
One late afternoon, I went out for a walk. As I walked I observed and I took the sights, sounds , and smells around me. The sun has not yet set still in the sapphire blue sky. Children playing games in the street. Some of the boys are playing basketball and some of the girls playing with jump ropes. Most of the children had their chalk out.

The children drawing with their chalk drew birds, flowers and other objects of interest. The teenagers were working on more complex drawings like Mandalas and scenery landscapes. They were master pieces of chalk art.

I was heading to along the path to the park with a basket full of food for dinner. All of the children had been called in by their parents because it was getting and dark and it was time for them to have dinner that prepared by their mothers and fathers.

The sun was starting to set. The sky started to turn different colored hues of pink, orange, and yellow. The sun continued to set, the colors kept on changing to a deep red-orange slowly fading into mixed colors dark pink and a light shade of purple. It was a breath-taking site to behold.

The sounds of grasshoppers and crickets start singing their evening lullaby songs for all to hear. The frogs tune in with their croaks. I approached the park listening to the evening's musical symphony very relaxed and at ease. The Night in Gail's beautiful melody intertwining with grasshoppers, crickets, and frogs evening song.

I have reached the park with warm spring evening air. The sun had set with the sky a dark magenta and a deep royal purple. The lights at the park near the picnic area turn on. I had packed a small basket with an Italian sandwich with all of the fixings, a small tube of macaroni salad, a kosher pickle, and two bottles flavored Sparkling water.

As my mind wandered, I started thinking about what it would be the to be a nocturnal animal and to have nocturnal sight. There are some nocturnal creatures who have wonder night vision like owls, wolves, foxes and other night animals. There is one night animal that is blind and comes out at night are bats. Bats use their ears for seeing where they are. It is called ultra sonic hearing. My mind slowly comes back to where I am in the present moment.

I hear and feel four cats at my feet wanting the scrapes of deli meat that was left from my sandwich.The hungry stray felines were thin and showing their ribs. As I gave a piece of deli meat to each of the four cats, I studied the detail of each cat. The first one was a black Persian cat with potato like face, long, thick, black matted fur and her tip of tail was broken. The second cat was another black cat but he was a black American short hair with a very long tail. The third cat was not as thin as the other three cats and he was a ginger tabby. The last was my favorite she had a silver coat with stripes and little spots all over fur.As soon as all four cats got each got their piece of deli meat, they all ran off in the night.

I had started to notice that it was dark and getting late. I threw my trash in the park garbage bin ,picked the basket I had brought with me and started walking home.The park was peaceful at night and I had started walking back down the path home. The park lights started to fade as I continued on the path home, only the path's lights leading the way. I enjoyed walk on the path home as I did taking it to the park.

When I was half to my home, I looked up at the night sky and what a sight it was to be hold. There were stars countless to be seen cross the endless night sky, glittering like precious diamonds, rubies, emeralds and other wonderful gems. I could make out the different constellations in the night sky. I recognized two of the constellations which were the Big Dipper and Little Dipper.

The moon was in the middle of the sparkling sky, big as a golden medallion. Every time I look up at the moon I see a face of a beautiful moon goddess or a silver rabbit when the moon waxing or waning. The moon is a mysterious place. I often wonder what it be like to be up there walking with zero gravity.

Almost home I could see the large oak tree in front of my house and could hear something rustling in the leaves. I approved the tree I heard the sound of hooting. I looked up in the tree, I could make out two salutes of some large bird. As my eyes adjusted in the dark, the two figures became clearer.

Two birds were perch in the tree. I took a step closer and realized it was the two barn owls that had moved in the large oak tree three weeks before. A couple of days ago when the owls were away from the tree, I peeked in the hollowed out cavity in the trunk of the tree and found a nest of two eggs.

I heard the sound of tiny peeps coming from the hole in the tree trunk. I carefully peered in the space and saw the sight two fluffy balls of feathers. I ,then slowly and cautiously backed away from the large oak tree. When I backed out from the tree, I looked up at the two adult barn owls, bowed my head and turned toward the front porch of my home.

Coming to the front porch of my home, I looked up at the starry night one last time, in search for the north star. I found the north star and sent a wish, thank you and a prayer for a wonderful evening adventure. It was full of wonderful sights, sounds ,smells and fun experiences. As I start to yawn, I head inside tired from the adventure knowing another one will start again in the morning.

March 30, 2020 00:39

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