The Fairfield's of Pine Ridge

Submitted into Contest #12 in response to: Write a story that takes place in a small town where news travels fast.... view prompt



Nicolette lived in a fishbowl. A town so small, she could see the rippling glass at towns edge. Well, at least in her minds eye. And with what just happened... she knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that all 300 residents of Pine Ridge would have the full scoop in less than 30 minutes. Honestly, most probably ALREADY knew. There was nothing she could do to fix that now, the damage was done.

Fixing her ponytail, she walked toward home. Her thoughts gnawing at her. She just couldnt stand the idea of them all talking behind their hand. Whispering. Giggling. At HER.

"Que sera sera, whatever will be will be". Wonderful. News must have hit Nana already. That will be her calling. That ringtone, the one Nana set for herself after a very LONG afternoon of shopping and musical appreciation lessons on the ride home, gave Nana away. Might as well fish out my phone and face the music.... Nicolette thought to herself as she stopped and dug through her overflowing bag.

"Hi, Nana!" Nicolette tried to sound upbeat and excited, but knew she instead sounded guilty. "How was Mrs. Susie this morning?"

"Nicolette Rosemary Fairfield. You know good and well that is NOT what I'm calling you about. Susie is fine, not that your actually inquiring!" Ahh.. so she DOES know. But HOW? It was only this morning that- "Nikki, dont pretend you forgot your mother's birthday! Arlene would be so disappointed you didn't at least STOP by the cemetary to see her, today of all days! Where are you? I'll come get you, we can go together."

"Nana, I.... you know I hate going there. I hate thinking of her that way. I will honor her in my way, okay?" Sighing, Nicolette realized she HAD forgot. But she hated the cemetary. That was true. She hated how it made her feel. She hated the memory of that day. The day of the fire, or as she called it, The Day Of No Return. She looked at the caller ID on her phone.

"Nana, I have to go, Silas is calling. I love you, I promise to come by after my shift tomorrow." And with that she was out of the danger zone. Except for Silas.

Here goes nothing....

"Hi, Silas. What's up?"

"Hey, did you go by and see Mom today? Because--

"No. I didnt. I know I should have, but--

"Well, you need to see this then, Nikki. Its BAD."

"WAIT. Whats bad? Are you there now?"

"Yes. Meet me here."

"... Okay. I'm on my way. Give me 15 to get there."

With another sigh Nicolette turned around and headed back the way she came, praying she didn't see anyone she knew. Looking around she realized it was almost dusk. The LAST place she wanted to be at dusk was the cemetary. It wasn't that she was afraid of cemeteries, or that she believed in some silly superstition... but she saw things others couldn't, or wouldn't. That was NOT a fun little parlor trick at dusk in a cemetary. Silas better be serious about this.

Finally she had arrived, without even running into anyone she knew. That was a tall order in Pine Ridge. She had passed the bakery, and saw Mrs. Archeletti talking to Debra at the counter. Mrs. Archeletti was the town gossip. No telling what sordid tales she was spewing to the listening ears of Debra Karnack...

Oh! In remembering Mom's birthday, I almost forgot. I wish it were that easy. I wish it wasnt so... so... gossipworthy. What will Nana say when she finds out--

"Hey." Silas says, coming to pull open the big iron gates. Nicolette walked through and turned towards her Mom's final resting place. She was expecting graffiti or something of that nature. Now she knew why Silas needed her here.

"Um...Silas?" Nicolette whispered through unmoving lips. "Can you see her, too? Is that why you called?"

"Its not just her, Nikki. Look around. Its every relative we have buried here."

With wide eyes, Nicolette scanned the rows of ancestors. Silas was right. There were at least 30 people, all milling around their marble slabs. What exactly is going on here? I've always been the only one who could see them. Well, in this generation. And even then it isnt like THIS. This version of Great Uncle John is solid. So is Mom. So is Aunt Dorthea....

"Remember the legend, Nikki? Remember what Nana was always telling us? I mean, I always thought it was just a morbid bedtime story but--

"Silas. We have to call Nana. She saw this once before-" pausing she pulled out her phone- " remember, the night before she found out she was having Mom and Uncle Mark..."

