
Reunited Souls

Prompt: High school sweethearts coming across one another after many years apart.

“Jayce, Jayce Thomas, is that you?”

“Trina, Trina Stewart.”

“Oh my god, it is you. How have you been?”

“I have been great!”

“It must be at least 20 years now that we have last seen each other.”

“Yes, it has been that long.”

“Come here, give me a hug.” 

The wonderful scent of Versace Eros filled Trina’s nose as she still embraced Jayce. 

“Damn, he smells good.”

Trina was in heaven. It felt so good to be back in his muscular arms.

Jayce stood at 6’1”, weighed a solid 240 and was a mocha complexion.

Trina on the other hand was short, she was 5’6” and was blessed in all the right places. She was about a 38 DD and was thick and curvy and a pure caramel complexion.

Jayce and Trina had dated back in high-school for two years and broke up in their first year of college. Trina did not want to break up with Jayce, but it was becoming stressful trying to maintain a long-distance relationship and trying to focus on school. Jayce had won a football scholarship and went off to the University of Florida where he was a running back for the Florida Gators, while Trina attended Spellman College in Atlanta and studied to become a doctor.

“So, do you usually run through this park daily?”

“No, I don’t actually. This is my first day off in 6 months and I decided to take a run.”

“Wow, so this was not a coincidence, this was meant to be.”

“Here you go with your superstitions.” 

“Think about it Trina, your first day off in six months and you decide to go running and we bump into each other after 20 years. Does that sound like a coincidence to you?”

Hmmm, Trina placed her left index finger on her lips while she thought about it. “Maybe you are right.”

Jayce took a quick glimpse at her ring finger to make sure she was not married.

“So, what are you doing here in Atlanta, are you still playing professional football?”

“Actually, I was transferred to Atlanta about 3 months ago and I am thinking of retiring in the next 3 years.”

“Why are you considering retiring so young?”

“Well the average age of retiring is 35, I am now 35 and I have had several injuries over the years, I don’t think my body can take much more injuries.”

“Ok, I completely understand.”

“What about you? What was your final career outcome?”

“I am an ER Doctor at Northside Hospital.”

“Wonderful, you always talked about being a doctor in high-school and how you wanted to save people and take care of them. You are naturally made for this line of work. You have a big heart and an authentic soul. I loved that about you. Look at you now. You became that, and I am so proud of you.”

“Thank you. It was not an easy journey. Many late nights, sweat and tears.”

“Yes, but you made it. What a wonderful accomplishment.”

“Thanks babe.” Trina was blushing at this point.

“Are you blushing?”

“Maybe,” Trina joked.

“I noticed you are not wearing a ring.”

Should I be? Trina asked with her left eye brow raised.

“Well, you are a beautiful woman, you are very intelligent, you are a beautiful person and you are doing great for yourself, I just thought someone would have married you by now.”

“Well if you must know, no I am not married.”

“How about yourself, are you married, or do you have multiple women chasing after you?”

“Wow,” Jayce chuckled, “Why do I have to have multiple women chasing after me?”

“Well, your line of work would bring that.”

Jayce shook his head. “Well if you must know, no I am not married. I haven’t found the right one. Or should I say I lost the only woman I have truly loved back in high-school.”

Trina’s hands started to get sweaty and she instantly felt butterflies.

Jayce stepped in closer and was now a foot away in distance with their lips almost touching. Trina could feel his breath on her lips. Jayce softly planted a sweet kiss on Trina’s lips and then took a step back. 

“I am sorry if I was forward by kissing you on your lips.”

“No, no, that was amazing,” Trina countered.

Jayce licked his lips. “Will I see you again?” He asked.

“My schedule is busy, but I am sure I can squeeze you in she teased.”

“Take my number and let me know at least a day in advance when I can see you.”

Trina took Jayce’s phone and punched in her number.

“Here you go.”

Jayce called the number immediately to make sure it was the right number.

“Hello,” Trina answered.

“Just making sure it’s really you,” Jayce laughed.

