Drama Historical Fiction Holiday


Gabriel Chichi Fwakafwaka grew up in Bulawayo and went to school there. His father was a Zambian from Mukushi in the Central Province of Zambia. He did not like the regional politics but still found himself being tossed hither and thither by the political powers of the day. His mother Fidelis was a Zimbabwean Ndebele woman who came from a very prominent family of Harare formerly Salisbury.

Fidelis grew up in Salisbury a town named by a conquering small military force of the British South African Company (BSAC) in 1890. It was named after the UK Prime Minister Lord Salisbury. It's name was changed to Harare in 1982, two years after Zimbabwe got its independence and three years after the Lancaster House Agreement where a way to Zimbabwean independence was chartered.

Fidelis who was a historian could find lots of pleasure in narrating historical events worthy learning about. She remembered very well prominent players and contributors to Zimbabwean independence, among them were Robert Gabriel Mugabe and the then Frontline Head of State Chairman Kenneth David Kaunda who was the president of Zambia. The two met the British Prime Minister, iron lady Margaret Thatcher at Lancaster House and their meeting yielded great results for Africa and the world of democracy.

Chichi's father Mr Andrew Fwakafwaka was a very busy man. He was the kind of man who spent very little time with his family compared with the time he spent travelling and working. He used to spare time in the night to talk to each member of his family using a video conferencing system. In that way he remained in touch and reduced the intensity of the feelings of missing the physical touch or hug of the loved ones. That was the way Andrew could interact with the loved ones year in and year out.

Chichi and eight of his brothers and sisters got used to such a life and considered it normal. Andrew and Fidelis had nine biological children. The first was Abraham, the second Martha, third Naomi, fourth Moses, fifth Ezra, sixth Chichi Gabriel, seventh Yolanta Esther, eighth Japhet King and nineth Zebulon. All the children were married and had their own families in different parts of the world where they settled.

Zebulon was the youngest. He had an option to settle in Hong Kong but decided to settle in Moscow, the capital of Russia. Zebulon, like all of Fidelis' children heard so much about international cities and their accolades which gave them their definition and international status. Zebulon liked Moscow's position as the center of communist power. In fact, Zebulon's uncle Mr Mnyarazi who was an elder brother to Fidelis worked in Moscow during the pre-independence era and was the contact person of one of the Southern Rhodesian organisations that were engaged in the struggle for independence. Him too spoke highly of Moscow and the Kremlin. However, Zebulon went to the modern city of Moscow whose ideology, economy and political landscape had completely gone through some metamorphosis since 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed.

Japhet King Fwakafwaka was an arts teacher who lectured at the University and was running his own music school in England. All his five children were born in England and by virtue of that all his children were born British citizens. Later, together with his wife qualified to become citizens.

Yolanta Esther Fwakafwaka Johnson got married to Mr Yuri Johnson upon completing her Masters Degree in science from the University of Michigan. Mr Yuri Johnson was a product of an American father and a Russian-American mother both who were professionals in the field of Science and Robotics Engineering. Yuri too was a practicing professor in Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is the field of study involving computers - or Computer Science. It is associated with the concept of machines "thinking like human beings" to perform tasks like learning, problem-solving, planning, reasoning, identifying patterns and designs, analysis etc. Yolanta settled in the USA.

Chichi Gabriel Fwakafwaka loved to be in Zimbabwe his mother's home. He spent most of his life there. Two of his children were born in Zambia, his father's home while one was born in Zimbabwe. His work was mainly in Zimbabwe although he had a farm of bananas in Zambia which could spin quite a lot of money every year. He had passion not only for his nuclear family but for the extended family as well both in Zimbabwe and Zambia.

Ezra Fwakafwaka started his work career in Zambia's Kafue Textiles in Kafue district before signing a two year contract at Mulungushi Textiles in Kabwe. He moved to East Africa where he worked for a while before migrating to China where he started a small Textile company which experienced a fantastic growth and became a formidable company to recon with. 

Moses Fwakafwaka was a car dealer in Zambia since he was young. His business kept expanding and extended into Zimbabwe and and Malawi. His children began driving at a very tender age and would only wait for age qualification to get a driver's license; like father like child. Moses' first born child, a son settled in Australia and long qualified for citizenship. He worked in the Zambia Airforce as a pilot but joined an Australian Airline where he was one of the share holders. 

Naomi Fwakafwaka Sitali retired from an insurance company in Sweden and settled there. She was a mentor for girls and widows and was running a gender based network business organization called "Girls to Queens" (GTQ). She still travelled a lot in her bid to connect with her network branches in several countries around the world. Her husband Mr Ronald Sikwibele Sitali a highly supportive husband and business consultant really helped Naomi's business and gave it full publicity. 

The second born Martha Fwakafwaka Neil got married to a colored man, a Zambian named Gift Neil a son to the late Mr Albert Neil. Mr Albert Neil married a black lady named Nakawala who bore Gift. Mr Albert Neil was a consulting Engineer whose company had a task to construct Roads and buildings. The project lasted for eight years. Mr Albert Neil died in a plane accident. Gift was the only child of Albert and Nakawala so he took over his father's businesses in Europe, Africa and Asia. 

Abraham Fwakafwaka, the first born son started off as a politician who was, at one time implicated in corrupt activities. He was fired, lost his parliamentary sit and decided to go into a self imposed exile in Europe. He sold his properties at home and invested his money in shares at one European stock exchange market where he got handsome returns. 

Chichi remembered his father's video conferencing as a way to interact with all family members. So he sent to all brothers and sisters to join him in his holiday by loging in the video conferencing system. The whole family joined in and virtually cerebrated together at the same time and danced to the same music. 

Since the first invitation to join in the holiday over video chat, which everyone participated in, the family adapted that as an annual tradition. In the fourth year of adapting the tradition Chichi and his daughter were getting ready with preparations when the weather pattern changed in Asia and part of Europe that affected a large area in the Philippines and surrounding lands. At that time Naomi Sitali was in the Philippines to drum up support for the GTQ network branches. When a typhoon struck she turned to help all the girls who were affected by the typhoon and provided relief alongside the efforts of others. 

A thought came into Chichi's minds to go to Philippines for a holiday and called it "Holiday Rescue Operation" (HRO). His aim was two fold; to support his sister and girl child and to have a holiday cerebrated uniquely. He raised extra money just to make sure help for the girl child became a big reality project. 

Finally, he left and teamed up with Naomi and Sitali. Despite language barrier with the indegenous people, they worked lungs out. They shot so many videos doing humanitarian work. They engaged in family video chats at the peak of live rescue operation. The scenario looked hilarious, at the same time a tinge of sadness kept popping up throughout the operation. 

It was a holiday cerebrated differently. Family members were amazed. During the video chat they posed so many questions at the same time expressed fear for the safety of the relatives at the Frontline of 'Holiday Rescue Operation' (HRO). It was an energy draining HRO which lasted six days and twelve hours. The operation that combined well with the holiday was a success. At Harare International Airport (now called Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport),the family with a TV crew welcomed Chichi. His wife handed him a bouquet of flowers, kissed his lips and hugged. 

  That is how they left. 

Lawrence Nkwazi

Choma, Zambia. 

Word count 1,491.

November 27, 2020 15:50

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