Tales from a cup of tea

Submitted into Contest #287 in response to: Set your story in a café, garden, or restaurant.... view prompt


Christian Fantasy Inspirational

It was an early evening, the sun was just setting, and the streets of my neighborhood were quiet, quieter… the wind just danced in the yellow leaves that started to fall from the trees, it was an autumn night. I felt restless at home; so, I decided to go for a walk, I wanted to see what I would find to distract my spinning mind; so I set off for a short adventure. I told my husband I needed to clear my head, and he understood, “I stay with our baby,” he said, and I closed the door behind me. I walked in an alley I have seen so many times but never walked through it.

There… one or two blocks was a dim light and from there a delicious herbal perfume emerged along with a thin cloud of colorful tea steam. It seems to be almost empty, so I decided to walk over there and see what this place is about. I arrived and I saw an older lady tending the stove with more than one teapot and a young man was setting a table carefully decorated with a candle and a vase with a rose. I stopped at the entrance. It was like I needed an invitation to enter that sacred space. The lady looked at me and smiled, it was a warm smile, like the kind of those you need when you feel a little lost.

-          We were waiting for you – the lady said to me – come, have a seat. Ivan, bring this lovely lady to her table. Is it ready?

-          Yes, it is Mdme – then he looked at me -, here lady Ayalen, your table is ready.

-          How do you know my name? -  I asked puzzled.

-          Someone told us you were coming.

-          Who? – I was not sure if I should feel nervous, curious, or

excited or a little bit of all.

-          You will see – said the lady, her name was Mdme Jolene. Then she asked Ivan, the young man, to bring me the menu tray cart, it had all kinds of tea options to choose from.

-          So many options – I whispered.

-          Close your eyes – said Ivan with a kind and almost seductive voice – smell the tea bags and your heart will choose. Ivan carefully placed each container close to my nose and softly said “breathe…”

It was not long before I found a familiar scent, coming from a place and time of long ago and I decided to choose that tea bag. It was chamomile tea with some kind of special fragrance. Ivan took the tea tray cart back to behind the counter and whispered something

to Mdme Jolene; both smiled and looked at me. Mdme Jolene gave him a cup with the tea bag of my choice and a teapot with hot water and Ivan brough the tray to me, carefully placed the teacup and poured the water inside making a sound like a waterfall.

-          Look at the steam – said Ivan- now, close our eyes and smell the fragrant aroma of the tea then drink it slowly, carefully, it is hot – his voice was soft and deep.

I thanked him nodding my head and took that teacup in my hands, smelled it and started drinking it slowly. I closed my eyes…I felt Ivan’s hands touching my shoulders softly; I felt so exhausted…so my heavy head and tired body rested in his arms for a moment.

Then, I felt how the aromatic tea steam embraced me like a mist and took me floating to another time where I watched a familiar scene. It was my house when I was seven years old. Like tonight, it was a Friday evening.

My father and I had a special date on Friday evenings. While my younger siblings were playing around the house, my mother looked at me and called me to the kitchen.

-          It’s time for you to make the tea for your dad - she said.

My dad and I had what he called “young lady lessons” where I prepared tea – with the careful supervision of my mother since the stove was one of those with fire elements - and brought it to the living room where he was sitting. I placed the tea on the little table and sat beside him, then he opened a box of my favorite cookies. Before I took one, he said:

-First, take a little spoon and put a bit of sugar in your tea and mix it well -. I did as he said. -   Now, take the spoon out and place it on the plate under the teacup.

- Why do I have to take the spoon out? – I asked.

- So, you can see the face and eyes of the person in front of you and they can see yours that are so beautiful.

And the evening passed, and we just chatted about our day and dreams for the future. Once I said…

-          I don’t know what will be of me when I am older, I don’t know what path I should take.

-          You will go wherever your heart takes you, just make sure to have a way back home whenever you need it. If you want my opinion, I can tell you that you have a very creative soul; I believe you will be a writer or teller one day…and I will be happy to read or listen to your words.

-          - Will you always be with me papa? – I asked with a naïve look.

-          One way or another, I will always be here for you.

Back then, I didn’t know my dad

would be gone from this life thirty-five years later, but I felt comfort in his words, if only I could see him again!

I took another sip of tea, and I saw my dad cheering in the audience of the first and last theatre plays I directed when I was older. I saw him the day I won first prize at the oratory contests at high school. I saw him when he talked with me about university and traveling; he was there at my college graduation and how can I forger when he traveled to surprise me on my engagement far from home! I took other two sips of tea and I saw my dad and my mom waving goodbye at the airport when I moved far away to start my family and a new life; I had a glimpse of our visits home and his advice. Then, I saw him getting sick and I remembered getting the call from my sister when he passed… and my heart brook…All these visions were so subtle, so deliciated like the aroma of the tea coming from the kitchen, I just saw them coming and going like flipping the pages if a photo album or watching a movie. It was the book of my life and my dad was in it. I miss him still…but in a way I know he is with me.