“Wow, you really just did that?”

“Now you have my number to save in your phone.”

“What are you doing tonight?” Trina inquired.

“I actually don’t have any plans tonight.”

“Do you want to go somewhere and catch up?”

“Sure, what did you have in mind?”

“I was thinking maybe a little fun golf and then grab food at Blue Ridge. I will send you directions to my house once I get home.”

“Ok, cool,” Jayce replied.

Trina waved bye and turned to begin on her jogging journey.

Jayce watched as Trina slowly jogged away, focusing mainly on the bottom half of her body. “Damn she fine.” Jayce eventually began to continue on his route which was in the other direction.

“Hello,” Crystal speaking.

“Oh my god Crystal, you won’t believe who I ran into today.”

Crystal swiftly sat forward in her massage chair, waiting for Trina to continue. “Well are you going to tell me, or do I have to guess?”


“Jayce who?”

“How many Jayce’s do you know Crystal?”

Crystal stopped and thought. “Just one.”


“What is Jayce doing here in Atlanta Trina?”

“Girl he said he was transferred to play for the Atlanta Falcons.”

“Where did you see him?”

“I was jogging through Atlanta Memorial Park and I saw a familiar face running towards me and it was him.”

“Wow, after nearly 20 years you ran into your ex from high school. This is not a coincidence, Trina.” 

“Jayce said the same thing. Well I have to go and pick out something to wear tonight for our date.”


“Yes, date. We are going fun golf and then Blue Ridge for dinner.”

“I want to hear all about it in the morning.”

“Where are you?”

“I am at Glamour Nails getting a pedicure. I just got here, you should come and join me. It’s plenty of spots open.”

Trina looked at her dainty rose gold bracelet watch and it was just 10 am. “I’ll be there in 15 mins.”

“See you soon.”

Trina ended up having a full day with Crystal. After they got their pedicures, they got their nails and hair done. They even went to Fab’Rik to purchase a dress and some new sexy heels.

“You are surely going all out for someone you have not seen in 20 years.”

“He’s special to me.”

“Do you think you guys can pick up where you left off?”

“I never stopped loving him. I didn’t break it off because he cheated or anything of that sort. I broke it off because having a long-distance relationship was becoming too stressful and I could not manage worrying about if my man was doing something behind my back and trying to maintain a 3.5 GPA in school.”

“I get it, I do. Let’s go get your man back!”

“Ooooh yellow roses for me. They are amazing and my favorite color.”

“Not as amazing as you. Did you get your nails and hair done after we parted ways this morning?”

“I did actually. I met up with Crystal and did some girly things together.”

“Well you look perfect. Vogue magazine perfect!”

“Thank you and thank you for noticing. You look sexy as hell.”

“I notice everything. Thank you. I try to look sexy for you.”

Trina started to blush heavily. “You don’t have to try that hard.”

Trina wore a sexy black dress that sat 4 inches above her knees and revealed her love handles. The front of the dress came down in a V with cute little ruffles. She had matching black tie up 3inch heels and a glittery gold clutch purse. Her hair was bone straight and dyed jet black which reached half way down her back.

Jayce had on a fitted white Versace buttoned down shirt with acid wash blue jeans with slits in the knees and black leather Versace shoes. He also sported a long goatee and a diamond earing pierced in one ear.

Trina was always on the more casual plain side whereas Jayce was flashier and into brand clothing.

“Let me grab my purse and we can get out of here.”

“How are you supposed to play fun golf in that dress and those heels?”

“Don’t worry, I have flats in the car.”

“I see nothing has changed. You are always prepared.”

“Yup, I stay ready.”

Trina 23 Jayce -37. 

“I see golfing isn’t your sport with this type of score.”

“Nope, not at all. I will stick with football.” Jayce chuckled.

“Two more holes, can you make a comeback and win?” Trina sarcastically asked.

“No baby girl, I think you won this one.”

Final score Trina, 28 and Jayce -40.

