Strict Performance. Strict Scrutiny.

Written in response to: Write a story that begins, ends, or changes with a song played by a busker.... view prompt


Adventure Fiction Teens & Young Adult

It is hard.

Allow me.

To indulge.

Maybe, even to

quote Pop Music.

Thank you.

For your patience.

For your indulgence.

Because, you see, I was born this way. ☺️😲.


You were born that way.

Depending upon your definition of “normal”.

I throw it back to you and seriously to

YOUR intentions.

For the rest of today.


I have been told.

It matters.

Depending upon how your”look” at the future.

What you hope to gain.

What you hope to lose.

In the process.

of living life, of course.

Trampling the enemy.(gb)

Trampled under them, over them.

Stepping all over them.

Grounding them into soot..

And for what? Why.


What would you do?

At all costs?

To look “good.”


Look like the guilty


What would you do?

To uphold your end of the


before you get turned over to the enemies?

Would you change your ways?


Under the circumstances.

The current circumstances.

Offer choices.

Choose to, choose not to.

Go with the heart.

We all talk a convincing game though.

An enticing one too.

And some.

Some may buy into it all.

It is inviting.

For a lonnnnnnnng time.

Too long a time.

Beliefs steer us. They seriously steered me.

Into a path of oftentimes destruction.

With you.


You need a place to dump your hurts.

Before and above my hurts.

Which would have been “ok”.

If you did not practice such hurt.

Such hurt and destruction.


To project it onto loving people, simply to

Make a deal.

It is abuse believe it or not.

and I wish this for you.

People just want to hang out with you,

because, of course, you are you,

It should be duly noted.

There exist folks who do not seemto wanna fight.


Simply prefer to let the pocket book.

Do. The. Talking.

If it can…talk

with the coherence of the person.

Who may or may not support another person.

Depending upon

”What’s going on”.

For truth seems so far, far, far, and, so, so, so so far away.

Friends come and go.

Family does, too.

No wonder really…….

And again. Relations seem so

far away.

Whiles other wonder and wander

We are left with what happened.


Better still.

What is so going on.

I never said it would be easy.

Neat and tidy even.

While the big guys are out in the back.

Hammering out the details


Of the this or that that.

Or the the that or this.

While others were dealing with the this of that.


the that or this.

The real hurt. Cutting hurt.

Whille still others were merely aside with amusement,

with your dealing with the this or that that.

There is a lot to be said for the truth.

A lot.

Provided someone will stand up for the truth.

Otherwise , in the meantime, there is a lot of non truth dealt with by those who care or not care about nor dare to think about its



dasardly nerve to wreck the party.

in the interest of wrecking the other party.

I may or may not have warned you.

This is tough stuff.

Not for the weak.

Not for the weary.

Not for the good.

Not for the bad.

But. For the busker.

Who keeps on trying.

To get it right.

Ths truth.

But. Oftentimes. To no avail.

No avail.

Because when the truth is not available.

The only thing left is a


A lie, left to take on a life or others of its own.


shiney and new.

And. Lies of all, well, the lack of


And when this does or may not occur.

Well what to do.

What to do.

Make it up?

Your call.

But in the meantime.

Perhaps. It best to keep it.


even though some may differ.

Truth seldom does.


It may cause lack of sleep.

But it seldom


With truth. Good.

Honest truth.

and the difference between

Right and wrong.

Leading the way.


Right and wrong.

and of course, Truth.

This does not have to be dicey and yet it becomes

dicey. For some. But not for others.

Depending of course how you look at things.

or what was.

what is.

and where you stand in the midst of what was and what was is.

The busker begins a dance of unimaginable havoc.

Unpleasant even…just to prove the point that was lost all along.

Worst of all.

Wasn’t. all along.

Continually doing it.

Because of the abuse by he or she.

Thinking the others, of the public,

“like it”.


So sad.

Singing for you.

Dancing for you.

Smiling for you.

Playing for you.

All in an attempt to get to,


or loved ones, too.

A busker is a nobody.

Maybe just like you.

Before the now. before the then.

When you were a somebody.

Now. A Naked.Somebody.

Becore you knew what you knew now. And that was


How to be a somebody.

when you were one all along?

I’m confused at your confusion.

Scraps of knowledge too have a way of starving people in the world of trying to prove you belong in a world where you do not care if I to belong. To it.


I said it.

Now what.

Look where we are.


Would it not have been easier, more life saving to play BINGO and then go home at the end of the day and call it a day. Together. And in love.

Was it the excitement that drew you in. To the life of excitement.

Drew you breathlessly into the competition of

better or worse and show no mercy.

At all cost. In order to be,



Devastation has occurred.

You won.

carry on as you may.

Don’t pay no mind, bother even or think about the devastation of us left behind.

We will keep bustling and busking along.

Maybe not singing a happy tune.

about you. About life now.

About us.

Our family.

In the end.

It doesn’t really matter.

The funny thing about goals.

That when they are attained.

If not for the lack of excitement, or challenge or buzz, ask yourself,

What is the point.

your point

Was it and is it worth it?

The destruction.

Was that the goal all along?

Your goal?

If you can answer all the important questions,,


All the rest of us chumps will skirry away. Back into our nasty existences. Our. Corners. Destined to be the nobody’s of today and tomorrow.

If you cannot answer, why you are here, why you do what you do. In the honest, In the affirmative.

May God have mercy on our souls.

Good day to you.

But as you may have wished.

Not for the rest of us.

October 06, 2023 07:24

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