before I got home. I passed some beautiful houses as I left the town. I turned the music up and begin my journey home. I like to listen to the old school jams at night.

The back road was empty for miles and there was full moon. The animals were dodging through the woods. I was beginning to get agitated. I had been driving for an hour and I yet to come up on an intersection. I thought that was weird because even in rural areas you have caution signs. I continue to travel down the road with no service on my phone.

No towers for miles so no signal for my phone. I didn't want to stop because nothing looked ordinary. I was lost and my thoughts were wondering with crazy ideas. I am a person that love to watch horror films. What I didn't know is that I was about to endure my own. I came across a bridge that was over a pond.

This night was not how I planned. I figured I would take the back road to reduce traffic and cut drive time back to two and a half hours. The area begins to get darker and darker as I continued down the road. I looked at my watch and another hour had gone by. I should have been coming up on my exit home. Instead, my ride felt longer.

I open up my chips so that I can feed my brain. I needed to be able to think about where I was. I didn't turn of anywhere so I couldn't be off my directions. My music had stopped an hour ago, along with the phone and the navigation system in the car. "Man, where the heck was I"? I don't have a map and if I did, I wasn't about to stop.

I looked at my tank and saw that I had to get to a gas station soon. I didn't have one of those economy cars that was good on gas. I had a n old Chrysler that used gas heavily. I knew soon I needed to come up on a town. I needed to see civilization where folks would take trash out late. No houses, no pets and no cars, this was the something out of the twilight zone.

The rain was easing up and I was able to speed up a little. I thought that cruise control would help preserve my gas. I turn it on and prayed that I came up to a store or hotel. I can't believe fours from the beach turned into eight. I only hope that I was still in the state of North Carolina. The old history hear can be convincing to those that loves horror stories.

I would hear ghost stories about traveling on road thirty-nine. Road thirty- nine stretched for miles, and it could lead you anywhere. Was I on highway thirty-nine? I check to make sure my doors were locked. I also looked back to make sure none was in the backseat. I didn't want nothing jumping out or standing in the road in my destination.

I was getting ready to cry, and then suddenly a light appeared. I looked further up and saw that I was coming up on a streetlight. I got up closer and there were a couple of houses. I saw some cars and heard dogs barking. My spirit lit up, for I had come up on civilization. I actually came up to the edge of an intersection with signs.

The signs said, "Gas Station," up the road one mile ahead. I sped up to hurry up and get to the gas station. It was going on five am and I was tired. The drive was past my destination, and I had no idea why. My navigation system came back on along with my phone. Relieve I had service now, so I was back in business.

I didn't care about getting home at the moment. I just wanted to be able to close my eyes for a few hours. Sleep is what I wanted, and I was willing to stay with a stranger. I begin to see cars pull out from the store. The driver stared at me with a smile and nodded his head. I sped up to the pumped and sighed with relief. I may not have been home, but I was somewhere.

I turn into the gas station with a crazed look on my face. I pulled up to the pump only to see that I had ended back at the gas station that I originated from. What was going on? Where have time went? Was this road real at all? I had heard stories about traveling on a road that leads to nowhere. I think I had just journeyed my own horror. I went back into the store and looked at the cashier and said, " I need twenty on one".

May 06, 2024 01:52

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Dragon The Poet
00:10 May 15, 2024

Omg!! MC ended up back at the gas station, what a twist!!


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