
That morning, I woke up late,after a hectic day at work the previous day. I woke up thinking of how to get Jane my neighbour to have a conversation with me. She is quiet and reserved, and hardly comes out of her apartment, whenever she is at home. Since she hardly comes out of her apartment, I have no option than to find other means of having a conversation with her. I got up from my bed and walked to the window and their she stood facing me, standing by her window. I musterd courage and began a conversation with her.

Morning Jane.I will love to have a conversation with you, if you are willing to lend me you ears.

Go on John, I am listing.

You hardly talk to anybody.

Yes John, I guess everyone have personal problems.

Truly Jane but problems will continue be part of human existence.

Don't you have problems John?

I do but I have to overcome them to be happy.

Jane.There is sadness in your eyes and a little smile can make it go.

Give me a reason to smile and I will smile a million times.

You have every reason to smile because today is a new day.

I love you Jane but a smile would make you admirable.

I love you too John. I will smile a million times if that would make you happy.

Good to see you smile. I knew that there is a beauty hidden behind that sad face and I was sure only love and happiness can unlock that beauty.

As I stand by window and from a distance, I can feel your heartbeat and I understand what it says. I here rhythms of love expressed from the innermost part of the heart. Oh John, I must confess that I have dreamt of this moment a thousand times. You brought happiness back to my heart for expressing your genuine love for me. I woke up this morning to catch the rising sun by my window but there you are standing by window too,expressing your love from the heart. Today has given birth to joy and happiness because of you.

Oh Jane, my heart is filled with abundance of love. All you need to do is to open your heart and receive what I have to offer. Even from this distance, I can see the light in your eyes.No more pain and a heavy heart but laughter and joy. Love has a lot of magic and I am ready to thrill you with more.

I will renew my love vows every morning with sweet smelling flowers. Come with me my love, let us go on an adventure of love. Come let us drink from the cup of love because no one can ever have enough of love. My heart has found you, and at the right time. I woke up this morning not knowing what do, but here I am by my window, pouring out love from the depth of my heart for your satisfaction.

I know for sure that love will lead us into the future with joy and happiness. You are a pearl, a priceless one. I have dived into the bowels of the ocean to find you. I can stand here all day, expressing my love to you with pride. When night comes, I will sit by the window, just to have a vigil of love for you. My joy knows no bound, now that you have accepted my love. The world, they say, is filled with too much sorrow. But with you by my side, happiness may last for a life time.

Oh John, no amount of words can quantify the joy your love has brought me today. Thank you for bringing happiness back to my life. I will forever cherish this moment for the rest of my life. The day you stood by your window and expressed your genuine love for me. There is nothing else I could cherish more than this, at this moment. Love is truely magical. It has light up my day and bring back childhood smiles. Give me more, I beg of you. Love is not always enough as the heart constantly yearn for more.

Oh Jane, don't just stand there. Go inside and get ready.We are going out on date. We can go anywhere you wish to go. Let me take you to a place where love lives forever. A place that fills the heart with joy. It is a journey that will last for a time. But it is worth it, as long as you are by my side. Come dance with me into the night. Hold me tight and tender but never let go.

Great minds with the greatest gift of all. Love, flowing from the heart with abundance of joy. Cast the spell of love in me and keep me bound. I wish to be with you for the rest of my love. Our tender love must pass the test of time as we continue to grow in love. Let my lead you to the pasture of love. With fresh grass that sweetens the soul. Let it be known that I have made my vows to love you unconditionally, and this promised to keep. When wake up from sleep every morning I will remind you of the undying love that I have built for you in my heart.

Oh John, you have said much. My heart have grasped all the true expression of love that you have showered on me. What great joy to know that you are all mine. I came to meet the sun but I met you standing by the window. This day has brought blessings of love showering from the depths of our hearts. I have found you at the right place. A place where sun rays brings down love mixed with the morning dew. Let us have a taste of this love and forever wish for more. Stay close to me and make my dreams come true.

Was I truly having a conversation, I wasn't sure. But she stood there starring at me.I starred back at her and she smiled and I smiled back at her. I looked at my watch and it was now clear that I have been standing there for over an hour. Have a nice day Jane I whispered and entered my bedroom.

April 24, 2020 23:49

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