Ambition to Covet

Written in response to: Write the origin story of a notorious villain.... view prompt


Fiction Fantasy Historical Fiction

Warm that was the only thing Lucan Valencia could remember his life of, being warm. His parents loved him unconditionally making sure he wasn’t lacking in anything. However being their only child he always felt alone, in a world filled with adults there was only him one. There was an invisible border on how far that love and things could fill. There was a day where that changed, coming back from the training ground, threads of blonde hair sticking to his forehead. He walked in to see a boy around his age standing in the forge with a few bags of luggage, the boy looking like a sunset in an autumn forest.  Confused, he walked over to the boy, “Who are you?” Lucan holds his sword up to the boy, who however smiles “ That’s no way to treat a guest now is it? I’m Falour Wintmaire, I'll be staying with your family for some time.” 

Lucan honestly thought he was strange, seeing him put his finger up to his sword pushing it down a little. “Are you crazy? Why bring your hand so close to the blade that someone points at you?” Lucan panics, knowing that his parents would scold him for hurting a guest if he really is who he says he is. “It was only the flat end, beside it’s not like you have any reason to hurt me.” Lucan is confused as to how he knows what he was thinking, then his parents come out of the drawing room seeing the two. A man walking out behind them, Lucan thought he’d seen that man before. “Lucan, you are back from training already? Anyways, from today Falour will be staying with us. So I hope you both can get along.” At first Lucan didn’t know what to think because suddenly there was another kid in his home. 

Though it didn’t take long for him to have gotten used to it, enjoying having someone he can relate to better. In fact they had both formed a brotherhood of sorts, they seemed almost inseparable. It’s as if they were tethered together from birth, as if they were blood,  as they grew up Lucan slowly began to notice something, that was a gap growing between them. On one such day they were out on the training field sparring, the clashing of metal as Lucan tried to push upon his sword however the strength was even. So far all they have been was even, none able to push past, that was until they weren’t, Falour moving his sword under. Before Lucan could do anything he lost his footing and fell to the ground, his sword skidding across the training ground. Initially they laughed it off “Looks like you won this time, Falour, but I'll get you for sure next time.” 

However it wasn’t just the sword incident as the gap between how far they could go with their skills started to widen. For another example they went horseback riding together, having had a race through the woods to their hiding spot near a river bank. Feeling the tunnel of breeze that encased him as they made it through the trees. However Falour was already a couple paces ahead of him, they’d come upon a stump Falour’s horse jumped over it with ease. Lucan had a bit of a struggle, his face getting hit with a branch knocking him off. Falour didn’t seem to have noticed, and Lucan watched as his form began to fade between the trees. Though he had eventually noticed when he looked back, going to check on him, Lucan had twisted his ankle that day they’d had to turn back home. 

In studying, Falour always gets the best grades, praised by their teachers, while he could only come second in terms of grades. Hearing Falour being praised as a genius having to study above his grade.  Hunting was another, he always caught the best and biggest game, even when it was an accidental shot. Lucan had admired him alot before, he’d always thought of his friend as an aspiration. Always wanting to catch up to him, but he would always be so far apart. Lucan’s parents even used to joke that they had two exceptional sons, one genius and one that was ambitious to follow the other. 

Eventually a seed had been planted in him, one that would bear a bitter unreachable fruit, in the reign of the king Azerile. Having worked as one of the advisors in his court alongside Falour, the man was a tyrant who only did things just because. Viewing his people as his toys and the kingdom his toy box, though he had his favorite.   That being Falour, keeping him by his side, allowing him to be the final voice after him. The only advisor that he had taken time to know his name, sure he knew being that close to the king was a gamble. Many had tried before and had their  time cut short. However, Falour was the only one ever to reach that high up, and he hated his position. Lucan on the other hand would have loved to achieve how far he had gotten with the king. 

Falour warned him time and time again that it’s dangerous, but he made a way, and the king knew his name eventually. Although he would more often than not refer to him as Falour’s extension, he didn’t mind seeing they’re levels were now similar. Though he too came to hate the proximity he had with the king, not knowing at that time Falour and the now king Theron were planning to usurp the throne. Being someone who was in the same proximity with Falour and then king Azerile, he too became a part of the plan helping to gather all the other officials. Even when he found out he was betrayed he still held the man to the highest degree. Then everyone knew Falour’s name, but Lucan was nothing more than his right hand.  

Most people didn’t even know his name, even though he and Falour were in the same circle and did everything  together for the kingdom alongside the current king. His efforts were never seen, his admiration he once held had turned into envy. This brotherhood they held had cracked without Falour noticing, Lucan tried his best not to blame him. Remembering that Falour was the one who’d always try to push him to the forefront let others know of his own fruits of labor. Correcting others when they tried to give him credit for what was Lucan’s. However, all that now in Lucan’s eyes felt nothing more like an act of self righteousness. Remembering how everyone would praise him that he’s so humble and congenial.

Those who would even give him the slightest bit of acknowledgement only did so to get close to Falour. Only considering him an extension, just being beside him he couldn’t bear it any more; he wanted to be the one admired, wanted to be the one that everyone knew his name. 

What he did wasn’t noble but it was a choice made, networking with the high society members that didn’t really see Falour as favorable. Tearing down the business they built together from the inside, selling the trade secrets and forming his own without him knowing. Framing Falour wasn’t too hard, he knew that he’d been in contact with another kingdom in terms of creating an alliance with theirs to strengthen it. However the truth can be twisted and making him seem like a traitor to the throne wasn’t as hard either. Once more the agreement fell through due to this and before he realized it was already too late and the trap had been set. 

It may have come at a price that weighed him and it wasn’t just that he lost a good companion. There was no room for regret, he was no longer warm, but he needed to stay at the top. It is hard when even with Falour’s fall from grace the king still holds him in high regard and allows him to keep his position as duke. Lucan feels his need to reach higher, taking Falour’s health and fame wasn’t enough. His soul had grown dark and the covetousness had taken its place, he couldn’t break it even if he needed to. 

August 12, 2024 20:51

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