mccarthy the maniac

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt



just so you know i don't punctuate or capitalize

the grey gloomy grave stone said 11/5/1973 - 9/5/2012 RIP Sarah Mccarthy it was my grave stone it is Halloween night and I'm sitting here staring at my grave stone well all the other ghosts are off haunting little kids for fun. i was invited to haunt with them but i didn't want to spend my first Halloween as a ghost scaring some little innocent kids. I know, I know everyone thinks that ghosts are supposed to be scary and their job is to scare kids yeah amazing blonde hair and all (though it's more like mist now) sometimes we do haunt a few people here and there but that's not what we do for all eternity.

"Sarah, Sarah where are you"

that would be Kelly Santana by BGFF (best ghost friend forever)

"over here Kelly" i call to her "what's up"

she runs or more like floats over to me shes been dead a lot longer than i have her body is already starting to decaying (i'm so jealous)

"come on lets go haunt some kids Stacy Humphrey, Arianna Clelps and Alexia Chester they are waiting at the door way"

(the door way is the door between the spirit, ghost, zombie and living worlds of course you could choose reincarnation too but no one every does)

"i don't wanna go" i whine

"Don't be a wimp you can't die twice" she says pulling my arm

"But what if you can" i ask my eyes growing as wide as plums (i really like plums)

"oh come on Sarah not another superstition were dead live a little" she pulls harder on my arm i try to pull my arm back. i trip over my grave stone (can ghosts trip?) we fall head over misty trails (we don't really have feet) into Cory Peters the cutest ghost ever and he falls down we keep rolling picking up more and more ghosts as we go we roll all the way to the door way still picking up ghosts our snowball of ghosts is as big as like a million plums (i really really like plums) we are about to roll into the human world when we hit a bump and roll into the reincarnation section

some things you should know about the reincarnation section 1. once your in you only leave in a new body 2. reincarnation doesn't put you in some random baby child you pop up on the street with a new name new face and new skill though you still remember everything from your past 3. you get stuck with some random family who thinks you have been with them your whole life unless someone else in the family was reincarnated too but they try not to do that.

when we stop rolling everyone untangled got up and stumbled around all dizzy

eventually we all came to our senses and i counted about 27 ghosts all stuck in the worst part of the spirit world because of me and Kelly i felt so bad but when i saw Kelly she was flirting THAT'S RIGHT FLIRTING with Cory peters

i float over really fast and grab her arm she tries to pull away but i'm stronger now i feel more human most likely because of the reincarnation

i pulled Kelly into a corner "do you know where we are" i hissed

"no where" she asked

i look a her surprised how could she not know "the reincarnation section"i whisper shout

Kelly gasps so loud everyone turns and stares

"not so loud" i hiss quietly now that everyone is looking at her

but she is already running to the door screaming "Let me out i need to get back to my beautifully decaying body!"

but it's to late all the ghosts that got stuck in here because of me and Kelly are already turning into humans

Pop pop pop i hear as we all appear on the streets in new bodies with new families i look down few i'm still female age 9 turning 10 soon but there's a small problem i don't know where Kelly is (or who for that matter)

i look around trying to spot anyone suspicious i see a confused look girl about 10 examining her rear shes wearing a fluffy pink tutu and her hair is rainbow i run over and ask her who she was but she looks and me confused and asks "was?" then she answers my question saying "Cory peters" with an amazing eye roll

"it is you" i exclaim hugging him (or her i guess only Cory can roll his eyes like that)

he pulls away "who were you" he asks (she i guess she fits better or maybe it works)

"Sarah Mccarthy" i tell him

"Mccarthy the maniac?" he asks

"what?" i'm confused already "maniac?"

"well yeah with all your superstitions and stuff the nick name kinda caught on" she says rubbing the back of her neck

"whatever" i say shaking it off "who are you now?" i ask

"Becky Calderon" she tells me

"you?" she asks

"Andrea Hibbert" i say

"do you know of anyone else yet?" i ask

"just my supposed best friend Amy-Louise Gardner i think she was that Kelly Santana girl"

"do you know where she is" i asked extremely excited that i found out who Kelly is

"down the block to the right" she tells me "gosh i really hate this reincarnation stuff its so confusing i'm coming with you maybe we can locate more reincarnated ghosts" she adds

"the more the merrier" i say and run off down the block Becky Calderon at my heals

by the time we found Amy (aka Kelly) we were out of breathe Amy's first instinct was who are you then she saw Becky and exclaimed "Cory er Becky! who's this" pointing at me

before Becky could answer i jumped and hugged her

"Sarah?" she guessed

"yep" i said still hugging her

when i finally let go Becky looks bored out of his mind

"ok, ok Amy said nice to see you but have we found anyone else yet?" the question was directed at Becky

"actually she found me" she said

"do we have any idea where anyone else could be?" she asks

"no" Becky sounds annoyed "did i have to be a girl"

"quit complaining we need to think of a plan" Amy scolds

"easy for you to says" mutters Becky

"what if we wait until school tomorrow and try to find more then" i suggest ignoring Becky's comment

"good idea see you guys later then my parents and annoying little sister are calling" she says as shes hurrying away

"i should probably go to by Andrea"

and just like that i'm alone again until i notice someone behind me

to be continued (maybe)

October 28, 2020 17:25

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Felicity Anne
01:39 Nov 11, 2020

I love this Claire!! Your writing is so so good! Thank you so much for the follow! Also, nice bio! 😂


Claire Huettl
16:32 Nov 12, 2020

thanks lol


Felicity Anne
16:35 Nov 12, 2020

No problem! :D


Claire Huettl
17:53 Nov 12, 2020

I also really liked your story up from the ashes


Felicity Anne
19:13 Nov 12, 2020

Thanks, Claire!! That means a lot. ;)


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John K Adams
21:39 Aug 22, 2021

A very enjoyable and fresh take on 'haints.' Your humor is great. Also enjoyed your clear-cut rules in your bio.


Claire Huettl
16:26 Aug 24, 2021

haha thanks


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