
Alice was waiting near the grass.Last night she had a weird dream about wonderland and it had disturbed her. In her dream ,the Cheshire Cat had told her to wait for a rabbit to come near the grass and follow him for one astonishing new year party.

Alice longed to see the rabbit.She kept waiting there for hours and was wondering what the dream was all about.

And then all of a sudden a movement caught her eye.The rabbit! Her heart leaped. Quickly Alice followed the running rabbit into the burrow and slid down into the long passage. She was very excited. She reached the end of the burrow and gasped. Lights lit the place and the cottages were decorated in funny ways. All the houses were surrounded by lists of problems that were yet to be solved.Alice banged into a girl with a red hood. Alice was surprised. The red hooded girl spoke, “Hi I am Emily, but people call me Red Riding Hood. Have you seen a wolf wearing a bonnet? Wait a second...

You must be Alice! The girl who stood for the knave of hearts, and then magically disappeared. Well the queen won’t be happy to see you but today is new year and in wonderland the tradition is that everybody gets their problems solved.”

Alice followed Emily into the palace. Emily stood behind some people.

The caterpillar shouted that his mushroom was rotting.

The hatter complained that he wanted a new tea set.

The rabbit said that his watch had stopped ticking.

And then Emily stepped ahead. She said “The wolf in that corner ate my uncle. I want his head cut off immediately.”

The wolf was taken away.

And then Alice came forward and wondering what to wish ,she opened her mouth to speak but she was interrupted by the chesire Cat. He opened his mouth and let out a loud bell noise. And doing so the queen turned into a card. And the rest vanished except Emily. The cat lunged forward to swallow Emily. Alice stood in front of her. And then she was inside the cat. The cake which was there at the party was in her reach .Alice was tempted. She gobbled up the cake without thinking twice and spat something hard out. Uh oh! It said,“Eat me.”

And then Alice woke up to the sound of the new year clock.

January 03, 2020 07:16

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