Confusing Episodes

Submitted into Contest #14 in response to: Someone in the story has a lot of hard lessons to learn.... view prompt



Ellie's POV

I look at my reflection in the mirror. I pass my hand up my wrist to my shoulder feeling the old scar left behind. The scar began at the center of my left forearm and ended at the top of my shoulder. I try keeping my composure as my pale hands shake uncontrollably. Thoughts racing as they brought back voices that were sweet but painful. Screams... screams... The shakings back...

"You have your mother's eyes Ellie! Look you've got emeralds!"

"Don't ever let anyone ever tell you that your eyes aren't treasures. Got it?"

Every time I hear his voice… her voice… even if it holds a special meaning... it just ends up leaving an eerie feeling in my chest... like if someone slowly dragged their raggedy nails on a chalkboard…

I then jump to the sound of the door pounding.

"Ellie, everything okay in there?" the echo of Amelia’s voice was going through the bathroom.

"Yeah I'm fine! I'm just finishing up…"

I grab my long-sleeved black shirt and blue jeans then hopped in them.

"You can come in!" I yell as she walked in.

"Hey" she says as I sit on the edge of the bathtub. I hold my hands still to stop the persisting shaking.

"Hey" I wave as non-awkwardly as I could.

"Sorry this place isn't much." She says.

"No, it's totally fine, I like it."

"That’s good… I didn't like this stinking place... anything on your mind kiddo?" She asks.

"N-Not really." I say hesitantly.

"You know I know you right? You're different. You stumble on your words a lot now, you don't look too good, and your hands are shaking violently." She says emphasizing that last part. Probably because they’re shaking now. They’re shaking so bad now… Oh no what do I do? She pointed it out… I started feeling tears in my eyes..


"I hear them... all the time..." I say as I begin to sink to the floor.

"I just hear their amazing words followed by screams... not their screams, or my screams, just screams, maybe they are my own. I really can't tell anymore" Amelia walked to me welcoming me with a big hug and some warm tears on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Ellie. I should've been there."

"It's not your fault, it just hurts." She looks straight into my eyes.

"We're gonna fix this, okay? We're going to get to the bottom of all this, okay?"

"Mhm…" I nod, her sparkling brown eyes were filled with tears.

Five hours earlier

"Aki it's been 7 months since that night"

"What? But Kallen found me in the snow two days ago? How does that make sense?"

"Yeah he couldn't have been lying there for 7 mon-" Suddenly Akio flew out into the alleyway.

"Akio!" I yell.

Akio's POV

I gasp for air as my back hits the wall, I fall down to the floor only to quickly stand up.

"You're that Russian guy from before!" I say as he grabs me by my jacket pulling me up against the wall.

"Looks like I made the right choice coming back for you!" He throws me to the floor aggressively.

"You've seen my face!"

"You've also seen mine!" Says Amelia as she walks out.

"Yeah, let the face sink in once more." She says as he looks back.

"Ready Aki?" She says.

"Let's do this!"

We both run towards him as fast as we can. I throw a kick near his face only to miss. Amelia throws a fist near his gut as he blocks it. Then I throw several punches to his side landing enough to take away his breath. My hands felt like they were hitting cement. Man, what is this guy made of? Amelia then kicks him off his feet and grabs his head. She then pushes his head against the ground as he fell, she doesn’t let go of his head.

"Now, y'mind telling us who you are exactly?" Says Amelia as her grip tightened on the top of his head.

"I ain't tellin' you sh-" Ellie cut him off by kicking him in the gut.

"She asked you a question!" Says Ellie.

"Nice Logo on your back, you proud of it?" Said Amelia. A cross-bones with a skull, almost like a pirates Jolly Roger is found on the back of his jacket. Except this skull has a red bandana on it with some white patterns in it.

"Have you seen this before?" I ask.

"Yeah they call themselves Pirates, and not the good kind." Amelia says.

"The Red Scarf Pirates…" Said Ellie.

"Wait you know about this?" Says Amelia.

"Yes, I know, they're known for going through city hospitals and stripping them of their bags of blood. They have a thing for money too." Amelia walks over to Ellie gesturing me to watch the crook.

"That's not what I'm trying to touch on, how do you know about these people?" She asks with a demanding tone.

"Why? Are you going to treat me like a child now?"

"No! I'm going to keep you safe!"

"I'm 17 years old! I can take care of myself!"

"No, you can't Ellie! You're not the kind of Daywalker Aki is! You know this! Your body is closer to a human than his!"

"Alright both of you stop!" I yell as they became silent.

"Let's take this guy with us and find someplace safe okay? We can't get answers here." I say.

"Alright let's go." Amelia says as she picks up the guy and disappears in an instant.

"Where'd she go?" Ellie says.

"Don't worry, just follow me alright sis?" She nods and we climb the building.

Ellie's POV

We ran and jump several buildings as we move across town. I could pick up the sound of the city life as we pass by some busy streets. The sunset in the orange sky looks so beautiful. The suns light reflected a beautiful orange on the lake. I then start to see black engulf my vision of it. I felt myself fall before someone caught me. I could barely make out a face as I pass out…

"Alright Ellie let's test out your bodies stamina alrighty?" Says Mommy.

"Okay! I'm ready to run really really fast mommy!"

"You sure are! Alright, ready? Steady, go!"

"Nice job Ellie! You got a high score on your test... Ellie... Ellie.."

"Ellie!" I suddenly woke up.

"Finally, you're back with us." Says Aki.

"Where am I?" I ask as I found myself bedridden, in a small room. Amelia nowhere to be found.

"Where is A-"

"She's in the basement, taking care of you know who." I start to get up out of bed.

"Woah woah you shouldn’t be up and moving"

"I'm fine, this has happened before." I reply as I stood up and walk out of the room which lead into a hallway.

"She said she knew a guy in town, this is his place, but he's not in town as of lately. He says as he follows.

"Is that right?" I say as I walk down the hallway leading to a kitchen connected to a living room. I search the fridge for snacks, to my surprise I found a bag of potato chips to satisfy my hunger.

"You sure you're okay?" He asks again.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say with a mouth full of chips.

"That's cute, anyways. Listen Ellie, I honestly don't know what happened that night so if we could get to that?"

"Okay, bring her up here." I say as I throw myself on a couch.

"I'm already here." I hear Amelia as she walks in and sits on the couch opposite mine.

"Alright Amelia, I didn't mean to come at you like th-" I try saying.

"Don't worry about it, I got too over protective with everything that's been going on. I need a break" She says.

"And with that break we can finally know what happened that night." Says Aki as he sits next to me.

"I'm just telling you, for me this isn't a great thing to remember. I can't even comprehend or process the random episodes I have. It's like so many memories are going on at the same time while raggedy nails are being dragged on an old chalkboard. The memories are met with pain. I don't know how to stop it" I say.

"So maybe you have several memories attached to a certain unbearable sound" Says Amelia as I nodded.

“Well don’t worry, we’re here for you Ellie. You definitely might have some trauma from whatever this is.” She adds.

“It definitely wasn’t the best night. I still can’t understand it myself. Mom said I can’t ever forget something, or I’d die.”

"You can't ever forget this okay? Or else.. it sweetheart?"

The shakings back…

November 08, 2019 07:09

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