Money From the Rich

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write a story about someone feeling powerless.... view prompt


Drama Romance

“Thanks for letting me stay here! It means a lot.” I said as my friend, Annabelle, helped me move my suitcases into the extra beach house her parents bought for her.

“Don’t mention it! I’m glad something my parents bought for me isn’t going to waste.” Annabelle laid my suitcase down on its side.

“Hey, can I ask you a question?” I ask, carefully taking my clothes out of my bag.

“Of course!” She exclaimed, pairing each of my clothes with a hanger and hanging them up in the large closet.

“This place seems amazing, why don’t you live here instead of that gross apartment?” Annabelle pauses.

“I can’t…” she says after a few seconds of silence.

“Why no-”

“I just can’t!” She cuts me off. I nod my head showing her I understand and we continue to unpack my stuff.

The sun was just starting to set by the time we finished. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Why was she so upset? What is stopping her from living here?

Annabelle had been my best friend since before I can remember. One of my first memories is of her. We were in her parents garden chasing a frog. Her curly blond hair was neat and flowed behind her like it itself was made of wind.

We’ve been through everything together and she’s never acted like this. Except for once, she invited me over for her birthday party. She invited 240 people in total and I was the only one who came.

We both sat in the middle of the huge ball room that was supposed to hold up to 1,000 people. I remember telling her everyone was just running late and they’d be here soon. She’d just smile. Everything I did to try and cheer her up and she’d just smile.

It wasn’t a happy smile either. Her smile was sad and full of pity. I remember her saying that she was going to ask her parents if we could watch a movie. I told her it was a great idea.

I heard her running to the kitchen where her parents were. I heard her parents whispering to each other. They sounded urgent and sad. I wanted to know what was going on but it wasn’t my business.

Then I heard them say “Hi sweetie! Is something wrong?” Annabelle ran from the kitchen and I watched as she ran up the stairs to her bedroom. I ran up the stairs after her. She slammed her door in my face and I could hear her crying from the opposite side of the door.

That was when we were both 10. We’re 21 now. Back then I had always just assumed her parents had said no when she asked to watch a movie but now that doesn’t make sense.

“JANE!” I hear Annabelle call my name from the living room.

“Yeah?” I walk into the living room to see her holding up a movie. My favorite to be exact.

“Wha- How did you get that? Wasn’t it recalled?” I asked in surprise. It was “A Princess in Love” a movie about two princess’ that fall in love after teaming up to save both their kingdoms from a giant monster that turns out to just be a dog that was corrupted by one of the princess’ dads because he thought if he got his daughter a magical dog she would stop dating girls but his experiment went wrong and he accidentally created a huge monster. Sadly the movie was recalled since a lot of people didn’t like the princesses relationship.

“Well, it’s not the original but the person who made the original’s daughter remade it to represent the LGBTQ+ community and to show how far we’ve come as a civilization and I remembered it was your favorite movie so I got it.” Annabelle said, handing it to me so I could look at it.

“If you want we can watch it now. I mean, we both worked pretty hard.” Annabelle offered. I pulled her into a tight hug and quickly popped the movie in the disk player.

We both cuddled up on the couch and started watching the movie.

I don’t know what I was expecting from the remake but it was amazing. All the effects looked so clean and the animation almost looked like real people.

We were arriving at my favorite part in the movie.

“Princess Celine, we have some bad news for you.” One of the royal servants said anxiously.

“Oh… Can we wait for Runess to come back from battle? I need her by my side so I won’t have to deal with the bad news alone.” Naive Princess Celine.

“My Highness… Princess Runess was badly injured. I suggest you say goodbye to her now. The doctor suspects she won’t live much longer.” Celine was shocked by her servants words. She immediately started running towards the hospital. She arrived to her loves room and was blocked by a doctor.

“My Highness… I’m afraid Runess is-” Everything goes black.

“AW, COME ON!” I yell angrily.

I stand up and flip the light switch. There was no reaction.

“Looks like the lights are out.” I say slightly annoyed. I hear Annabelle whimpering in the darkness. She’s always been afraid of the dark. Well, not the dark, per say, more like, she’s afraid that since she can’t see the person who’s with her than they aren’t really there.

I grab her hand. “Hey, It’s okay. I’m here.” She grabs my arm tightly. Whenever she’s in the dark she gets in this mood. A mood where she feels she has to confess everything. I know I shouldn’t but I need to know. I use her fear to get an answer.

“You never gave me a real answer. Why don’t you live here?” I whispered so she wouldn’t get overwhelmed.

“… I didn’t buy it, my parents did. They’re always buying everything for me. I know it’s because they want the best for me but, I want to feel responsible. I want to feel like an adult. I thought if I didn’t use the stuff they bought me they’d stop but they never do.” Annabelle was upset. I could tell she needed to get more off her chest so I kept pushing.

“Why don’t you just ask them to stop?”

“I don’t want them to think I’m too good for their money.” Annabelle said. She leaned her head on my shoulder. I could feel her tears soaking my shirt.

“Why don’t you want them to give you money?” I asked. She already gave me one answer but I felt like there was more to it.

“Remember my tenth birthday party? When I went to go ask about the movie I over heard them talking. I don’t remember exactly what they said but it was something about how they were paying people to be my friend and they were upset that everyone cancelled except for you but they were glad because they didn’t have to pay you.” I pull her closer as she cries onto my shoulder.

“I *sniff* just want *cough* to show them *weep* that… that *sniff* I can do things *choke* on my own.” I try to calm her down to keep her from choking on her own breath.

The power flickers back on and I can see her head buried into my shirt. I play with her hair for a while since I know that calms her down. Eventually we both fall asleep on the couch.

The next morning I called her parents and told them she was feeling powerless. They responded well and agreed to stop smothering her.

As soon as Annabelle’s lease was up she moved in with me at the beach house.

(This is the first contest I’ve submitted a story in. I know it’s not the best but I’m doing it as practice. Maybe one day I’ll be good enough for that number 1 spot!)  

September 04, 2020 19:22

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Ariadne .
18:15 Sep 17, 2020

This was a fantastic Reedsy debut! Excellent work capturing the love between the two friends! I just find the part about Annabelle's hopelessness just a tad unrealistic -- maybe a bit more in-depth description would clear things up. All in all, this is an excellent story. Please check out mine and like/comment! Thank you! :)


Blue Angel
16:09 Sep 18, 2020

Thanks! I'll be sure to check out yours and take your advice to heart :)


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