Funny Romance Friendship

May 12/ 2021

Dear Pinky,

     Earlier today I saw that you left your wallet on the bus, so I’m bringing returning it. I also borrowed some cash, consider it payment for my good deeds. You're welcome. 

                                                                                   Your hero,

                                                                                                Cody. M

Dear Moron,

     For one, how dare you call me Pinky? That whole incident was your fault if I remember correctly. The name is Judy …J.U.D.Y… it’s not hard to spell.

     Second, though I am grateful to have my wallet back, I’m not very impressed about the obvious signs of it having been forcefully shoved into my locker, and what gives you the right to take a $20? That was for my lunch! I expect you to pay me back by tomorrow, or I’ll be shoving worse things down into your locker than a page from my notebook.

                                                     Consider this a warning,

                                                                                         JUDY . Y


May 13/ 2021

Dear Joody,

     I apolojize that my kind heartedness had put you in a difficult position yesterday, and that you're too emotional to see how much stress I had saved you from. That being said, if I ever see your wallet left unsupervised in the future, I shall completely ignore it.

     As for the $20, I already spent it all. Don’t worry, it went to a good cause. You took part in feeding a very hungry student. That student was me. 

  P.s I don’t appreciate empty threats.              

                                                                                             Cody. M

Dear thorn in my side,

1) It's apologise, not apolojize. 


                                                                                        JUDY . Y

Dear Jeudy,

     Putting a small spider in my locker isn’t exactly worse than a ripped page from a notebook, but I applaud the small effort. Once I stop laughing, I’ll acknowkladge ackowl acknowledge your habit of being a grammar nazi. 

     On another note, it’s cute that you think simply declaring war will automatically mean we are. Have fun with that. On my end though, I shall be enjoying a blissful existence. 

                                                   Thanks again for lunch yesterday,

                                                                                                Cody. M


May 19/ 2021

Dear annoyance,

     I’ve had enough. It’s one thing to leave a spider in my locker, putting sticky notes on the back of my hat, having your friends “borrow” my pencils and never giving them back, glaring at me in the hallways and putting piles of leaves in my locker. But it is unacceptable, and I mean out of line, to have told Bianca that I have a crush on her!

     If war is what you seek, THEN WAR IS WHAT YOU’LL GET!!

                                                                            Your new nemesis,

                                                                                               Cody. M

Dear new nemesis,

     I just wanted you to see the fruitage of how you affect people, as you seem natural at hurting their feelings anyway. You're welcome.

     Plus, since you failed to mention it, I’m going to assume you hadn’t noticed what I put in your water bottle yet. Oh well, have fun. :)

                                                                              Until next time,

                                                                                                JUDY . Y


May 24/2021

Dear Pinky,

     I have become immune to your frivolous attempts at making me self conscious about my incompetent writing, in fact, their making me stronger. I shall use the dictionary you so thoughtfully left on my desk this morning to my advantage. 

     On another note, I hope you enjoyed the blueberries I left for you. You still like blueberries right?    

                                                                                 Happy Monday!

                                                                                                 Cody. M

Dear Bully,

   *They’re, not their. You might want to do a little bit more studying. 

     The blueberries are a low blow, even for you. Actually, especially for you. I shouldn’t be surprised that you would resort back to this, but at least this time you didn’t stain anything that’s valuable. 

     To answer your question, yes, in fact I do still like blueberries! >:(

                                                                               Angry Monday!

                                                                                               JUDY . Y


May 28/2021

Dear genius,

     Just wanted to let you know that I’m impressed by your last prank. Truly, who would have thought of taking the elastic off of an innocent girl's braid? Genius I tell you. Totally not overused or unoriginal at all. Keep that up and I think we will have a winner. 

     By winner, I mean me.


                                                                                                 JUDY . Y

Dear Jody,

     I’m glad you thought so! I think I got it from my mother’s side, they say my great great uncle was a scientist. Albert….Einstein I believe his name was. Anyways, have fun finding your elastics! To give you a hint to where I hid them, you might want to check the boys bathroom. 


                                                                                          The Genius


June 1/2021

Dear Albert wannabe,

     Just a heads up that if a girl has one elastic, chances are she’ll have a million more at home. However I took your challenge, and you bet your pretty face that I strode right into the men’s washroom, stared down the one guy in there, found the elastic looped over the faucet, and walked out. The only thing this did was make me realize that the janitor is in dire need of a hefty raise.

     I would have given you this note on Friday, but I had to rush home. So in case you were wondering (not that you deserve to know), that’s why you're receiving it on a Monday. 

                                                                  Your courageous rival,

                                                                                               JUDY . Y

Dear Admirer,

     Good to know, I appreciate the explanation. I will admit that I found your lack of response disappointing, but with finals coming up I can understand. As excited as I am to be graduating in a month, I’m not liking the stress that seems to be coming with my homework lately. Do teachers know they’re giving me a migraine? Or are they just trying to stuff as much information as possible in my head before they say adios?

    And I totally agree about the janitor, though I’m impressed you actually went in at all. I applaud you. 

P.s. You think I’m pretty?                       

Your handsome rival,

                                                                                                Cody. M

Dear ego,

     I’m glad we are In agreement. Being senior students is only good when we’re done. 

P.s Don’t let the compliment go to your head.

Your not admirer,

                                                                                               JUDY . Y


June 4/2021

Dear “Knight in shining armour”,

     When you are at war with someone, I don’t think you should be putting it on yourself to be defending your opponent. Not to say I didn’t appreciate you stepping in when Charlie got a bit out of hand during gym, but I can handle myself. I’ve done it before and I can do it again.

     But since I don’t want to be rude…Thank you, I think you might have saved my neck out there.

P.s I’ve noticed your grammar has gotten a lot better lately, I guess the dictionary really did work.        

