Creative Nonfiction

The Unexpected Beginning

I once was with this guy. We were together for almost three years. When everything ended, I was broken. I didn’t know how to be without him because we had been together for so long. I didn’t know life without him. One day, I “met” this guy. I put it in quotations because me and this guy had been friends for over 10 years. We started talking and getting to know each other again. The spark came alive between us. I didn’t know how to act or how to feel. I never thought that this would happen, because he and I were two totally different people. He is a backwoods country boy, and I, wasn’t. The more we talked, the more I started to realize that maybe he and I could work. We talked more. When we finally made it official, it was one of the best days of both of our lives. He told me that he has liked me ever since we were young. It was like a dream come true for both of us. I didn’t know how to act, or what was to come. He treats me like a queen. I never could’ve imagined having a life with him, but now that I have him, I can’t imagine life without. Heartbreak hurts. Everyone knows that. It sucks. I think it is one of the worst things that I have gone through in my life. But sometimes, It is just God’s way of opening doors to new things. Life is hard. No one ever said life or love was easy. It’s not. You have to work hard for it. If you want a friendship, or relationship to last, you have to get up everyday and work hard to make things work. When you go through heartbreak, you need to find out what went wrong, and how to fix it. Whether it is with that same person or with someone new. My point is that the world doesn’t end just because something else failed. You can always get up, and be determined to do and be better. Heartbreak led me into a better relationship. Yeah it was unexpected, but in reality, how much of life is really expected? Sometimes, the most unexpected things can be the best things that happen to you. Some people, such as myself, are not very accepting of change at first. But when you begin to realize that things are changing for the better, you start to see that sometimes change isn’t that bad. Change is not always a bad thing. Change shows you that new things are possible, and shows you that you are capable of handling new things. When life starts to change, some people start to change. Sometimes for good, sometimes for the worst. Different people react differently. Sometimes, it’s about finding a way to cope with it. For some people, it is hanging out with a group of friends or family. For others, it might be reading a book, or writing.

February 10, 2020 21:59

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