Fiction Drama Funny

This story contains sensitive content

*** Adult situations, Mature language ***

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To Whom it May Concern:

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they need to take a step back and ask themselves, am I living my best life? Am I seeing life as it really is, or am I seeing it as I wish it to be? 

Let me ask, are you the trusting type? When you buy eggs at the market, do you place the carton of eggs in your shopping cart without checking them first for cracks? For the price you’re paying for those eggs, would you run the risk of purchasing a bad one? Just how much do you live on the faith and belief that all is as it appears?  

And then I suggest that you ask yourself this: 

What would happen if I dug beneath the surface of my life? What might I find there? Am I brave enough to seek truth, or am I content with what’s laid out before me? 

Oh, and we know what that is. Husband, 2.5 children, golden retriever, Cape Cod bungalow perfect for a new family, complete with white picket fence, everything you ever dreamed of. 

Well, is it? Everything, I mean? 

I might suggest one more thing: The worst of the rotten eggs are the ones that are bad on the inside, and you know it the second you crack one open. 

I’m just sayin’.

*  *  *

Hey babe,

I can’t believe we have to resort to passing notes like we were kids, but Hailey got this anonymous letter from somebody, I don’t know who. It’s full of innuendo and I can’t risk using my cell to call or text you. We just need to lay low a little while.

What gets me is Hailey hasn’t confronted me. I found this letter open on the kitchen counter just waiting for me to find. I’m not sure what she’s up to but I need to tread carefully here. Should I go on pretending I didn’t see it? Thank God the kids aren’t old enough to read. 

Please think, who might know about us? And who would resort to getting my wife involved? You know I have children to think about, and you have your own concerns. I said I would always look out for you, and I will. 

In the meantime, until I can figure this out, I’m seriously wrapped up in damage control on the home front.  I can’t stand being away from you, you have to know that. I miss everything about you, the way you look, the way you taste, the way you – I have to stop. I’m dying here.

Be patient, lovely. We need to stick together and ride this out. Believe me when I tell you being away from you is my hell on earth.

We’ll get through this.

(I can still taste you when I close my eyes)


* * *

To Whom it May Concern:

I imagine you find it irritating that I don’t refer to you by name; after all, I know who you are. 

Do you know who am I? You’d be amazed by the number of people who are paying attention when you don’t think they are. Things can be happening right in front of you and, still, you can miss it. And I’m not talking about a crack in a carton of eggs.

More importantly, who is the man you live with, really?  Or who does he think he is? Who do you think he is?  Back to the original question . . .

More questions than answers, wouldn't you agree? 

I'm just sayin’.

*  *  *

Ginger, love –

Before I start, let me stress to you just how much it pains me to stay away from you. There are times I don’t believe I can stand it another moment. I want to scream and unleash the madman I am when I’m with you. 

We are nearing crisis mode here. My wife received a second letter and left it out for me to see, just like the other.  She still hasn’t said anything to me directly and I don’t let on that I’ve read them. The whole thing is suffocating.  Trying to act natural in front of the children is torture. I never know what Hailey is really thinking. I wonder what kind of game she’s playing. These letters go to her, she’s read them, she must have suspicions. So, why go about it like this?  Dangling hints and innuendo and –

I’m sorry, darling. I don’t mean to burden you with my issues. I just need you to know that I can and will withstand anything to be with you, come hell or high water. If it weren’t for the kids – well, we’ve been through this. You understand me like no one ever has.       

Now, this is what we need to do to end this emotional blackmail, once and for all.  We must find out who is sending these letters. Think, my darling, and I will do the same. We must know this person, and of course, they us. 

Duh. Yes, well, I lose my mind a little more each day I’m not with you.

Who could it be?


*  *  *

To Whom -- oh, never mind. This letter is from the children. Of course, they didn’t write it themselves but, trust me, if they could, this is what they would say:

Dear Mommy,

We are afraid Daddy is going to leave us. We thought he would love us and take care of us forever, but now we don’t know. Daddy’s changed and we don’t think he wants to be our Daddy anymore.

Please, Mommy, make Daddy stay so we can be a family. We don’t want to be broken.


Foster and Millie

Just sayin’.

*  *  *

Dearest Ginger,

I have never felt such agony in the face of doing something that truly goes against my heart, and yet, I see no other way.

I have had an epiphany and I am ashamed to admit how much wrong I’ve done in the name of male ego and pride. It no longer matters to me the origin of this mysterious, anonymous correspondence.  If Hailey does know about us and ever chooses to talk about it, I want to be there. I’m a changed man and I know it’s good, and it's probably too much to hope you could be pleased for me, perhaps even a little proud?  Then I could leave you with some peace of mind. But, either way, I must leave.

I hope you can forgive me. This truly is the best way.

I wish you every happiness.


(Would it be too much to ask if you might toss these letters in some sort of incinerator? That would be sweet icing on the cake. C.)

*  *  *

Dear Hattie,

I keep hoping they'll give you your dang phone back. This pen-writing makes my arthritis flare up like devils on a hotplate. You’re worth it though, dear.  I have to share the news with you! 

You know that hussy tart I told you about that was trying to snag that idiot son of mine and steal him from the best thing that’s ever happened to the both of us? Well, she is officially out of the picture.  And Hailey, thankfully, never had to know a thing about it. I intend to keep it that way.