                                                                               Your opponent,

                                                                                               JUDY . Y

Dear damsel in distress,

     You're welcome. Does this mean I’m forgiven of my debt?

                                                                                    Your knight,

                                                                                                  Cody. M

Dear debtor,

     Not a chance.

                                                                                          Your foe,

                                                                                                 JUDY . Y


June 9/2021

Dear Jude,

     It felt wrong not to write anything. I saw you crying in the parking lot today and I felt bad. If this is because of the garden snake in your desk yesterday in French class, then I hope you know it wasn't supposed to make you cry, I had only meant to scare you. Besides…I kinda thought you would have laughed, or blown everyone away by taking it outside with your bare hands or something. Sorry I wasn’t there to see the result..

     Maybe I’ve gone too far…I’m sorry. I’ll try to make sure my future pranks are a little more tame.

                                                                                 Again I’m sorry,

                                                                                                  Cody. M


June 10/2021

Dear Jude?

     So I haven’t seen you in class today, nor have I got any response. I had been informed by a pal of mine who was in your French class yesterday, and I was relieved to hear that you had actually blown everyone away by taking the snake outside. He also mentioned that you were trying not to laugh the entire time. 

     This made me relieved of course, but then I realized that something else might have happened. Whatever it is…I hope you feel better soon. It doesn’t feel right to switch out your 3% milk with soy when you're already down in the dumps.

                                                                                  Get well soon,

                                                                                                 Cody. M


June 11/2021

Dear Judy,

     So the teacher had explained what happened, and I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you don’t mind that I got your friend to take this letter to you since you won’t be coming back until Monday.

     I lost my grandma after I turned 10, she was the one who taught me how to make jam. I loved her dearly, but a heart attack had taken her too quickly from us. I think you would have liked her, she was very kind, but had a feisty side to her. She was the one that suggested I’d make blueberry jam for you. I think it’s time I owed you a proper apology for what happened in grade 2. I promise it’s not out of pity (maybe a little), but because you deserve one. 

     When you moved to this town and started coming to Windshield elementary, I had developed a massive crush on you. You had mentioned that you liked blueberries, so I made you blueberry jam. I wasn’t a very smart child -as you well know- since I put it in a bowl instead of a jar. I meant to give it to you as a gift on picture day, but instead I tripped and ruined your favourite shirt…

     When all the kids started laughing at you, I got scared and joined them. I had put you in a very embarrassing situation and I never even apologized for it. So…I’m sorry for doing that to you, and for being a major jerk. I don’t expect forgiveness, but I’m glad you at least know now. 

     Again I’m sorry for your loss, my condolences to your entire family. 

                                                     Hope we will see you Monday ,

                                                                                                  Cody. M


June 14/2021

Dear Cody,

     Your letter was a big comfort. My grandfather was very important to me, but he had been sick for years. I’m just happy he isn’t suffering anymore. I’m sorry to hear what had happened to your grandmother, but now it makes sense why a little boy would be carrying a bowl of jam in the first place…I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been wondering about that for years.

     I appreciate the apology, and after a week of deep thinking, you're forgiven…Only for the jam, not the $20. Can’t let you get off that easy. :P

P.s I’m impressed by the lack of corrections in your last letter.                  

P.p.s also thank you for the chocolates.


 Your fellow senior student,

                                                                       JUDY . Y

Dear Judy,

     Thank you, I may or may not have used a quarter of my notebook to write it. Also considering you left a fake spider attached to the note, I’m going to assume our war shall continue? :)

   Your grateful senior student,

                                            Cody. M

Dear Cody,

     Wouldn’t dream of letting that end until one of us wins, by one of us, I mean me.

Sincerely your persistent pain the butt,



June 21/2021

Dear confusing boy,

     Just thought I’d point out that a bouquet of lavender hardly counts as a prank. Though they smell nice so don’t expect to get them back. 

P.s how did you know I liked lavender?

                                                Your flattered nemesis,

                                                                                  JUDY . Y

Dear enemy of mine,

     I might have asked around, apparently it’s not much of a secret. Besides, the next few days are going to be stressful with graduation week coming up. Enjoy :)

Your annoyance,

Cody. M


June 27/2021

To My Esteemed Rival,

     Since today is our last day of school, and tomorrow it all officially ends. I thought it was time to put a stop to our war. It had been fun, and sometimes a tad stressful. However it’s going to be extremely difficult leaving notes in your locker when we no longer have lockers. So there is only one truce I can think of.

     How about I finally pay you back that debt and take you out for lunch? 

     I no longer wish to be your enemy. I wish to be your friend. 

Sincerely the one who you think is pretty,

Cody. M

To whom it may no longer aggravate,

     I accept your proposal, and also the jam you left outside my locker (thank you for jarring it this time). Do expect me to be charging interest for the delay though, I think a scoop of ice cream would cover it nicely. 

     As for no longer sending messages via locker, I wrote my phone number on the back. We might find the method more efficient. I look forward to seeing you soon. <3

Sincerely your friend,

JUDY . Y   

February 05, 2022 04:30

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Dhwani Jain
12:34 May 21, 2022

<3 <3 <3 The only thing I can type after reading this....


Jane Linwood
21:54 May 21, 2022

That’s so sweet! Thank you☺️


Dhwani Jain
11:02 May 22, 2022



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Howard Seeley
01:06 Feb 09, 2022

Hi Jane, Welcome to Reedsy. Wow! I truly enjoyed the banter between your characters. Hope to read more from you soon. Good luck!


Jane Linwood
01:17 Feb 09, 2022

Thanks! I had a lot of fun with this prompt


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21:49 Mar 16, 2024

this is actually so cute :)


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Unknown User
23:53 Feb 08, 2022

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