"Que sera sera, whatever will be will be" Nicolette heard as soon as she grabbed her phone. Switching it on, she was almost breathless. "Nana, we need you. Somethings happening-

"I know dear. I was there today, remember? You didn't let me finish earlier. You must be there now. Is Silas with you?"

"Yes" Nicolette switches to speaker.

"I'm on my way. I'll explain everything when I arrive. In the mean time, stay exactly where you are and do not- DO NOT-- engage with anyone. Clear?"

"Yes Nana" they said in unison. With that, the phone clicked and she was gone.

10 minutes later, Nana drove up in her fancy new convertible. Turning off the engine, she steps out, high heels crunching in the gravel. Even in times of stress Nana always looked the part of the socialite.

"Well, here I am. You wouldnt believe the traffic." She began as she brushed off and straightened the front of her skirt. Nana was forever preaching about poise and calm in the face of adversity.

"Nana, I dont think this is the time for small talk" seth looked over his shoulder pointedly. The figures of their collective past still loomed close to their personal sleeping arraignments.

"Nonsense, Silas. A lady never rushes in. Nicolette, be a dear and fetch the bag in the trunk."

As Nicolette made her way to the trunk she thought about the old legend Nana used to tell them, in all its insanity. According to her, The Sight ran in female twins every other generation. Nana was a recipient, as was Nicolette herself. In most of the women who were granted it surfaced around puberty. Oddly enough this was true for Nicolette as well. Also according to Nana, on one special day, per generation, those chosen ladies' twin brothers would be able to see. Apparently that was today, Nicolette thought. Man. Silas must be freaking out. This cant seem normal or safe to him....

Pulling out the bag from the trunk, items began to fall to the ground. Geeze, Nana. What on earth could you possibly have brought. And then it hit her. The ONLY night a male Fairfield twin was able to see their ancestors was the night their sister found out she was carrying twins.

SO SHE DID KNOW, she thought cringing inwardly. She looked down at the items she had been mindlessly replacing in the bag. Onesies. Baby socks. Her mother's baby rattle. Oh, Nana. I should have known you would know. You probably knew before I did.

Nicolette straightened up, and headed back to her family. Well, the living part of her family anyway.

"Nana.... how did you know?"

"Well, I had a hair appointment this morning. Anna Mae Shibley was in for a cut and curl. She took a half day from the makeup counter, you know. It's a trying job working under Mr. Presley. Anyway, she told me- very discreetly."

Nicolette could only stare back blankly.

Waiting on more information that would explain how Mrs Shibley would know.

"Nana, what are you two talking about? We have DEAD RELATIVES having a soiree five feet behind us and you two are talking about idle gossip?" Silas' eyebrows were about to slide right off his face and into his hairline.

"Well then... before I was interrupted rather rudely- and I might add that I know your raising Silas Coriander Fairfield" Nana threw a pointed look at her grandson. "Anna Mae said Dottie Basenger told her that Mary Ellen Smith found out this morning from Debra. Oh that reminds me-- I need to run by the bakery for a order of her special apple fritters-- anyway, Coralee Archeletti told HER."

Still, Nicolette waited for more. ".... who told Mrs. Archeletti? Wait. Don't even tell me. I dont even think it matters."

"Well you know her daughter in law, Miranda works for Dr. Brisbane."

"Okay. We got it. Everyone in Pine Ridge knows everyone else's buisness. Got it. Can we PLEASE focus on the dead/not dead relatives?" Silas was near hysteria, trying to wrap his head around why anyone would be carrying on when certain doom was looming.

"Nana. The night you saw them with Uncle John. You were carrying Mom and Uncle Mark. And now..."

"Yes, child. You are carrying the next generation of the Fairfield line . This is why Silas can see them." Turning to Silas "So, if you wouldnt mind so very much, please step aside so I can speak to my brother."

"Nana. You told us to not engage?" Silas was very confused.

"That was because I wanted to introduce you and catch up. It's only proper." Nana said with a wink, as she walked towards her brother.

"Well Nikki.... congrats, I think?"


With the knowledge they now carried, albiet barley understood, they began to head towards their mom. Arlene Fennel Fairfield, b.1967 d. 1997.     

October 23, 2019 04:21

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