The Scared Olympic Ice Skater

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a person experiencing pre-performance jitters.... view prompt



There once was a girl named Miranda Dominguez. She was an Olympic ice skater for the USA team. She was only a seventeen years old girl going to the Olympics. Her mom and dad were from Mexico and they crossed the border so she could be an American citizen and live in America. She practices so hard with her personal trainer named Meghan Davids. Miranda had always wanted to compete in the Winter Olympics because her dad said that her aunt Melissa Dominguez had also competed in the Olympics when she was sixteen. Miranda´s grandparents had only her aunt in America so only her aunt could be a part of the USA Olympic team. Her dad was born in Mexico because his parents feared that they could be in trouble and didn't want to risk it with their son. 

Miranda Dominguez lives with her aunt Melissa Dominguez in NYC, New York. Miranda has lived with her aunt since she was two years old because her parents don't risk living in America so then they go to jail. Miranda and Melissa go to Mexico to visit her parents in the summer or school breaks but during school, she FaceTimes her parents every time she wakes up and every time she goes to bed even with the time difference. Her parents always look forward to talking to her even when they are at work, sick or even in a big meeting. Since the Winter Olympics are coming up in three weeks, they are calling her non- stop but she has been training really hard with Meghan. She doesn't even go to school, she does independent study since December and it's February. 

Since she will be going to the Winter Olympics, some news shows have called her in for some interviews and she has always said yes. Most of her teachers saw this and the news started spreading around the school, so all of her teachers agreed that she should have independent study till after the Olympics. She was super overwhelmed with all of her classmates wanting her autograph because she could become famous. Then she started having a bunch of fake friends (people who wanted to be her friend because she was going to the Olympics and also can gain popularity). When her teachers said that she will have independent study, the principle said that she can just go home and most of her work will be online so she doesn't have to face a whole mob of kids wanting her autograph. 

Before she left the principal's office, he said, ¨But promise me that you will give your teachers and I your autograph and a bunch of USA Winter Olympics apparel.¨ 

She replied, ¨Sure, I´ll

see what I can do.¨

The principal said, ¨Ok have a great break, ok, and if you win or lose, we are with you all the way. 

Miranda replied,¨Thank you.¨

When she got back in the car with Meghan and Melissa to head back to the ice rink, Melissa said,¨Did everyone in school want your autograph and to have a picture with you?¨

Miranda said,¨Yes, how do you know?¨ 

Melissa replied,¨Didn't you know that I was able to compete in the Olympics at your age?

Miranda replied,¨Oh yes, I forgot. ¨

 Melissa said,¨ The best way to deal with it is to embrace it, if you win a medal you get more popular and everyone will want to be your friends. But you need to know who is your real friend.¨ 

Miranda replied,¨Thanks.¨

It was only a week until the Olympics so Melissa, Miranda, and Meghan went on the flight to Japan where the Winter Olympics were being held. Miranda´s parents couldn't come because they aren't American citizens. 

When Miranda got to Japan she went to the shop where she could get free Olympic stuff. She went there with Meghan and Melissa. Miranda filled her cart with things for her mom, dad, the principal, her teachers, her many family members and other things that she can give to her friends at school, and random things that she can give to the principal to add to the schoolwide auction for a gym, new chromebooks, and new iPads. When she was done with everything she put everything in her hotel room. 

While she was putting everything away she took pictures of the things that she got and emailed the pictures to her principal so he knows that she landed safely. She FaceTimed her parents so that they knew that she landed safely and she showed them all the things that she got and her parents were really surprised that she got all that stuff, but were also happy that most of the stuff were theirs. 

When she went to compete in the Olympics, she was so scared that she threw up before going onto the ice. When Melissa and Meghan saw that she was scared, they started chanting her name but then the producer told them to stop and then Miranda started laughing and she felt warm inside but she still didn feel okay. When she went on the ice she saw her parents in the stands with her aunt Melissa and her personal trainer Meghan. At that moment, she felt great and went on the ice and took home the first place gold medal. 

When she got home, Melissa told her that she was able to pull a few strings and her parents were able to come, but her parents won´t be able to stay for her party for winning a gold medal.

Melissa and Meghan said that they want to throw Mianda a party for winning a gold medal. She can invite anyone that she wants to because she won a gold medal.

Miranda invited her friends, her admirers, her teachers, and the principal to her party. Her aunt Melissa bought a new house so they went there to decorate it and make it their own roomy house. They set up a room where they party will be at.

When her guests finally she gave them the tour of the parts of the house that they are to only go in like the bathroom and the party room. That night she had the greatest night of her life and wore the prettiest dress and wore her gold olympic medal. She also gave her principal and the teachers their USA Winter Olympic apparel.

July 13, 2020 04:45

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14:02 Jul 23, 2020

Well done on your first submission! This is a nice story. Just be careful with some of the spelling and formatting issues. Good job!


Lynda Aduba
20:16 Jul 23, 2020

Thank you for the comment! I will practice on my spelling and formatting issues.


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