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Drama Sad

It had been twenty four years since she’d last seen it, but the place looked exactly the same. The place she loved so dearly, but also hated with a passion. She met her best friend there. She was her everything. She also had some horrible memories of this place that haunted her to this day. She was abused and assaulted, but it was all worth it to see her best friend smile everyday she was there. She protected her with everything she had no matter the cost.


“Josey! Hey guess what I got.” She ran up to her with her hands behind her back

“Come on Taylor what is it? You know I'm bad at guessing games.” Josey said with anticipation really wanting to know what she had this time. Taylor would always bring things to show Josey. That was the best part of the day to the both of them.

“Ok! Ok! Fine i’ll tell you……” She paused for a few seconds before pulling out a candy bar,” Chocolate!” She whisper-screamed. Josey’s eyes widened as the fear built up in her chest. They weren’t allowed to have candy or any type of sweets in the orphanage; Taylor knew that,but brought it anyway. They would get in deep trouble if Director Jackson saw this. 

Her thoughts were interrupted by a tall male with dark hair, walking up to them. Her heart stopped and so did her breathing. “Taylor!” He said sternly,”What is that in your hands.” Taylor started to sweat as she got nervous. She turned around and showed a smile; you can tell it was a fake one full of fear. “Um…” The words got stuck in her throat. She knew if she lied she would get in big trouble and the punishment would be worse than if she told the truth. “It’s mine. I had it and gave it to her. I know that we aren’t supposed to have candy, but I snuck it in anyway.” Said Josey. She couldn’t, she wouldn’t allow her best friend to be tortured by this sick man. She would rather be tortured herself. “Is this true Taylor?” He didn’t believe her, but if both of them said it he would have no choice but to believe them. Josey looked at Taylor with a pleading look to just say it was true. “Yes, yes it’s true.” Taylor sighed in defeat. They both knew what would happen. “Come with me Josey.” She just compiled without complaint.

End of Flashback.

She walked in the building with a false smile stuck on her face. As soon as she got through the double doors, she was immediately attacked by little bodies hugging on her legs. “Hey kiddos! How are you!” She said with a real smile on her face this time. She loved kids and they made her happy. “Aunty Josey! Did you bring anything for us today?” said one of the kids. Before she could answer she saw one little body sitting over under the tree. The closer she looked, the more she could see the frightened look on the little one’s face. She knew that look all too well.


He threw her on the bed as he stripped his clothes off. “You’ve been such a bad girl~” He said. She almost gagged right then and there. She hated this, but what could she do; In her mind she was just a useless orphan. It was obvious once her own parents threw her away. He began to kiss down her neck as he pulled her pants off. “Please don’t do this.” She begged. This wasn’t the first time, but she really didn’t want this. At first she thought maybe the first two times were the last times. She took the pain for her best friend, her only friend. “Don’t do what? You’re the one who wants this. Or maybe I can go get your little friend instead~” Those words made a chill go down her spine. She wouldn’t allow him to hurt Taylor and he knew this. “No please don’t!” She said quickly. “That’s what I Thought. Now shut up and take your clothes off.” He removed himself from on top of her and watched as she slowly moved from off the bed and took her clothes off.  She striped until she was left in her underwear. She was only 7 at the time and fairly mature. She didn’t talk like a little kid would. She was forced to face womanhood at a young age all because a man couldn’t find a grown woman to love. Instead he found an innocent little girl and corrupted her.

End of flashback.

