The Secret Between My House Walls.

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about someone who finds a secret passageway in their house.... view prompt



It was a rainy evening and Margot was sitting on her sofa crowded around some children that she was babysitting. Margot felt dizzy and sick , wanting to fall into a deep long sleep as if she was sleeping beauty. She yawned. Feeling bored, Margot put on her headpho-

''Margot!!!!!'' Amelia howled into Margots ears.

''What do you want??'' Margot says with a sense of annoyance.

Amelia side-eyes Margot trying to prove a point.

Margot flares her eyebrows trying to give out that 'no one cares' look out to Amelias brain.

''Ugh.'' Amelia mumbles.

Margot checks the time hoping for this day full of dismay to end. For some reason, Margot felt a wave of dismay and bad luck wash over her that evening. She wasn't sure how to state her emotions but felt to exhausted to try.

Her watch reads 9:40.

''Time for bed guys!'' Margot states with glee.

''No!! I don't want to go to bed!!!'' Amelia screams into Margots face.

''You should really go and brush your teeth.'' Margots says shovelling out the foul air that Amelia had just let out.

''How dare you? I'm going to tell my mommy!!!'' Amelia shouts.

''Excuse me? Your parents left you here. In my house and you come here with this attitude acting like you reign over me?!? Nope! Don't you dare speak to me like that again. Now go to bed before I make you!'' Margot screams in fury.

Amelia steps back grabbing her toys and going into Margots room. Kevin follows her.

''Great.'' Margot whispers trying to calm down.

Gurgling like noises come from a dead end near her basement.

''Hello? Mrs and Mr Adams are you here to pick up Amelia and Kevin?'' Margot questions silence. ''No? Ok.''

A few disturbing minutes later.

The noises from near the basement wouldn't end. It felt like it would never end.

''Ugh! I'm going to check.'' Margot howls annoyed.

She stomps to the other side of the room with each step the stomp fades.

''Oh, it's just my library.'' Margot says to herself like it's normal for a library to gurgle.

''Wait.. just my library?'' Margot mumbles realising her mistake.

Two unusual books at the corner of her library glow up.

''What the...?'' Margot thinks to herself.

She creeps to the corner of her library and grabs hold of the two books.

Margot yanks on them trying to pull them out, unleashing a passage way to an unknown place. She questions her decision to step inside the dark abyss. A strong force pushes her into the room as Margot cries out for help.

Inside the room is a few antique accessories from 100 years ago.

''What is this doing in my house?'' Margot questions herself.

Hesitating to pick them up and put them on, she searches for a way out. She searches for something appearing to show a sign of something that is dimly lit. After a few minutes of searching she finds a few rocks that seem to glow. She yanks on them. The door opens again and the doorbell rings. She runs out and the door shuts. She wipes off all the dust and heads for the door.

''Mr and Mrs Adams you're here!'' Margot says.

''Where is Amelia and Kevin?'' Mrs Adam questions Margot.

''They're sleeping in my room!'' Margot says without hesitation. '' I could go get them for you.''

''No, no! I think you've already had a long night from the looks of it.'' Mrs Adams says teasing Margot.

''Can you tell?'' Margot whispers.

''Yeah.'' Mrs Adams says as Mr Adams rushes by Margot going to get his kids.

''Well, have a goodnight Margot.'' Mrs Margot says grabbing her keys and heading off to her car as Mr Adams follows her carrying Amelia And Kevin in his arms.

''You too!'' Margot whispers shutting her door.

''Phew!'' Margot sighs in relief.

''Those brats are finally gone!'' Margot shouts.

''They really are a pain in the butt like those other babysitters said.'' Margot mumbles.

There was a long pause.

''The passage way!!'' Margot screams as she jumps up to her feet.

She runs over to her library and expects two of the books to glow.

10 long minutes later of waiting for the books to glow up.

''When is it going to glow up?!?'' Margot yelps without patience.

''Am I.....supposed to memorize which of the two books glow up?!?'' Margot squawks in disbelief.

Margot sits in disbelief as she hears tapping on her windows. She checks to see what's going on and realises that it's raining hail stones. She opens up her window and sticks her hand out, leading to having a puddle of water in her hand. Her head starts to throb in pain. Margot squeals. She heads over to the kitchen and takes a painkiller.

25 overwhelming minutes later.

''I'm bored....'' Margot mentions.

She tries to remember which two books had glowed up.

''Oh yeah! Two unusual books glowed up!'' Margot adds as she heads over to the library.

She looks around for two books that seem strange to her.

She picks up 'how to avoid ships' and 'the man who mistook his wife for a hat'. She yanks at them. The passage way opens.

''Yes!'' Margot shouts in glee.

She writes down the name of the two books in her notes. As she enters she searches for the two rocks that let her out. When she finds them she takes a photo of them.

''Ok now back to business!'' Margot verbalizes.

She picks up the accessories and puts them on.

''They don't seem to do anything...'' Margot states in disappointment. ''This was probably just a waste of time.''

She yanks at the two rocks and leaves. She heads over to the kitchen ,picks up a pack of crisps and turns on the television. She starts to watch The Simpsons.

30 minutes later.

''Bored....again..'' Margot murmurs.

''I wish I had a laptop to play on.'' Margot says to herself.

In front of her appears a laptop.

''WHAT THE--'' Margot screams.

She takes a good look at the accessories and gasps.

''Magic?'' Margot questions thin air. '' Nah, magic is not real.''

''Or is it?'' Margot says mischievously.

''No! I shouldn't take advantage of this! It's wrong. I'm going to put it back.'' Margot says hesitantly.

She heads over to the library , yanks on the two books and enters the room. She takes off the accessories and places them back where she found them. She pulls on the two large rocks in the corner of the room and runs out as soon as the door opens. She turns off the television , heads over to the kitchen and puts the chips in her cabinet. She then heads upstairs to sleep.

''I'm so tired..'' Margot says as she starts to slur her words.

She heads to her bedroom and flops onto her bed.


March 22, 2020 21:19

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Lauren Barbosa
23:30 Mar 28, 2020

By the way, this story has ended on a cliffhanger if anyone is confused with the ending.


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Lauren Barbosa
21:20 Mar 22, 2020

Great story! - The Publisher :)


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