It was easier than I thought. Once junior gymnastics started, while Hailey was with the children and before Clarkson got home, I left a letter for Hailey (that she’d never see) and from my room over the garage, who knows the comings and goings better than yours truly? I just made sure Clarkson got the message. 

Of course, he was too afraid to touch the letters so it was a cinch getting them back. I should have been a secret agent, Hattie. I completely missed my calling! 

I just hope my stupid son isn’t dumb enough to disclose any of his sordid business or, worse, confess! I’ll need to figure out a subtle way to squash that bug. 

You know, since I moved in here -- Hailey’s idea; not my idiot son’s, mind you -- I enjoy all the time I like with my two little rascals, Foster and Millie. This is Heaven for me. 

Oh, and more big news! I’m going to be a grandmother for a third time! Hailey’s pregnant; another reason for Man of the Year to stick around. I almost blew my cover with the first letter, but the fool never even noticed. I’ll tell you about it some time. 

So, please give my regards to all my pals at Withering Lows Nursing Home, Hattie. I hope to see you on the outside!

It really is great the way things work out sometimes, isn't it? I’m just sayin’.

Love, Your Pal,


*  *  *


My momma raised a good girl so I am not going to stoop to the same low level as a man who cheats on his wife while she’s PREGNANT, and address you by any of the salutations I originally had in mind. To be honest, I couldn’t decide between scum-of-the-earth, spineless bastard or lying, cheating pig. 

I’ve changed my mind. Let’s go with all three.

Well, lover – and picture the word dripping in poison as I write it – turns out your wife's not the only one getting letters from an unknown source.  I got a special one containing the results of your wife’s latest doctor's appointment.

Congratulations, asshole. 

I never met you, I don’t know you, I never knew you, I erase you. You are unfriended, banished and deleted from my life and my memory. Never speak my name. Do not acknowledge me under any circumstance. Do not think of me, ever. If your lunatic wife ever confronts you with anything, make something up. That seems to be a specialty of yours.

(Burn this after you read it, will you, stud? I like my icing, too. F.U.)

*  *  *

Dear Hattie,

I hope you’re sitting down, dear, for what I have to tell you! It’s twins! Both girls!  I'm bursting! Their names are Holly and, pay attention now, Lolly!  Can you believe it? 

Mom and babies are well. Foster and Millie are a handful. Clarkson’s so busy, he doesn’t know what hit him. He’s come to realize they’re going to need all the help they can get around here, and they're lucky to have me.  It’s utter bliss. 

As a matter of fact, I have to go. Diaper duty.

I guess there really does come a time in everyone’s life.

Sending hugs and regards to my nursing homies! Hope to see you all on the outside.

Love, Your Pal,


PS. I'm just sayin’.

(Face it, you wouldn't know it was me if I didn't say it. LOL)

August 21, 2023 19:15

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Tom Skye
19:32 Aug 30, 2023

This was great. The first letter to get the ball rolling was intriguingly ambiguous, but after that the story unraveled beautifully. It was riveting right through. Amazing work


Susan Catucci
16:43 Aug 31, 2023

Thank you, Tom. That's wonderful feedback to hear - I'm grateful you read and enjoyed the story. As much fun to write as it is to read, in this case. Happy you liked it. :)


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Karen Corr
20:27 Aug 26, 2023

The old classic of the grandma did it! She sounds strangely like my mother-in-law. (Ha ha!) Enjoyed it!


Susan Catucci
20:45 Aug 26, 2023

I'm glad you enjoyed the read, Karen. These little pieces were great fun fitting together. I think we can all imagine there's a few Lolly's out there, willing to take time out of their days to do the right thing. Thanks so much for the kind words! :)


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Mary Bendickson
09:19 Aug 23, 2023

Revealing series of letters. So clever.


Susan Catucci
13:00 Aug 23, 2023

Cautionary tale, Mary - you never know who's paying attention. :) And who doesn't love a gutsy lady?


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Delbert Griffith
10:44 Aug 22, 2023

I see you made some additions to the tale. For the better, I believe. When I re-read your tale this morning, I was very impressed with the structure and the resolution. To say that this is a sparkling, creative tale would be an understatement. It fairly sings with vibrancy. I love the grandmother! She's a hoot! And you know, I think there might be a story or two of her exploits in the retirement home. A prequel is in the offing, I hope. Another stellar piece by Susan Catucci. Beautifully done, my good friend. Cheers!


Susan Catucci
12:36 Aug 22, 2023

Lovely way to begin the day, Del! I thought this made more sense - once I took the "bet" out of the mix, it came together quickly. (thank you for that) I'm so glad you liked Lolly - the world needs to take these gutsy ladies seriously and watch out. Is there nothing they cannot do? A thousand thanks, Del - you're the best friend a writing instrument ever had. :D


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Lily Finch
03:49 Aug 22, 2023

Very clever story. I loved it. I surmised that something like this would happen. I liked the all-in to the all-out stage. It didn't take long. LF6


Susan Catucci
12:40 Aug 22, 2023

When the writing's on the wall - or, in this case, staring you in the face, I imagine the options begin to dissipate pretty quickly. I admit it's great fun to make the bad egg squirm. :) So happy you liked it, Lily!


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Unknown User
15:33 Aug 31, 2023

<removed by user>


Susan Catucci
16:40 Aug 31, 2023

Thanks so much, Joe. It was great fun fitting these pieces together. I knew I wanted to begin with a ransom note of sorts and it all seemed to sprout and grow from that. Your high praise means a lot!


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