-          Open your eyes Ayalen – said Ivan softly - but just a little bit.

I did so, the mist of the aromatic tea was still around me, and I saw, in front of me, a shadow. A shadow I knew very well and those hazel eyes, it was my dad sitting across the table in the chair that Ivan carefully placed. It was like those gentle souls - Ivan and Mdme Jolene -  in the mysterious tea shop knew I needed to see him and

were waiting for me. I saw my dad smiling at me and I smiled back, I had no words.

-          “Chiquita” - My dad finally spoke - I told you I would always be with you; I am so proud of you and no matter how old you get; you will always be my little girl. However, I know you are a woman too and a proud mom, I wish I could hold my grandson and play with him, however, God called me before he existed…but not worry, I watch over him as I do for you and your husband.

-          Thanks for coming this Friday evening papa – I said wiping the tears off my face.

-          I have a couple words for you, there are phrases that always

helped me, if you keep them in your mind and heart you will hear them when you need them.

-          Should I write them down? I asked, quickly getting the notebook and pen that I always carried with me.

-          No, write them later. Enjoy the present moment, write about it when the day is almost done, write what your soul remembers, that is why you need to pay attention and live in the present moment.

-          Like taking pictures or videos  with my eyes…- I whispered.

-          Something like that – he said – Now, listen…I like this phrase

from Napoleon, a great commander, saying to his assistants that helped him get dressed “Dress me slowly because I am in a hurry.”

-          That doesn’t make sense! I said laughing.

-          It does. – said my dad seriously – if you need to be somewhere quick you need to pay attention to each detail even if it takes a couple seconds more, otherwise you can make mistakes in a rush and it will take longer to get it done.

-          Makes sense now – I said surprised.

-          Another couple of words “No matter the impression you get from someone, make sure you give the best impression of yourself to them”

And he also quoted a phrase from Hermana Glenda “Don’t be afraid, nothing is impossible for God”.

  • Your grandma Isabel used to say “In this life, everything has a solution except for death”

He also mentioned a few phrases from his favorite author St. Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer from his book “Camino” (“The Way”) Remember “The heroic minute, - It’s time, the right moment, for you to get up, no excuses, think about something divine and up!”  and also, he said “marriage is a divine calling “. This author is wise - he said and smiled looking at my eyes; he finally told me: “Ayalen, don’t let the world stop you from choosing to love.”

I looked at him and nodded while I smiled more than with my lips with my eyes and heart. I wanted to hug him, but the mist was taking him away, I was able to say “Thank you papa, I love you

and he replied disappearing “I love you with all my heart! I am always with you; please don’t forget to invite me to your important events, I’ll be there” then, he was gone.

I noticed the steam that surrounded us was no more. In front of me just the empty chair; the candle’s flame was almost gone and the rose in the vase had another flower, I knew it came from my father. The cup of tea was empty. I took my pen and notebook and wrote the words I remembered and asked Ivan for the bill. I knew it was time to leave, the night was advancing, and the moon was shining in the sky. It was time to go home but I longed to come back! Mdme Jolene was cleaning up the kitchen and Ivan was closing the windows and curtains; after, he reorganized the tea tray

cart. He got the bill for me in a little bill folder with a candy.

I opened the bill folder and it said, “a few words from your soul” I noticed as well, the bill provided a beautiful piece of paper in form of a leave to write my words, so I took it and after thinking for a bit I decided to write:

Choose to love, choose to smile, choose to act. Nothing prepares you for the future like the present; nothing teach you more like the past, so take the time to appreciate the flavors of your life and a cup of warm tea

I gave the paper leaf to Ivan and he placed in the window, then I noticed many more leaves with different handwritten words, it was a magical scene!

-          I liked your words – said Ivan – they make a special addition to our tree of dreams.

-          Tree of mystical tales – added Mdme Jolene – Did you notice the name of our shop?

-          “Tree of mystical tea tales - Tea Shop” I read aloud – I never saw this place before, what are your hours?

-          We are here every evening just after the sunset and before the night is too deep - answered Ivan.

-          If you want, we can reserve a table on Fridays dear – said Mdme Jolene.

-          I would love that! – I said smiling and after thanking them and I left.

I felt so light, so comforted and even joyful! I was looking forward to going back home, to hug my husband and give a kiss to my sleepy baby and read my notes. I arrived feeling happy and hopeful and when I read my notes, I could feel my dad’s presence… Then, smiling, I asked my husband: , “Dear, do you want a cup of tea?”   

“Tea end”

January 30, 2025 21:12

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