
''Yes, it's true, i'm not proud of it but it is what it is.'' Anna said with a frown plastered on her wrinkly face. Her dark brown hair covered her face, in shame or due to a habit, Mila couldn't really tell. She took long deep breath even though she had has her suspicions from the first time they had met. Anna was an ex convict at the local jail. Mila had a billion reasons to be frightened and leave but she decide against this. After all she was the only key to finding her sister, at least as far as she knew.She sipped some more of her coffee before verbally reacting to her acquaintance's admission .

''So why didn't you tell me that when I asked you the first time? I mean, it was kind of obvious.''

''Look, it's not something I can say I am proud of. I lost my best friend, your sister, and then my sanity in those...those disgusting jail cells.''Anna replied on the brink of tears from the thought of jail. Even though Mila felt empathetic, her face remained stoic resisting the urge to show any emotion.

''What were you in for?''


''What were you in for?''

''Umm... insurance fraud , they put me in for insurance fraud'' Anna said with guilt. She started to feel the baggage of emotional weight increasing in her heart .Mostly due to the overflowing memories her heart was receiving of her dark past.

It was getting dark outside but Anna showed no signs of leaving Mila's house anytime soon. She would soon discover that she had nowhere to stay and decided to let her sleep on her sofa that night. To Mila this meant she could get a lot more information on her sister's disappearance, or at least what led up to it.

As Anna filled her in on the events before 'the day that ruined my life' as she liked to refer it as, she couldn't help but reminisce. Their memories we're bittersweet in the right that she the good times with her sister we're memories that could never be forgotten even though she wanted the pain to disappear.Even though both of them we're utterly miserable when Tyla had left for college far away from home, Mila was much more in distress. She couldn't fathom that the only immediate family she had would leave her. Now she had to fight her adoptive family's abusiveness on her own although it wouldn't be long until she herself ran away.

After this had happened, her life seemed to improve drastically. She got a job, had her own apartment and was doing well. Her sister also seemed genuinely happy except for the fact that they we're still apart.This soon would not be a worry to them as they we're both saving up so that they could have Mila go live with Tyla near her college, but this was never to be. Tyla went missing a week after.

It had been an year and a half but Mila never gave up on finding her. And now she was closer than ever to finding her. Anna , her best friend as she claimed , had some information on where she could be. Or so Mila thought. Investigators had even deemed her claims on Tyla's supposed whereabouts somewhat accurate that they decided to get her out of jail and just on parole and Mila couldn't have be more ecstatic.

About an hour after concluding their talks, Anna finally drifted of to sleep. Mila on the other hand could not sleep at all. I mean, how could you when you're life was about to be normal again. She was just, 19 but the hardships she had endured over the years we're more that you could ever imagine and now, they would come to an end. What a great sigh of relief.

Morning came rather fast and both of the young ladies we're awakened by a knock on the door. Mila wasn't up yet and Anna wanted to wake her up but didn't . ''The girl has had a fair share of disturbances let her sleep''She murmured to herself as she walked to turn the doorknob. On the other side of the door we're the two investigators she had talked to earlier the previous week, detective Ernestine and Abel. They looked rather taken aback and demanded to know where Mila was. An explanation was soon made as she had heard the racket and went to the door.

''Sorry to disturb you so early but we've made developments in the case miss.''Detective Ernestine said with pride. The room went silent for a split second then, both of the ladies started asked myriads of questions consecutively. ''Well, calm down'' The other detective said with a hint of command in his tone which resulted to a line of dirty looks from the three women.

'' Umm...well...we may have found you sister'' He said more calmly and nervously this time. Shock and excitement filled the room as tears of joy and happiness welled up in Mila's eyes. Anna on the other hand felt rather dizzy and looked uneasy. '' Did you hear that? They found Tyla!'' Squealed Mila as she shook her guest in overflowing excitement . Her sister's best friend smiled and quickly held Mila in an emotional embrace as they celebrated their victory.

''Now remember, we could never be extremely certain, but, it's very likely that she is the one. She has been found in a mental institution back in Linland which is 165 kilometres from where her college was in Gudge.'' Detective Ernestine finally let out. '' We will be driving up there the day after tomorrow and thought it would be best if the both of you accompanied us.

''Yes, of course, we would love that!''Mila answered looking at Anna as she nodded in agreement . The officers then made further arrangements and after thanking them they were off. That day was like no other. Probably the best Mila had had in months. To celebrate they went out for dinner that night. Anna was also later informed that if all went well she would be put off parole.

The sun finally dawned on the day and before they knew it all four of the people we're on the road and after the long day the car was parked at the institution. Mila and Anna took long breaths as they entered the building. Both of them were equally anxious, everything was about to go amazingly great or, terribly wrong. The latter was shoved at the end of each of the girl's minds . They thought that whatever happened should favor them for all they had been through.

''We're the detectives that had earlier on this week. We had an appointment with the head nurse and one of your patients.'' Detective Abel said to the lady at the front desk . She nodded and smiled politely as she wished them all the best. ' I don't think we need it, I can feel it, it's her' Thought Mila.

The head nurse's office had a calm setting to it. Perfect for a reunion you might say.

Everyone in the room was clearly thinking the same thing. It was visible on each of their faces. No one could wait longer for what was bound to happen. After a brief chat with the head nurse, it was finally time.She left the room and returned with a patient on a wheelchair.

''It can't be!'' Screamed Mila with excitement as she paced closer to her sister. Abruptly she stopped in her tracks, eyeing the patient in the wheelchair. '''What's wrong? '' Asked almost everyone synonymously.

''What is her name?'' Mila asked.

'' Why, it is your sister, isn't it?'' Answered detective Abel.

''She does not have any documentation but the resemblance to the person in question is strikingly similar don't you think? No way it can't be her.''The head nurse said rather defensively,

''No! You lied to me! This isn't he! Where is the birthmark on her neck? '' Mila cried .

''Yeah! Where is it! This is certainly not my friend!'' Anna chimed in in agreement with Mila.

Without further talking, Mila stormed out of the room wailing uncontrollably.

''We did not know she had a birthmark on her arm!''The nurse said.

''Well she did, she was my best friend trust me'' Anna said before chasing after Mila.

November 18, 2020 13:51

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