Pirates do exist

Written in response to: Write a story where an algorithm plays an important role.... view prompt


Fiction Inspirational Suspense

In our πŸ† process. This company will be one of the most successful. We just found out a new cleaning solution to making new medicine for sick sea 🐠 fish. Mix of Acetam from Tylanol and seaweed. We used a chemical compound formula. We found the atomic weight of water that would be mixed in to make this medicine. 3600g of water.




[ 18 = 16]

--- --- x

3600 x


---- = 16


"Hey, Jenny? I think I got the right amount of tynol for this pink 🐠 fish."

"Great, she's really looking down."

"Here you go. Jenny, let me know if things changes."


"Go and get more 🐠 fish food ready so we can go on our round on the boat."

"Right. I usually enjoy feeding them."

"Me too."

Jenny went and got the 🐠 fish food from the cabinet which was in the front lobby. It was a good brand of food. Jenny and Heather usual does their round in the morning. They go on their company boat and drive up well into the sea to feed the 🐠 fish. A good handful to feed through that range.

"Heather, you ready to go?"

"Yes! How's the pink 🐠 fish doing?"

"She's looking better now. She's taking a nap. She's settling on one side of her tank."

"Great! Let's go!"

Heather and Jenny let their boss, Leah know they were leaving and tell Josh that when he comes in to be sure the new shipment of fish tanks needs to be put away.

The women got on the boat and headed north at β›΅ sea at 30mph. They reached their destination in 40 minutes into the sea. Heather put out the anchor in the water.

"So, Heather? How was your date last night?"

"It went well, but, this guy wasn't my type."

"What didn't you like about him?"

"I didn't like how he's the type of guy who likes a woman who spits on his dick while sucking it."

"Oh. It's ok. You'll find the right guy soon."

"Yeah, definitely not somebody I wanna move in with."

"That's for sure."

"How was your morning?"

"Mines was great. I got up and took my shower and-"

Pirates were rolling by. Firing their guns at Jenny and Heather! The women ducked. Jenny ran for their rifle. Jenny began to shoot!

"Good! You knocked one of them down!"

"The rest ducked! They still firing!"

After a half hour. The shooting from the other boat stopped. Heather and Jenny still ducking. The other boat drove away. Feeling safe after another fifteen minutes. Jenny and Heather decided to leave.

"Jenny, you ok?"

"Yes, my arms bleeding."

"Go get you some gauze and wrapping bandages in the first aid kit in the boat. Let me know if you need help. I'll stop the boat if I have to."


Jenny got to wrapping up her arm. Jenny came back to Heather.

"How's your arm?"

"It feels better."

"Usually, either those pirates were going to rob us or didn't want us to know of them sucking out dolphin oil."


The woman drove back to the workplace.

Leah, their boss found out what had happened and made sure they were ok. She also checked Jenny's arm. Made sure Jenny wrapped her arm well. Everyone went back to work.

Josh got the fish tanks put away. Leah also cleaned out the other fish tanks. Jenny went placed the Cods in one tank. Heather put the Parrot 🐠 fish in the other tank.

Customers usually love to come in not just to buy fish. But also love what 🐠 fish is on display like a museum in the front of our business. We usually donate to churches. These churches usual give us prayer support.

This afternoon. Josh and Heather went to check on the sea turtles. They finally hatched. The babies always look cute when they are figuring out how to climb out of the hole in the beach sand. When they climb out. Josh and Heather went straight to their aid. Josh began to pick up some of these baby sea turtles and got them towards the beginning of the water. Heather hurried along the way with a bach of more babies.

"We had a lot of people show up to the place today."

"Yeah, we made sales."

"Yes, lots."

"How many babies did you get to the water Josh?"


"How many did you get?"

"About the same. We got plenty to go."

"Yep!πŸ˜ƒ" they said in usion.

They finished placing all the baby sea turtles at the water. Heather and Josh walked back to the workplace to report to Leah and get to clocking out.

Heather, Josh and Jenny walked to the nearest McDonalds.

"I'll have a medium strawberry smoothie and a McDouble." Jenny told the cashier.

"Anything else ma'am?"


"Alright. You're total is $7"

"Yes Sir. Here's $10"

"Here's your exact change. It's $3 dollars."

"A separate order. I'll have a McChicken, and a dollar's worth of chocolate cookies."

"Ok, you're total is $2.60"

"Here's $2.60. That the exact change? I thought I gave you a nickle there?"

"Yes, it's the exact change."


"Another separate order."

"Yes, what would you like?"

"I want a Big Mac Value Meal."

"What size fry?"

"Large as hell."

"Size drink?"


"Great! Your total is $8.50."

"Here's $9 dollars"

"Your exact change is $ .50"

"πŸ™ Thanks"

"Y'all's order number is 900. Here's your receipt."

While waiting in line. These elderly women came in. They look like they went shopping for their great grand kids while they were at it. One lady had the most beautiful white hair. She was about 5'3. Blue background with daisy designs on it. It's a nice dress. The other lady who came in was wearing an orange color dress with daisy designs as well. She had a soft grey hair.

"Look at them." Said Heather. "I hope I'm like them when I'm old."

One of these ladies turned her head and said, " I hope you do."

"Yes ma'am."


"So, Heather? How's your friend Francen?"

"She's doing great. She's been finishing up a coffee table she was building."

"How tall is the table?"

"It's a 10x12"

"That's cool."


"What else has she been up to? Has she been going to walk-a-thons once this year? She usual goes."

"Yeah, she went to one. She, her grandma and Francen's friend Emily went and walked too."

"Francen still working at that one place?"

"Yes, good! I'm glad they haven't found an excuse to fire her."


"Order number 900!"

In unsion, "Yepe!"

"Yepe, right here!" Yelled Jenny.

Josh grabbed the tray. Everyone went to the fountain drink machine and fill their drinks up and get ketchup. Heather filled her cup with Coke. Josh filled his with Dr. Pepper. Jenny grabbed a few cups of ketchup. Six cups was plenty. Everyone made it to the table. They've chosen the table in the back by the window by the kid's playground.

Jenny asked about Josh's mother.

"My mother's doing great. She's been working on her front yard. She's deciding what flowers to plant."

"Great. I talked to your mom this morning and she told about how she was deciding what work shirt she should wear to work this morning and needed my advice."

"Oh, what you tell her?"

"Go with the collar one."

"Good choice."

Heather interjected, "Nice."

"Thanks. The collar one is always a good choice."

"You can say that again. I would have told her the same. How's that burger?"

"πŸ’• Lov it!"

June 14, 2022 19:55

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Aeris Walker
17:22 Jun 16, 2022

*Don’t forget to include a content warning if your story is going to include explicit sexual themes.* The emojis were a bit distracting for me, but you had some fun, humorous banter between your characters. Clever setting to include an algorithm! Keep writing!


Kayla Keiser
02:27 Jun 17, 2022



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Ace Quinnton
02:54 Jun 15, 2022

PLEASE. Like I said before: Take away the emojis. It's just a suggestion, though I highly recommend that you should do it.


Kayla Keiser
01:41 Jun 16, 2022

Don't worry. I got it. These emojis in this story is staying. It'll be the next stories.


Ace Quinnton
01:46 Jun 16, 2022

Alright, that's your decision to make. Have fun writing.


Kayla Keiser
01:48 Jun 16, 2022

I sure will. Thanks


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