“Hold on kiddos! I’ll be back.” Said Josey as she walked towards the little girl sitting under the tree. “Hey, you must be new here-” She was caught off guard as the little girl moved back in fear. The smile on Josey’s face quickly faded as she examined the little girl's body. She looked about 9 years old. She had bruises on her neck. Her clothes were ruffled. Her face had a hand mark on it. She had scratch marks on her arms and more. Josey gave her a sympathetic look. “Hey… Can you tell me what your name is?” She said softly. The girl looked obviously terrified to speak. “I’m C-Cassidy.” The little girl stuttered. Just as Josey was about to ask her what happened she heard a voice she knew all too well. “Excuse me, who are you? Why are you here talking to my kids?” The man said sternly. She froze for a second. Everything that man had done to her came rushing through her head. Even so, she kept her composure and stood up facing the old man. “Hello, Director Jackson! How are you?” She said, pretending to be so surprised to see him. “Umm, who are you?” He asked.  She was shocked. He couldn’t remember the person he sexually abused from the age of 7 up until she was adopted at 11. She just stayed calm and simply said, “You don’t remember? Im Josey! Josey Sims. Well my last name got changed when I was adopted from the center so I’m Josey Carter now but not the point. Remember? I’m the only one that was in the orphanage with Orange-Red hair!” She knew he would remember her hair. That was something he loved about her. The color drained from his face as he now realized who she was. Her smile turned into an angered look. He began to sweat and his throat dried up. “What’s wrong Director Jackson? Are you feeling good?” She asked, emphasizing the last question. “Im fine, I just didn’t recognize you. I'm sorry” He said. “Look at you, how long has it been? 20 years?” He smiled. That smile was so nauseating. He made people believe that he was a loving person. Behind that smile was a hungry demon. “24 years to be exact. Could you tell me what happened to little Ms.Cassidy here?” She knew the answer already, but she wanted to see his reaction. He stayed quiet for a few seconds before saying,”I don’t know, is she okay?” He couldn’t fool her no matter what he tried. She just laughed. Laughed because he thought she was dumb. Laughed because she knew exactly what was going on. Laughed to hide the fact that she was still terrified of this man. Laughed because this little girl has to go through what she went through. She wasn’t laughing because it was funny or for amusement she is laughing to hide her fear, her sadness, her pity for the little girl, her hurt that she couldn’t do anything about it. At this instant an idea popped up in her head. She could do something. Something the younger her was too afraid to do. “Is there something funny Ms. Josey?” He asked as if he was just an old, innocent, man. “Can i talk to you in your office?” Josey asked. He just nodded and led her to the back of the building, where his office is. It was a smaller building behind the huge one where the kids stayed in. Once they got inside and sat down; she got straight to the point. “I’m not about to act friendly with you knowing what you did to me and to the little girl outside.” She stated. He gulped, afraid of what was going to happen. She smirked, feeling in control of the situation. She then looked towards the gasoline in the back of the room. “Hey Director Jackson, you remember Taylor?” She asked, getting up and walking towards the can of gasoline. Director Jackson managed to get out a, “Yes” Josey picked up the gasoline bottle and walked back over to her seat. “ I heard she died before she got adopted. Why is that? She couldn’t have just died out of the blue and for no reason.” Truth was Taylor killed herself at the age of 13. They said she had strange bruises on her. They couldn’t figure out what they were. They just assumed it was because of the fall from the roof or just from being a kid playing outdoors. Josey pulled out a pair of matches playing with the stick part. “Director, I’m talking to you!” she said more intensely. “S-she jumped off the building and killed herself.” He stuttered out. She just laughed, and laughed, and laughed. She then poured some of the gasoline on him. “She just did it without reason?” She asked. He thought this answer would depend if he lived or not so he told the half truth. “No! No, I had sex with her!” he said on the verge of tears. In this moment he now regretted everything he did in life. He regretted everything he did to this woman when she was a little girl. Who knew she would come back to haunt him. She wouldn’t really do it. She’s just angry, he thought. “Had sex with her?” She then poured more gasoline on his desk and floor. “I-I raped her! Raped her!” He corrected himself. A smile appeared on her face as she finally got the answer she wanted. She’s a complete psychopath, he thought. She continued to pour the gasoline all the way to the door. He got up and ran to the door, but stopped and fell once she threw the gasoline at his face, getting it in his eyes. She just laughed as she was finally getting her revenge for herself, for her best friend, for Cassidy, and for any other little girls he has assaulted over the years. “Goodbye, you sick bastard” She said gritting her teeth. She then lit the match and let it fall on the ground causing the whole little building to catch on fire. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. The tears poured out. They weren’t tears of sadness. They weren’t tears of anger. They were tears of genuine,pure, satisfaction. She got her sweet revenge for everyone…...and to her, that was all that mattered.

November 17, 2020 03:46

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1 comment

Faith Foster
06:30 Nov 27, 2020

Hello, Justice. I liked your story. It was difficult to read because of the subject matter, but it is an important matter to speak about. I think you used just the right amount of description to make us feel uncomfortable and disgusted, without exposing us to too much detail. I really liked the line 'The place she loved so dearly, but also hated with a passion.' But, if you don't mind me making a few suggestions, I think you could have let the first paragraph end after the sentence 'She was her everything,' because the rest is explain...


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