Drama LGBTQ+ Romance

“Hey Todd. Where’s mommy?” I ask our seven-year-old son.

“Mommy Amy?”

“Yes, baby.”

“She’s outside. Still reading her big book.”

“Can you ask her to come here for a minute?”

“Okay mommy.”

That child is a blessing in my life. His father left us a long time ago. It was just Todd and I. For almost four years of his life. 

Until I met Amy. 

At the time, my son was almost turning five. Amy’s been an immeasurable addition to our family. I couldn’t help proposing right after only four months of dating her. 

Typical queer culture. 

We’re the perfect definition of U-Haul lesbians. I’m not complaining. I love having Amy in my house. 


“Hey baby, you called?”

“Yeah, babe. I thought Todd forgot and went outside to play.”

“Ha-ha. You know we’ve raised him better than that. Did you need anything? I’m in the middle of a huge drama in the book I’ve been reading.”

“Oh. I hope I didn’t distract you,” I tell her. “I just wanted to know why there’s so much noise on the other end. How are you reading with all that commotion?”

“Nah. You’re always a good distraction,” Amy responds. “I think there’s a new neighbour finally moving into the vacant house. My headphones have been muffling the noise just fine.”

“Oh. Do you think it’s another couple moving in? I still don’t understand how Richard and Maxine disappeared just like that.”

“Shawn, almost four months later and we’re still talking about Richard and his girlfriend? Seriously? I thought we agreed that Josh and his wife have been good to us.”

“Chill, baby. I’m just curious. We need new neighbours to wine and dine with. That’s all. We promised to always keep our spark even after marriage.”

“I get it, Shawn. Isn’t that one of the reasons we keep finding ourselves at the swingers’ club?”

“Yeah. But we haven’t been there in a long time. I’d never want to feel like I’m cheating on Josh and Betty. They’re more than just friends to us, you know…”

“Fine. Maybe we could carry some wine over to the house later tonight? I mean, we are both curious about the new neighbour.”

“That would be the perfect housewarming gift.”

“Do you think we should go and make small talk first? It’d honestly be awkward to just show up with wine just like that. I, too, wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of such a gesture.”

“I’m still reading my book. Maybe you could go see? Take a break from writing.”

“Okay. Red or white wine?”

“White. We don’t know who they are. At least, not yet.”

“Ha-ha. Everyday you remind me why marrying you was the best decision ever,” I tell Amy. “Let me head over there. I’ll be right back.”


I’m all alone now. Right next to our neighbour’s doorstep. Amy’s book couldn’t just wait? 

As I stretch my hand to knock on the door, it suddenly flies open. A petite woman, maybe in her mid-30s, is staring at me. 

“Hi… are you....”

“Lost? No… he-he. I live right across the street. Just wanted to make acquaintance if you don’t mind?”

“Oh! My apologies…”

“No need to apologize. I’m Shawn. And you are?”


“Makayla? How To Get Away with Murder? Like Annalise’s Makayla?”

“Ha-ha. Yes. Nice to meet you, Shawn. Do you live alone, too?”

“No… my wife and Todd, our seven-year-old, son are back in the house,” I answer, while helping her move some of the boxes. 

“Thank you, Shawn.”

“Maybe my wife and I could meet you tonight? We’ll bring a bottle. Only if it’s fine with you.”

“Of course. I could use the company. You’re welcome. 7 p.m.?”


“Looking forward to it!”


“We’re having dinner with our new neighbour tonight, baby.”

“That was so fast! So…? Who did you meet?” she asks, enthused to the core. 

“Just one woman, by the way. She seems single. Didn’t mention anything about a partner when we talked about you.”

“Me? What about me?”

“Yeah. She asked if I live alone. You came up. Plus, you know I show you off any chance I get.” 

“Hm. Okay. Can’t wait to meet her. What’s her name?”

“Makayla,” I tell her. “So, are we still going with the white?”

“I don’t know. Now that you’re not estranged to her vibe, what’d you think would work?”

“Let’s just carry both bottles.”


Dressed in black sweatpants and warm hoodies, Amy and I make our way to Makayla’s house. 

It’s 6:45p.m. Even earlier than scheduled. 

I just don’t like getting late. What first impression would I be making by deliberately reaching Makayla’s past 7p.m? 

Everyone knows that it’s only the early bird that always catches the worm. 

I press on the doorbell. “Ding dong.”

“Damn. I hope this is not awkward. Let’s thank the Universe for wine - just in case anything goes south.”

“Stop it with the negativity, Amy.”

In the midst of calling my wife out, Makayla opens the door and the wide smile on her face reassures me. 

She didn’t really feel like a stranger. Still doesn’t. 

“It’s going to be a good night. It’s going to be a good night,” I soliloquy, attempting to counter Amy’s negative vibrations. 

“What a pleasant surprise! Shawn’s wife, right?”

“Yes. I’m Amy. Makayla, right?”

“Absolutely right,” she states. “Make yourselves comfortable.”

