
"Okay, I admit it, I was the one who called the police," said Carla. They were gathered around an investigation table, and no one could leave until the killer was found. You are probably asking yourself "Who are they, and why are they being investigated?" and you are asking the right questions. Let's travel back in time a little.

Two hours ago, Carla and her sister Margo were getting ready to go to their high school winter dance. It was a mess of makeup, hot tools, discarded clothes, and questions like "Has anyone seen my lipstick?" "Does my dress look good in this light? Is it wrinkled?" and "Where are my blue high heels?" Fifteen minutes before the dance started, the door bell rang. The girls's mother opened the door to find two suited young men. Milo and Andy were here to take the two sisters to the dance. When they finally came down, after 10 more minutes of grooming, they all left for the dance.

On the way there, Milo stopped at the gas station to get some soft drinks. While he was absent, Margo complained "I am sick and tired of Milo, I am going to break up with him after this dance." "But you've been together for almost 2 years!" Carla said. Margo didn't talk about that again, and soon Milo came back and the show was on the road. They got to the school fashionably late, and proceeded to have a great time. Around 10 pm, the Carla and her date Andy were ready to leave. They searched for Margo and Milo, but they were no where to be found. After half an hour of looking for them, Carla heard screaming, and went to investigate it. She found Margo in the janitor's closet, and with her, was Milo's corpse. There was a commotion in the hallway, and soon enough the police got there.

Someone told the officer that Margo was with Milo when he died, and Margo said that Andy and Carla were also there.

The four of them were taken to the police station to be questioned, and that takes us back to the beginning of this story. Carla just told her secret, after a long discussion about who the culprit was and who called the police, and Margo is not happy about it. "How could you call the police while I was standing right next to the body? You should have warned me so I could get out of there." "What do you mean?" Answered Carla, who knew her sister very well and could immediately tell that she was hiding something. "you are the one who incriminated me and Andy, even though we had nothing to do with the murder." "Are you insinuated that I killed Milo? He was my boyfriend!" exclaimed Margo. "Maybe I am! You were complaining about Milo on the way to the party, and you said you were going to get rid of him at the end of the dance." "There is no way you can possibly think that I actually killed my boyfriend of two years." said Margo, "I did not kill Milo!" but she was lying, because during the winter dance, she had stuck a knife in his heart.

That was not a decision she made in the moment, Margo had been planning to kill him for a really long time. Since they started dating, because he was her nemesis, or at least that is what she thought. In elementary school, Milo had insulted Margo, as little kids often do, and she had never forgotten, or forgiven him. She had fed that grudge through her life, and had spent countless sleepless nights plotting her revenge, and when the opportunity arose, she was quick to grab it. Her plan was quite an easy one, she would get close to him, make sure no one suspected her, of course, and when she found an opening, she would stab him. She had looked for the right moment for the entirety of their relationship, she always carried a pair of gloves, to hide her fingerprints, and she also carried a knife with her at all times, not a pocket knife, a butcher's knife, good for slicing meat, cartilage, and bones. How she managed to take all that with herself is a mystery that can't be solved.

When the police got to the crime scene and started investigating, they found the knife, the couple's footprints, and some other clues, but they could not find the criminal. Each one of the suspects was interviewed separately, but none of their alibis changed. "I did not kill Milo, I wasn't even close to the crime scene when it happened. Margo is trying to incriminate me, because she did, but she doesn't want to go to jail, I mean, who does, am I right? But I swear on my life it wasn't me . Maybe it wasn't Margo either, maybe someone is trying to blame her. Oh, my dear sister. How could she do something like that?" Carla rambled to the police officer who was interrogating her. Andy was the exact opposite, he refused to talk at all. He answered all of the questions with yes or no. Margo would not stop denying the crime. "I did not kill Milo. It wasn't me. It wasn't me, i swear. Please, believe me. I didn't kill him," was all she could say. All of those actions led the police to believe that they were all guilty, but there was no evidence, or proof other than the words of the three friends, and that was not enough.

The police never figured out for sure who killed Milo, Margo did not go to prison that time, but Carla could never trust her again. A couple of years later, Margo was diagnosed with clinical insanity, and was put in the care of an asylum. Everyday, before she went to bed, she would whisper to her pillow, and to whoever was close enough to hear her "I did not kill Milo," and after a really long time of lying, even she believed in it.

November 20, 2020 05:25

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