Submitted to: Contest #50

chase for the future

Written in response to: "Write a story told entirely through one chase scene."


Sprinting through the dark alley way, chest beating roughly beneath my flannelette shirt, billowing in the wind it wraps my chest tightly, feet pounding against the ground, as I dodge people and dash into the distance, bellowing voices as approaching feet carry me to run faster.

“you can't run from us” they bellow suddenly a new voice occurs, “Aurora please”, I couldn’t handle it, I screamed. “you never really cared and I kept believing that you were good you killed her, you did it”, I was so confused as I kept running I couldn’t stop other wise they would catch me, “ you need to stop I never made you do anything either” I scream back at him, “ no you stole something from me and I want us to resolve this chase so you don’t have to return it, this is arrogant Aurora you cant keep running forever”, “ I let my mouth drop slightly but kept my feet pounding on, “what did I ever steal from you”, I really was racking my brain, “ you probably think I’m a betrayer and this sounds stupid or cliché but you really stole my heart”, tears start melting down my face I stammer I didn’t know ether to yell or break down all I knew was I couldn’t stop.

Sirens elapse in my ears as I become delusional, I keep staggering on and sprint past the rows of flickering lights and shopfronts into the never ending valleys, cliffs on either size of the island, I wanted to collapse exhaustion overwhelms my body as pressure throbs through my feet, and the gentle bob of my hair against my back continues as I keep running on, “STOP” I ignored the voice behind me “ please I wish that I was good enough, hold me, STOP, please, I can hold, you, forever, keep you”, the sound of that voice confuses my head as thoughts elapse in my eyes I keep running. Memories flash in an out of my daze, unfocused vision, the sirens elapse in my ears as I continue to ponder, why was her here, suddenly the cliff arises Infront of me and I slow down.

 I look at him teary eyed as I lean my feet gentle over the edge.” I slightly slur,” I will keep running until all this stops, “ well at least let me come please” his hand raised out to me, I was slowly walking backwards towards the cliff, I had never seen him cry but tears were now streaming down his face, but unlike a thunderstorm there was no anger in the lighting no fury in the rumbling thunder just rain. Slowly drizzling sad, hopeful that a sun would shine through.

 I shake my head, “you can’t die as well, I hesitate but my last action before I see his glistening eyes was a slight wink twisting through the air as my hair swirls in the wind. I jump.

“nooooo” comes a scream from above hesitantly I murmur “no”

Suddenly hands grasp my chest and a warm hug embraces me I let my feelings overtake as I let him embrace me, there was no getting rid of him now. “ even if we die they wont stop chasing you “ he whispers in my ear dimly “ we fake it then” I whisper back as I grasp his hands and we plummet closer to the water, “ he slowly pulls me closer as we slowly daze in and out of focus,” if you ever do die, I killed her yes and here take this he passed me a note wrapped in cling film, I grasp his hands as he yells, “I love you” it echoes around the abyss out of his top he slowly pulls the chain that lay hanging around his dirty neck out, I pull mine from under my coat as we give each other a small smirk.

Chopper blades are heard from ahead as the water cascades over our head, hand clenched tightly around each other’s we arise to the surface as police point their guns at the water and choppers hover above, hums of radios come from the police. As we slowly get across the cove from the cliff face below it loomed shadows casting overlooking faces, I shiver as he hauls me on the rough bank police notice us and gun shots bang through the atmosphere, we keep running wet feet slowly traipsing through the rough caverns, we find shelter but we cant stop, we knew the caves around here like the backs of our hands, running along the small cliff paths wind whipping us like a prisinor in a jail. We were falling again this time at least not literally but for each other. My over coat soaked as the rim of my dress softly brushes the dense earth, hands grasped he askes me to open the note I stare blankly puzzled into those bright blue eyes, the despair I had seen earlier was gone but now I could sense the trust and love in him, I released my grip of his hand and slowly opened the note I peeled the cling film of, despite it being dunked in water it was surprisingly dry, I unravelled the scroll of paper as we slowed our pace and started to walk we knew the police couldn’t get down here quickly, the first line had already shocked me.

I peered at it and re read the entry.

Dear diary, I feel dead,

My eyes brim with tears as I read on. Its all my fault I shouldn’t of taken my anger out on her, yes she is dead, I said it was me to protect Aurora, I can’t stand to her hurt, I feel so contradicted, people see me as me as strong, but only you will know this after it happened I collapsed, both mentally and physically, trust me love can tear you to pieces and I really feel that if you love someone you should go for it, but I’m pressured by everyone else and something that I have never told anyone is that I’m abused, and now ramdi knows I feel something for Aurora, but really its more than something. Last night I cried my self to sleep knowing I can never have her as she was framed for the crime, I couldn’t have her if she was constantly running, and it really hurts that knowing you can never have the one thing you really want, I will tell the truth in this last line and this will always remain the same even if she killed me,

I love Aurora I just absolutely love her.

I collapse I tears on the ground we were alone and he replies, I shouldn’t of even tried I know you will never feel the same, I am just risking your life its easier to spot two people rather than one” he murmur I take his hand and tears rush down my face I gently lean in and kiss him I wrap my hands around his back as tears pour down both our faces, I pull away slowly, “I love you to” “ it’s the truth I couldn’t stand it anymore I had to tell him the poor guy, I would never know what he was going through or his true intentions if I wasn’t shown that, even all we had been through I just knew…

The chase wasn’t ever really over.

Posted Jul 17, 2020

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