Rainy Day Fun

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



Yesterday it was raining and not lightly racing like I thought the ocean evaporated into the air formed clouds then fell from the sky at one-hundred kilometres per hour because it was raining so hard. Usually I would play outside in the rain, I would jump in the puddles throw mud at my siblings. However it was only March so you can imagine it wasn’t very warm outside so I had to stay inside instead. The worst part about it is my parents laid down for a nap which meant I had to do the worst thing anyone could imagine. I was stuck watching my siblings. Now that might not sound terrible but you haven’t met my siblings there’s Emily who is nine years old, and Alex is four years old. They are the biggest trouble makers ever, Honestly if there was an award for causing grief they would be the winners. But I love them and I would trade the world for them. I thought of some things I could do with them, like maybe play a board game, but Alex isn’t to good with numbers yet; neither of them like sharing so all of us playing wouldn’t be good either. I finally thought the best way to keep them entertained and out of trouble and that would be to put on a movie. So that is exactly what I did. I will admit at first they did fight over which movie but then they were able to agree on one with pony’s and a dragon. So we all sat on the couch watching the movie, the only problem was that I could hear the rain getting louder so we had to keep turning up the volume. The wind had the rain blowing perfectly so that it was hitting the window hard enough to sound like rocks in a tin can. It was getting closer to noon so I went to the kitchen to make some grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, my dad got this new grill that puts a cool design on them like happy faces. Another gust of wind came and something must had hit our power line because the tv shut off and the grill did too. That did not make Emily and Alex happy, both kids turned to me getting mad because they thought I did it. So I explained to them that the power must have gone out from the wind and I had nothing to do with it. To keep them quiet and entertained longer I told them to go downstairs to the play room and play on their tablets until I was finished making lunch. They both raced downstairs trying not to trip and when I heard them get to the bottom I heard Emily yell “I win you loose now you get a big bruise!” I flipped the sandwiches that I was now making on the stovetop because we had gas burners. When the sandwiches were done I put them on plates with a little bit of ketchup on the side to dip it in. Before bringing them their lunch I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and heard it buzz with a notification, it was a weather alert saying lightning had been detected. I was worried Alex was gonna be scared. But the I remembered that the down stairs doesn't have a lot of windows, so I would make sure to keep him away. Then the entire table vibrated with both Emily, and Alex’s tablets getting wether notifications. But it was quiet downstairs and they weren’t on electronics which if they are together and quiet that usually means they did something bad and there trying not to get caught. So I grabbed both plates with the grilled cheese and went downstairs expecting the worst to find out they had dumbed a laundry basket full of clean sheets and blankets out all over the floor and started building a tent. They weren’t quite tall enough to hang the sheets and blankets up any higher so I handed them the plates with their grilled cheese and hung up the sheets for them using thumb tacks I found in our junk drawer beside the fridge. Once they were done eating they brought there plates upstairs and when they came back down they brought their pillows, blankets, mom, dad, and stuffed toys to play with in the tent. Mom and dad were surprised with how big the tent was. We played in there for an hour and then I read them a story. Mom asked what we wanted for dinner. Alex yelled out pizza and dad agreed. So dad went upstairs and ordered pizza for dinner 1 large pepperoni and 1 small Hawaiian. Dad brought the pizza downstairs along with his lap top to watch a movie. We ate the pizza and watched a movie the same movie Emily and Alex we’re watching earlier when the power went out. Alex fell asleep sucking his thumb in mom’s arms half way through the movie, Emily fell asleep near the end of the movie. Once the movie was done I went upstairs changed into pyjamas then I got my pillow and sleeping bag and brought them down to the tent. Mom and dad kissed me goodnight then went upstairs . There was one more crack of lightning that night followed by a loud rumble. I fell asleep listening to the rain which was softer now, lightly hitting our house and tapping on the downstairs window then I slowly drifted off to sleep. But even with the power going out going out and having to cook grilled cheese on the stove top I think we had a pretty fun day. I just hope that I’m not the one who has to but the sheets and blankets back in the wash tomorrow morning. Or maybe if it is still raining outside we can keep the tent up and sleep in it again and watch another movie, on dads laptop again, just in case the power goes out again. It definitely was a fun day.

March 27, 2020 00:03

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