Drama Sad Teens & Young Adult

"Riya,Don't you even know ,that you are not supposed to do this?,yelled Riya's mother.

"I love you mom",Riya winked and ran away from her mother's sight.

Riya, a fourteen year old girl,was not a girl of proper maintenance. She hardly listens to her mother.Being playful and annoying people are her hobbies. This is often proven through her deeds. Being clumsy is her talent. Always she gets scolded for being dishellved. This often gives rise to fights between mother and daughter. Anyway she will be the one who wins over it. Conversation between mother and daughter mostly ends with daughter's wink.As Riya is the only daughter after her elder brother,being clumsy is not a great deal for her.Riya,s father passed away when Riya was 11. She was father's girl.Her father's demise was something indigestible for her.She began to act strange after that.She didn't talk to anyone. Not even to her mother. Her brother was the one who took care of her. He consoled her,cared for her. She really felt safe with her brother.As they grew up the bond too grew strong. They became partners in crime. He was more than a brother to her . Her brothers loved replaced her father's.She began to see him as her friend and good companion.

He convinced her mother and stood by Riya's side in all situations.For her, Rehan was the best example for a brother. A day came when he had to leave her. He wanted to serve for the nation. But she refused. She was sure that she couldn't even spent a day without her brother. But in the end she had to let him go. But distance didn't part them. They had hours and hours of conversation over phone. They also wrote to each other occasionally.

They used to talk a lot over phone. About all the interesting incidents the had each day. At first when her brother left it was very hard for her to admit.She used to cry a lot wanting to see her brother.But eventually she got used to that as days passed by. He used to visit them once in a year. But when he did he never failed to convince her with lots of gifts. The day her brother visits her is the best day for her.


" Don't touch it", a slight scream from the living room brought Riya back to her senses.All the past memories receded away.

"What is the problem ?",asked Riya tracing her way to her kids.Yes ,Riya is married now and blessed with 2 beautiful daughters.Her husband is a successful business man.After marriage Riya continued her passion as a fashion designer. But a small accident hindered her job and currently she is under rest ,taking care of her family.Her mother was also there for her aid.

"What happened? Why are you yelling at the top of your lungs zara?"asked Riya.

" Mom,this doll belongs to me.Dad brought this for me" said the elder one.

"No, you both can play with this",replied the concerned mother.

"No but dad brought this specially for me.I am the eldest so this is mine" said Zara.

"Look dear,you are not supposed to fight over a doll. Being the eldest it's your responsibility to take care of your sister"added Riya's mother.But the kids barely listened to it.

Both were strong on their stand about not letting the doll off them.Riya was actually bewildered. After few seconds a smile formed on Riya's face.She made her way to their shared bedroom and began to search for something.Her sparkling eyes found a huge box, which was placed on a corner of the book shelf .The huge box carried beautiful memories of Riya's childhood.

She carefully reached for it and opened it. Each item in it has a special story behind it. But her eyes were searching for ' THE DANCING DOLL',which is more special to her heart.The moment she saw it,she lost herself in the flood of memories.


"Riya,your brother is on the phone", screamed Riya's aunty. Out of excitement she rushed towards the phone.

"Hello my princess ", asked Rehan her brother.

"Are you coming or not? How long should I wait for my birthday present?",asked Riya.

"I will be there this time next week princess. Wait for the huge surprise".

"Really you.." before she could further continue the call was hung up.

"He is always like this",she face palmed herself.

It was her birthday. She was feeling excited,except for the unknown sadness which was nagging her. She had everyone around her except her beloved brother. Her eyes were aching for her brother's arrival. All of a sudden a huge vehicle hit the brake in front of her house.It was an ambulance. These sudden chaos brought her back to reality. Hoping, it was her brother she ran towards the door. A coffin wrapped with their national flag was the only sight she got. Her brother was no more. Her poor heart skipped a beat. She wanted it to be a dream. But no.It was reality. An officer handed a box to her. With a heavy heart she opened it. It had a beautiful 'DANCING DOLL' in italomg with a small not which read


A small drop of tear formed in the corner of her eyes. She bursted into tears thinking about the last conversation the had over the phone.She had barely known that, that would be their last conversation.

........ ........

"Oh my god! this doll is lit"her daughter's voice made her flinch. Wiping down her tears she said" This doll is for you zara. Give that to your sister. "

"Ok mom. Is this doll a special one? This is adorable"asked Zara.

"Ya., infact this was the last gift I received . THE LAST GIFT..." she mumbled.

"Thank u mom" . With that the children left the room.

She slowly got up and went back to the kitchen. While heading towards the kitchen she didn't fail to notice her brother's picture, which was hanging in the wall. His refulgent face gave her goosebumps all over her body.


September 30, 2020 10:33

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10:02 Oct 08, 2020

This is sad and emotional, I like that she gave her daughter the doll. As it has a few grammar errors, you can have someone else read after you write.


16:04 Oct 09, 2020

Thank u so much for reading this...❤


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