
“Can you keep a secret?” the man said.

“What?” I answered, taking out my headphones. I spaced out a while ago, and I never saw this dude coming.

“Can you keep a secret?” he asked again.

“Yes,” I said. I decided to just play along with him. He seemed all right. He dressed well and looked unassuming. He looked utterly harmless, and my bored mind needed some excitement on this long train ride.

“Well, there is a secret compartment in the caboose,” he stated. “Do you want to come with me?”

“Sure,” I said, “Why not?” I gathered my things and followed the man to the back of the train.

The train jerked me around the aisle as it went down the tracks, but the man in front of me floated as I followed him. I struggled to keep up with him as we made our way through the rows of sleeping passengers. The train wasn’t packed, and it gave me an eerie feeling. I shook off the feeling and continued to stumble to the end of the cars without falling on anyone.

We arrived at the last car before the caboose. They reserved this car for fine dining. I assumed this man would take me out for a meal. Perhaps he is bored. Who knows?

The old man gave me a toothy smile and opened the door. I hesitated because my gut told me that something was off, but heck, I’m an atheist. There isn’t any evidence to support how I am feeling right now.

The man must have felt my hesitation, so he gave me a gentle push into the car. I walked in at his guidance and looked around. I noticed the chandelier first. The thing sparkled brightly as it swung with the car. It weirdly hypnotized me. The rest of the car dripped with just as much decadence. The wallpaper was blood red with black designs.

I heard the soft click of the door behind me. I looked at the old man behind me to see him slip a key into his pocket. I thought it was weird, but again, I didn’t listen to my gut. Frankly, it was most likely nothing.

When I turned back, I noticed there were other people in the car with us. They stared at me with weird smiles on their faces. Now, this was creeping me out. I realized that I couldn’t go anywhere. These people looked affluent, so I doubted there would be any reason to be afraid.

The clothes the people were wearing were old-fashioned. They were probably those eccentric, rich people who try to pretend it’s still the twenties. Underdressed for this party, I felt ashamed at my love of sweatpants.

The old man ushered me further to the back of the train car as the patrons’ eyed me the entire way. How could people never blink? They stared at me with such intensity. It made me think I was the main course tonight.

When we reached the end of the car, there was a small changing space with a fancy outfit from the twenties. Phew! I felt relief flow over me, partly because I thought I didn’t match the other patrons.

“Go ahead,” the old man said, “Get dressed. And come out to dine with me.” He smiled at me with a toothy grin. Yeah… still creepy.

I got dressed in the finest clothes I have ever worn. The fabric slid easily through my fingers as I put on my shirt. It must be some fine silk. The shirt felt light and cool on my skin. I put on the pants. Rich people sure have the best of everything, don’t they?

I came out of the changing area and found my dining partner. None of the patrons paid attention to me as I found my way to the table where he sat. A glass of wine waited for me, and I delighted at the chance to try high-end wine.

I think I drank it way too fast because I felt woozy. I wanted to lie down, but I had to settle with putting my head between my legs. My head felt better in this position, but it was still not enough for me. I had to get out of this train car and go back to my seat.

“Excuse me,” I said. “I don’t feel well. I need to go back to my seat.”

“Sure dear,” the old man said. He didn’t care. I could tell. He just sat back and watched as I struggled to get up.

The room felt like fluid, and my eyes deceived me. Everyone coldly watched as I made my way to the door. The room spun the closer I got to the door. Finally, I made it the rest of the way, and I moved to open the door. Locked! What?

I couldn’t stand anymore. Moving to the front of the car was exhausting. I had no choice but to sit in front of this door. Maybe someone would come and unlock it for me. I slid down the door to rest my body. When I turned around, I noticed that the patrons of the train car had all gotten up from their seats.

They watched me with great interest as I sat there barely able to move. At first, I thought they cared about what happened to me, but that was a lie. The looks on their faces told another story. It looked more like a… hunger.

I didn’t have the strength anymore to analyze what their voyeuristic motivations entailed. All I wanted was sleep. I laid down onto the ground, and the crowd came closer and made excited noises as they came closer.

I came to eventually, and they tied me up in the same spot I changed in earlier. I panicked and screamed. I doubt anyone would hear my cries, but I needed to try.

“Oh! You’re up!” the man I had met last night came into view. He wore a butcher’s outfit this time.

“Wha… What are you doing?” I asked.

“Well, sweet child,” he said. “You get the honor of being in tonight’s main course.”

“What?” I asked. I couldn’t believe what I heard. Did he imply they would eat me tonight?

“Yes,” he said matter-of-factly. “This dining car is for only the most esteemed people on earth, and I am their favorite chef. I must please the customer.”

The “chef” turned around and grabbed a small pistol. He placed it against my temple.

“They prefer young, fresh meat.” He said before he pulled the trigger.

August 22, 2020 02:02

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