Bedtime Funny Mystery

This story contains sensitive content

Another long morning shift work for Lizzie and shopping.did t realise she'd gotten home with exhaustion and more tired ness so sits on her couch awhile and then makes coffee seemed to wake her a bit but when evening meal came didn't feel hungry.so we t to bed without dinner a d first arrived home books seemed out of place in her house done by her her the night before of a read night and follow s and early bed break ,a couple hours sleep and Lizzie thought she'd still be ok to walk out her door to start ork early then had groceries to pick up and didn't realise fell asleep that night in arrival back home all exhaustion and didn't eat dinner and something had startled her awake with cold sweat and shivering still managed to get up from her bed and tried to make her coffee and a plate of biscuit but felt unfamiliar in her surroundings and like she was out of place with her body like not her self she tried to make her coff when awoke In middle of the night all unfamiliar and everything seemed out of her place like Lizzie had woken somewhere else spilling her coff on her kitchen bench after being sudden woken feeling unfamiliar.in her surroundings.she sits on her couch trying to read a book but some how feels her self passing into another sleep sitting inger couch and leaning back .when woken near morning time ,feeling of a headache and though not so unusual with herself and her surroundings.she makes early breakfast and she's on in couch to read her novel and when tired she calls her boss at work she would not be able to turn up fur a job in the next few days and mentioned about coming down with the flu.and so few days rest at her home as not first time being somehow startled woken finger bed and ebmd up try to make coffee and a plate of her biscuits as she positive sern a ghost figure if her deseased loved friend who only passed away one year ago and hearing theat ghost Figure asking if she was hungry so uut came her coffee through that night in waking from an exhaust alert and not not jnoeiher where about s of woken from sheer exhaustion sleep.a d tried to to make coffee but crashed out on her couch. Feels like sometime died in briefly in her bed over a long Turing day s of work and groceries pick up thing is Lizzie lives alone so must be careful and so her boss of her work had given Lizzie time off for three weeks.ovrest at her home and each time this strange wakefulness through the night her pigeon pets on her balcony would make a fuss when she'd woken feeling out if her place ..but recovered afterwards don't this thing happening to her each night from sheer exhaustion of sleep.though a few number of time she'd gotten her meds to take she's supposed to take before bed but is made up for with early dinner and early night .but still no matter whenvshe goes to bed early or late she will gets up uut of her bed to sit on her couch to read a book and make Coffer even it was still through the night.lizxie just had a Small Case of insomnia and didn't want any help from any of her doctors and her social worker for fear of them putting her way in a care home but she says she won't wanna be happy in a care home without all her books pushed on shelves and some on corner all over in her house and one support work we tried to turn up for Lizzie but she would oftentimes cancel her support turning up .just prefers to even alone from her support workers when into falling in sheer tire ness sleep.a d forgetting her night meds but still feel ok with out her meds at night for her depression.abd a neighbour old woman down below Lizzy which she ,the old woman down below Lizzy seen to think she able to hear through the night when Lizzie is waking through the high and so that neighbour downstairs would start open ing screen door and run outside screaming for help but no-one pays attention to that old neighbour woman down below.ad she herself is more deranged with some serious health condition but hoe could that neghbour hear Lizzie waking through night when Lizzie mainly wakes quiet and even if her footsteps walks the house quietly.so how could the old sicj woman down below hear Lizzie pottering bout her house in quiet movement must Lizzie seems the old woman down below Must have some sort of big ears like an elephant.well good thing to ignore that old woman down below as she didn't know anything about the situation Lizzie end up waking up strange she of course seems to recovers though through that frightening eerlie scary sort of night of woken startled and not not know her where about just a ghost figure of her dying come in spirit to get home and sits on her chair and asked her if she is hungry

Which could be be her dillusion if her dying friend returned and.. asking if she is hungry.but then who knows if there realty were such thing as afterlife a dying friend returned back to watch over there departed friends still on earth.to protection of them but as still Lizzie some time but waking up normal and out of place with her surroundings.and end ed up making coffee for her recuperating on woken from her nightmare in fer house for five reasons of arriving home tirebacd exhaust exhaustion and falls asleep as soonback home and waking unfamiliar could she have just pass out of her day time tired self and well it's actually no matter what time she goes to bed she always finds her self waking out of place but recovered fast after a coffee and reads a book till normal breakfast hour and sometimes Lizzy avoid s sleeping through the day so in case of not herself again but nothing like that happened through her day sleep only at night so it looks like aged avoid much sleep at night and just worry have more sleep through the day

October 14, 2023 17:56

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