I pass both bottles to her, and remove my sandals, ready to enter the house. “Thank you, Shawn!”

“You’re welcome. We couldn’t choose between the red or wine.”

“Ha-ha. Don’t beat yourself up. I’m just intrigued by the warm welcome from my neighbours. You two are extremely generous.”

“No… it’s nothing. Don’t thank us,” Amy responds. “The wine is our housewarming gift to you.” 

“You know what? I’ll pour us some. Red or white?” Makayla asks. 

“Surprise us,” I playfully answer.

Makayla intentionally brushes off my awkward comment, and directs her question to my wife instead. “What would you like, Amy?”

“White. Red for Shawn.”

Amy text notification beeps on my phone. “What the fuck was that? Are you flirting with her?” 

The more I ignore my wife’s text, the more agitated she becomes. It’s all in her body language. 

“So… how long have you two been together?” Makayla asks, placing the wine glasses on the table. 

Thank God. 

“About three years now.”

“Oh wow. Shawn mentioned that you have a son too? Tom...?”

“Todd. He’s seven.” 

“... am I allowed to ask who the biological mom is?” 

“Well, what do you think?”

“It could be either of you. I’m not stereotypical.”

“Hm. We like you already. Most people always assume that Amy’s his mother. They cannot fathom that a masculine woman, too, is capable of conceiving a child.”

“... but we are both his moms. We don’t keep any reminders about Shawn being his biological parent,” Amy says. 

“Wow. I don’t think I’ll ever have a family like yours.”


“Ha-ha. I just have bad luck with men.”

“Have you tried women?” I ask her. 

“The women I want are never available. And I’m no homewrecker.”

“Maybe you’re just looking in all the wrong places,” Amy tells her. 

“Ha-ha. Maybe. I’m single and not searching. I’ll leave the lovey-dovey to you and Shawn.”

“You’re great company, Makayla. Can’t wait to do this again. Call it a night now?” I voice. “Amy has a long day tomorrow. I’m working from home.”

“No worries. It was great spending time with you. The neighbourhood doesn’t even feel new anymore. Thank you for being so kind.”

“It’s our pleasure…”

“You should put both your numbers in my phone,” Makayla suggests.

“Sure. Here you go. Amy 4673992655, Shawn 7440028111.

“Thank you. A good night to both of you.”

“Good night, Makayla.”


Amy’s getting ready to run errands today. “How was last night for you, Shawn?”

“Good. The evening was fun.”

“Right? We should hang out with her more often.”

“Not if you’ll keep flirting with her.”

“Flirting? Amy, I would never…” I tell her. “It just slipped. You know, the heat of the moment?”

“No. I don’t know. I felt like you let the wine get the better of you - again. I thought we talked about this.”

“I’m sorry baby.”

“It’s fine. Let me head out. Betty’s coming over later in the afternoon. Josh is on holiday,” my wife reminds me. 

“Perfect. I’ll text you when she gets here.”

“Be good. Don’t fuck her until I come back, Shawn.”

“I won’t, my love. We can’t keep swinging if you don’t trust me. Remember we promised each other that it’d never interfere with our relationship?”


It’s been our fetish even before we got married. 

I’ve just never done it in Amy’s absence. Neither has she. The last time she caught me cheating, she threatened to leave. 

I’ve been a good partner ever since. I wouldn’t let anyone come between us. 

Especially not Betty. 

Despite being attached to her and Josh, they are nothing more than just sex toys to us. 

When we decided to start swinging, it wasn’t easy. We both get extremely jealous. It was a fight for the first few months. But, after realizing that it was something we both wanted, we came to a compromise. 


“Hey. Amy and I have missed you,” I confess, ushering Betty into the house. 

“Babe, she’s here.”

“I’ll be back soon. Just get comfortable,” she texts back. 

“Ten minutes tops. She’ll be right back,” I utter, informing Betty of my wife’s whereabouts. “Wine, juice or beer?”

“Wine… why do you ask such obvious questions, Shawn?”

“Ha-ha. Wine it is. I just assumed you’d like to try out something different now that Josh isn’t here.” I clarify. “You only take beer when he’s around.”

“Oh. Ha-ha. Can we let my husband enjoy his trip in peace?”

“Work trip?”

“Yes, Shawn. Work trip. I don’t know what you’re on today. If it’s the wine you’re about to serve me…”

Filled to the brim, I pass the wine glass to Betty. “Ha-ha. Nah. I smoked a marijuana cigarette earlier. That’s all.”


“I just saw another woman entering your house,” my wife forwards a text to me, 

“Is that text for me, baby?”

“Yeah. Makayla just sent it to me.”

“Lol! She probably saw Betty come in. Oh… she thinks you’re at work.”

“Yeah. She’s not even known us for three days yet.”

“She actually thinks I’m cheating on you.”

“And we should let her keep thinking that. We can’t let anyone find out about the swingers’ club. I’m almost home,” Amy concludes her text message. 

October 21, 2020 07:34

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