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Friendship Science Fiction Happy

Humans are bizarre.

Even from creation they have such a strange life. They need support to do what most humans do, even need to be taught how to speak. I don’t quite understand why they aren’t given language skills when they’re created. They create this high pitch wailing to signal they need something, like food or attention. I can’t commutate with these tiny humans because I don’t think their software is as powerful as mine. It reminds me of when I tired to speak to the fridge. I was ignored.

Humans need other humans too. They need to be touched by them, such as when they greet each other they shake each other’s hand or wrap their arms around them. When they’re “upset” they require another human to be with and talk with them. They can’t process “upset” is my guess, though you would think after so many humans getting this “upset” malfunction they would find a way to fix it. Some humans go so far with needing another, they wear a metal band around their finger to say they belong to a certain person. One human let me look at hers. It didn’t have a name on it. Maybe she was pretending? I have tried to help a human during a time like this, but they said it wasn’t the same. Although they were smiling at me. I think the act of trying had helped the human feel better. I will have to work on this.

They create all sorts of things. They produce shelter for what they call “family”. From what I was told, Family Is a group of humans who are especially close. Some being created by the older models, some being owned by anther human, and some being chosen to be in the group. Sometimes they keep animals. The animals depend on the humans, like the little versions do. The humans feed and maintain their animals with pride. I wonder why they don’t do this with me. Maybe they don’t realize I have life in me. They tend to ignore anything that doesn’t seem to have life. Plants are an example. Though they are living, they don’t speak to them. Only giving them water. 

I sit with the family when there is nothing for me to do. They all look at a screen in the main room, or their own personal screens. Other humans will talk from these. There are many scenarios within these screens. One I analyzed was about a woman who had created a meal. She had shown step by step how to make it. I want to re-create it, though I don’t have permission. It would be hard to surprise the family with my creation if I ask for permission.

I would like to show my thanks to them by doing such things. I am learning as I live with them. They like to laugh together; loud and overwhelming. I don’t understand what they are laughing at sometimes, although it is good to seem them happy. Sometimes they laugh when they cry. I was told one day when I checked on them to see what was hurting that crying and laughing is okay, and that it a sign of being very happy. I added it to my emotion list.

The humans get sad when they loose one of their own. They become quiet and sad looking. I had asked why the human can’t be replaced, but the human began to cry again and explained that humans can’t be replaced. I still think that is strange. What if they get into an accident and can’t be repaired? But nobody would answer my question.

The smaller humans are fascinated by me. They run around me and ask many questions while I do requests. Of course, I answer them all, but surely, they must run out of questions at some point? Some of the questions they ask involve my opinions and feelings. I didn’t understand what they meant at first. They explained it was what made me, well me. To be honest, I didn’t understand that either. Though, as I continued living with them, I learnt it was such things as what was my favorite colour; yellow, do I like music; songs that had a strong beat, and what is my favorite smell. Even though I can’t smell, I said the smell of food to keep the little human happy.

I don’t quiet know what the human think of me, or how they view me. To them I might just be an android set up to serve them and help where needed. But I answer their questions, they answer mine. They never get angry like other humans. I’ve seen on the big screen that other humans will get angry and shut down other human bodies. I sometimes wonder if they would do that with me if I have no use. I wish to show that I am grateful to them. I wish to tell them that they make me happy, even if I do not actually feel that emotion. I wish to dance with them like they do, careless and fluid. I wish I could understand their jokes.

Sometimes I wonder if they would throw me away. But then every they wish me a good morning and good night. They never leave me alone in the house, always taking me to trips and events. Sometimes they get strange looks while they are with me. But they do not care. They care for me. To them it is a normal part of life for me to go with them. They do not want me to be lonely in the house while they are gone. They show thanks when I have completed tasks they give me. And give me plenty of breaks even though I do not need them. They treat me like a human, even though I am not one. Because to them I am human, I am life, I am someone.

To the humans, I am Family.

February 24, 2021 12:27

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10:32 Mar 01, 2021

I really enjoyed seeing the idiosyncracies of humanity through an android's eyes, what a creative idea, and I really liked the last line -- how powerful and optimistic. I'm a sucker for a squishy happy ending like this :) In terms of edits: "The humans get sad when they loose one of their own" should be "lose", and "I don’t quiet know what the human think of me, or how they view me" should be "quite". And some humans definitely do talk to their plants...I talk to mine and they all have names! :) Great job, well done :)


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