
We were dirt among the golden city. Nothing made us happy but comfort with each other. 

When we were young he promised me he would make me happy. 

Why? I would ask. “Because you are my daisy, Daisy.” He would laugh back at me while planting a daisy in my hair. 

Mother would tisk whenever she saw me with one in my hair.

“The boy isn’t good for you. He’s poor like us, he won’t make you happy.” She would say while shaking her head in disapproval. 

“I’ll make you happy.” He promised me and I would nod back at him, 

I soon began to believe that his promises were empty and that he truly wouldn’t make me happy. Happiness now relied on money and I needed someone with money. 

The trumpet softly sang out a tune then the piano and drums came in to comfort it. The chef was yelling at the maids for not hurrying up peoples orders. “I don’t pay you to stand around your assholes! Move! Move! Move!” A little girl was getting scolded by her nanny for spilling some kind of red drink on her white dress. My husband cracked a joke in the little group we were out in and I did my wifely duty and softy laughed at them and went back to being quiet. The women around the table did not talk to me. It seemed like I was dirt to them but they never hesitated to make their voices heard over each other for my husband. My husband wasn’t anything without his money. That’s what the woman chased him after. I unfortunately got caught in the spiderweb when I decided to become an accountant for his insurance company. We eventually got bored and got married for different reasons. I wanted to experience happiness and he wanted to create the perfect woman from scratch through his money. 

I didn't know at the party nor did I care to. He said that coming here would be great for him to get business connections. The "business connections" or so he called, were usually done in bed. We had already spent half the day here and i like the little girl in the stained white dress, was about to have a tantrum. Clearing my throat and finally being visible again, I excused myself and left the group and left for the balcony. The music and the chattering faded and it let my thoughts wonder. 

I’m happy. I would reassure myself. Looking to my wrists full of gleaming and shiny rings and watches, earrings and heavy makeup weighed down on me. I continued to reassure myself. I’m happy. I thought again while the blood red dress bit into my flesh and constricting my breathing like a boa constrictor. I’m happy I confirmed the third time while my high heels staged all over my feet. 

Soon they went away when Anthony spanked me hard on my ass. "You alright love? If you don't want to stay you can always leave." The spank didn't really have an effect on me. His words are what surprised me. Love? It has been a long time since he ever referred to me as love. sadly to my surprise, he was merely drunk. 

"Yeah... I'll think I'll do that. I'm guessing that you'll find a ride home?" I questioned without a hint of surprise. He was bound to be driven home by some woman. "Yeah." He seemed excited for me to leave as he shoved the keys into the hands.

The sky was beautiful. Red, orange, pink, yellow colors smeared the sky in the fading light. A few bugs scrambled here and there and all around my heels so I decided to head home.

The ride home was calming. No more people talking or having to listen to people talk. The calm ended abruptly when the engine crashed and smoke was filling inside the car.

After cursing and multiply kicks to the car, I called for a tow-truck to get the car. Since I wasn't far from a park, I decided to wait there while the truck came and got the car. 

The park was quiet. I sat on an empty bench and just stared at the dancing tress. The wind blew through my hair and through my body, cooling it down from all the emotions. Slowly my eyes got heavy and everything became dark.

I woke up abruptly to a smooth humming right next to me. Turning to my right, a man sat their staring off into space while twirling a flower in his hands. Hopefully I didn’t drool or breath threw my mouth while I was sleeping, I thought before getting up and leaving the man on the bench. The man sighed behind me before laughing out loud. Turning around to see what was funny, my eyes wired and my heart skipped a beat. 

"Hey hey, I hope I didn’t interrupt your sleep.” He said while gleaming at me. 

I couldn't do anything but shake while tears were steaming down my face. I quickly hugged him and he chuckled as he hugged me back. 

" I thought...the accident... They told me your were... Dead..." I mustered out while trying to control my breathing. 

" Yeah the docs ruled me as dead because my heart stopped working for a few minutes but I ended up getting revised. I was in critical condition after that so they didn't know of whether I was going to make it or not. The new news about my heart of didn't get carried to you." He mustered. We slowly just looked at each other smiling. "Oh wait, I have something for you." He excitedly said before reaching into his pockets and pulling out a daisy. He placed the daisy into the hair exclaiming, " here's a daisy for daisy. We hugged and hugged and talked until the tow truck came.

I went home to a dark room which ruined the happy blissful mood. I went to bed with his phone number in my purse. Anthony came a few hours later drunk and waltzing in with his shirt ruffled and his shirt all crumbled up. He didn't bother to change his clothes so he fell in bed disgusting and smelly. His scent was so disgusting that I decided to not sleep in the same bed. I went downstairs and sat on the couch contemplating. Love has gone to waste. This only happened because of money. Not love. Maybe there was something once but slowly it faded. Mark and I had something. We were something once and then it had to end for reasons. I did not want to live like this for th rest of my life. I couldn't. I had a chance to turn this around. I turned on a letter and quickly for to writing: Dear Anthony, I know about your affairs. I think for both of us, it's best we go our separate ways without any controversy. I don't want anything of yours. Maybe we'll meet on good conditions. 

With that I gathered the clothes I got my clothes and called Mark. Without a beat Mark came to pick me up and we left my miserable life for a happier one.

July 29, 2020 04:31

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