

A great darkness engulfed the entire world. People, great and small, sheltered in their rooms with doors that were tightly shut. Nobody dared to go past their front doors. Malls, parks, libraries, religious organizations and other places closed down to the public until further notice. Restaurants offered take-out meals only. Most businesses devised ways for their employees to work from home using the internet remotely. Everybody was told to keep six feet from each other. Social distancing and washing hands became a way of life. All social group activities were ceased. All urban cities became desolate ghost towns in a matter of weeks.

Marissa’s junior high school declared that there would be at least a four month closure. This delighted Marissa beyond measure. It was a stroke of luck because the very next day the teacher scheduled a huge test that Marissa conveniently forgot to study for the night before. Instead, she partied with friends at her neighbor’s house.

For the first several days, Marissa was in seventh heaven. She slept to all hours in the morning because she watched television to all hours of the night. Every day was pajama day. Her parents were home with her all the time. The only caveat was that they were glued to their work computers which enabled her to do whatever she pleased during the day. Her favorite activity was to chase the two cats all through the house much to her parents’ chagrin.

This unbridled freedom became old too fast. Marissa missed her friends. She spoke to her them on a daily basis on her parents’ land line. Sunny days of spring that were in full bloom beckoned Marissa to go on grand adventures with her clique. After all, wasn’t this the start of an extended summer vacation?

Yet, the black darkness persisted to have a stranglehold on the world for quite some time. Her parents set strict rules. Nobody in and nobody out. Everybody’s parents had similar boundaries. Most of all, Marissa wanted to go an escapade. Suddenly, Marissa felt like she was locked in a prison with no means of escape and the ever growing darkness of night just made things worst. At bedtime, Marissa cried herself to sleep.

In the deep, dark hours of that night, a phone ringing woke her up. Wiping the sleep from her face, she listened intently. It seemed to be coming from under her bed. She peered through the dust bunnies at this glowing device that was now playing Christmas carols. Much to her surprise, this mysterious thing was a state of the art electronic tablet with a special button. Once in her hand, there was an angelic face smiling serenely at her on the screen.

“Hello, Marissa,” said the electronic gadget. “My name is Wanda. I am your ticket into the great unknown.”

Marissa screamed and hid under the thick covers with her favorite teddy bear for protection.

“Don’t be afraid. I mean you no harm,” Wanda said reassuringly.

Marissa peeked out from her hiding place and cautiously picked up Wanda the tablet. Wanda’s screen showed her all fascinating places that this great planet has to offer humanity. There was the bottom of the deep blue ocean that was teeming with fish. Photos of hiking the tallest, snow capped mountain came into view. Cattle grazing on soft rolling hills came on to the screen. Cultures throughout the globe passed by her eyes. Great cities delighted her. Recent past historical events were within her reach. Anything and everything this world had to offer Marissa was laid at her feet. Marissa was mesmerized with all the unique locations.

“If you could pick one spot on this earth to visit for a couple of hours, where would you go?” Wanda questioned. “Since you are with me, you will be fully protected and you will return safe and sound before dawn. Money and transportation are no obstacles, either.” Marissa eyes were as wide as saucers.

“The Magic Kingdom at Disney World in Orlando, Florida,” Marissa said enthusiastically. “When can we go? When can we go?”

“As soon as you get some clothes on,” answered Wanda.

Within moments, Marissa was eagerly seated on the edge of the bed with Wanda the tablet in her hand.

In a matter of seconds, Wanda had Cinderella’s Castle on her screen. Marissa pushed the special button. Immediately, the tablet became as tall as a door. Marissa stepped through the screen as Wanda turned herself inside out to follow.

They stepped into the center of Cinderella’s Castle because it was the heart of the Magic Kingdom. As fate would have it, Marissa and Wanda had the place all to themselves. There was a beautiful mosaic of the Prince placing the glass shoe on Cinderella’s foot. The delectable aromas of King Stefan’s banquet hall filled the room. For Marissa, it was a dream that came true.

“Grab me, tightly. First stop: It Is A Small World ride in Fantasyland,” Wanda said.

Instantly, this duo was seated on the next boat to visit all the children of the world in their various countries. Love, peace and harmony were the prevailing themes. Marissa thought the adults of this world can take cues from all of these kids.

After Marissa and Wanda disembarked, “Let me try,” Marissa cried. “I want to go to the Pirates of the Caribbean in Adventureland”. Magically, they found themselves in the first car. Out of all the pirates’ vignettes, Marissa’s favorite scene was the singing pirate skeleton sitting on a gigantic pile of gold doubloons.

The mere thought of Frontierland, landed this duo at the Country Bears’ Jamboree. Marissa became so into the country music that she began dancing in the vacant aisles. She was so good that the animated bears gave her a round of applause.

Wanda suggested that Space Mountain in Tomorrowland would be the last ride of this grand adventure. Her power ran low and there was no charger available.  The roller coaster in the dark left Marissa screaming at the top of her lungs. Her body was jerked right and left in the car. She held onto Wanda for dear life. Finally, the ride stopped and Marissa was ready to return home.

While sitting on a park bench, Marissa sipped a cold bottle of water. In the meantime, Wanda found Marissa’s home on the internet. She pushed the special button and Wanda’s screen grew as large as a door. Marissa stepped back through the door. Afterwards, Wanda turned herself inside out and followed Marissa.

Back in her familiar room, Marissa put Wanda the tablet on the charger. She slipped into her comfortable bed with her worn teddy bear. Both, Marissa and Wanda slept soundly until the alarm clock hailed the start of a brand new day.



May 29, 2020 20:55

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