“I will be back for revenge.”

“I am not worried, bring it.”

“Lol one thing you are always up for a challenge. I love that.”

Jayce found himself staring into Trina’s eyes. But this time it was Trina who made the first move. Trina locked her lips with his and began French kissing him. Jayce happily accepted Trina’s gesture and kissed back even harder.

“Hi, hello, we are up next to pot on hole 7.” 

Trina and Jayce forgot where they were for a minute. They both stopped kissing and looked around to see who was talking to them.

“I am so sorry Sir. We are moving now.”

“That kiss was amazing. Jayce admitted. Your lips are so juicy and tasty, just as I remember.” Jayce bit his bottom lip and that turned Trina crazy.

“Ok, calm down. You are trying to get to know him again. Take it slow.” She thought to herself.

“Ok, let’s get going to Blue Ridge for dinner.”

They hopped into Jayce’s new grey Lamborghini and drove to Blue Ridge.

“I am still learning Atlanta, so you will have to direct me to the restaurant.”

“Sure, make a left turn once we reach the stop lights and continue to drive straight.”

“Yes, ma-am.”

They drove for the next 10 minutes until they reached their destination.

Jayce parked the Lamborghini and hopped out to go and open up Trina’s door.

“Still a gentleman, I see.”

“That will never change.”

Jayce gently held Trina’s hand while they walked to the restaurant. 

“Good evening, we have reservations for Thomas.” 

“Yes Mr. Thomas Sir, please follow me this way.” The waiter led Trina and Jayce to their table.

Jayce placed his right hand on Trina’s lower back and guided her to their table.

“Would you like something to drink?”

“Can we have the most expensive bottle of champagne,” Jayce requested.

“Yes, sir will that be all?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Babe, champagne?”

“Yes, we are celebrating.”

“Celebrating what?”

“Reuniting. I never stopped loving you Trina.”

A sense of relief left her body.

“I never stopped loving you either Jayce.”

Jayce reached for her hand and looked deep into her hazel eyes.

They spent the next 30 minutes chatting and catching up before their meal came. 

“We have the Filet Mignon for you ma’am and the Grilled Atlantic Salmon for you Sir. Would you like any pepper?” The waiter placed their food on the table and Trina and Jayce thanked him.

They ate their meals and continued to catch up with each other.

“So, let me ask you this, do you still want kids?” Jayce quizzed. 

“Of course, I do.”

“Do you still want 3?”

“Yes, 2 girls and 1 boy.”

“Will you marry me?”

Trina gasped as she covered her mouth with one hand and her eyes grew large.

“Marry you?”

“Yes,” he stated. “Marry me.”

“This is our first date after 20 years. You don’t know me. I don’t know you.”

“Baby, we have been brought back together for a purpose. We clearly were not ready back then when we were teenagers. We went to different universities and lived a separate life. It was not the right time. We have both grown since then. We have everything that we have ever dreamed of together except for each other.” 

He was right, they had always written down their dreams and goals together and the only thing missing was being married and having kids.

Trina thought she would throw out an unexpected quiz to see if he truly did know her. After all these years there is now way he remembered things about me. Trina started asking him basic questions about herself which Jayce aced. “You answered all 20 questions correctly. How did you remember so much about me after all these years?”

“I told you Trina, I have never stopped loving you. I have dreamt of this day when we met again. I never lost hope.”

Jayce got up from the table and pulled out a white box with a gold bow.

He got down on one knee and popped the question again.

“Will you marry me Trina Alexis Stewart?”

“Yes, I will marry you Jayce Terrence Thomas.”

Jayce gently placed the 3 carats rose gold princess cut ring on her hand.

Trina held up her left hand to admire her new engagement ring as the whole restaurant applauded them both.

“When did you get the ring babe?”

“I got the ring right after I left you.”

“You knew you wanted to marry me this morning?”

“No, I knew I wanted to marry you 20 years ago.”

“I love you!”

“I love you too!”

August 10, 2020 16:24

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