The Park of Eden

Submitted into Contest #35 in response to: Write a story that takes place at a spring dance.... view prompt



The park of Eden is an opened air beaytified environment. It's natures gift to all those who celebrate love. The park shows its cutest and most beautiful face at Spring with bright colorful flowers illuminating the whole place. Many new lovers nursed their love at the beginning of Spring and harvest it on the next Spring season. The music played there at night is adapted to the fresh Spring breeze, which accompany the heart beating with love. The numerous colorful lights passing on the smiling flowers at night gives the park an eternal want for Spring.

Randy and his friend Joe are sited and enjoying the sweet love music and intense body to body dance. Randy revealed to Joe how his love for Kate troubles him day by day.

"I love every centimeters of her. When she smiles, she pours joy and love to the world. Her voice is so soft and sweet as if in a dream. I can't take her out of my mind. " He said.

Joe was surprised because they both knew Kate was the girlfriend of Nolan. He asked Randy to look for someone else because Nolan was very rich and arrogants. Added to that, Kate was from a different social class to Randy. She came from a wealthy family and was complimented by most of the V.I.P's in the city. Joe was waiting for his girlfriend Chelsea to come and join them. To their greatest surprise, Chelsea came to the dance accompanied by her friend Kate. As Randy saw her coming, he paused at her as a mounted figure in such a dismay. His heart raced faster as she came closer and greeted them. Kate was wearing a magnificent gown beautiful made which held her tight revealing her gorgeous body. Her hairs were flying to the wind. Her eyes had all the mechanism needed to make a man panic at her sight. Her lips were painted with a pure reddish aggressive color to make any male believe wrong to be right.

She sad next to Randy and Chelsea conducted the presentations. The orchestra played Celine Dion with the title " the first time I ever saw your face ". Joe and Chelsea got up like most of the lovers in the park. Eyes to eyes, the lovers disappeared in the other's eyes. Their thoughts swimming in an ocean of love. With trembling hands, the lovers held their love. One could hear the heart beats playing to the loud tune of Celine Dion with nature smiling at Spring. Kate felt an intensed sensation of love floating in the air all over the park. It was her first time of coming at the park.

Randy breaks the silence as Kate noticed him pointing at her with passionate eyes.

" Are you a mare woman or you come from the moon. " Asked Randy.

Kate was surprised by his question and uttered

" Why? What do you mean? "

Randy smiled looking at her straight in the eyes. The piercing voice of Celine Dion contaminating people's heart with her tender words. He replied.

"Nothing from you seam of this world. Your eyes and your smile are as from the fairies. You are like a sweet Spring memories that comes at Spring and goes after Spring." Kate laughed to the air asking if he was a clown or a commedian.

Randy replied that he was just one of her victims. He revealed to her in a slow voice meant only for her ears how he use to watch her in the campus illuminating and unworthy heart. Kate looked at him with her charming eyes wondering what he meant.

Joe and Chelsea came back and break the silent romantic undertones. Both Randy and Kate remained silent to the remarks their friends were making about dancing at Spring. Joe realized they had interrupted something. He asked his girlfriend to accompany him get them something to eat.

Randy knew Kate was no more comfortable with the discussion. He pointed at an old man sited behind all in white. The old man in question was called " Pappy Love". Randy went on.

" Pappy love celebrated his 50th marriage anniversary here with his wife. He came here with her every Sunday at Spring. His wife died two years ago. Still he comes here alone to commemorate their love. The song singing now is their anniversary song. They incarnated love in all its sweetest form. Happy were those who watched them dancing, kissing and thanking nature for bringing Spring. "

Kate was moved deeply by the story. She looked at the old man and went to him. She asked the music orchestra to play back the music.

As Ed Sheeran toned out loud "I found the love.... for meee....." Kate offered her hand to the old " pappy love " for a dance. The old man stood up with great joy and they danced to the happiness of all. Randy watched Kate dancing with passion in his eyes. Every couple stood up and manifested their love. Only Randy was sited. The old man was full of joy and asked.

" Beautiful angel, it's my Olivia who sent you?"

Kate smiled and replied.

" No pappy. I was told love live in you and I came to testify by myself. Now I know it's true and your Olivia where ever she is, am certain she has been the lukiest woman on Earth."

The old man laughed and was flattered to hear this. He held her hand and accompanied her to where Randy was sited. The old man asked.

"Young man is this angel with you?"

Randy stood up as they came and did not know what to answer. He replied.

" Yeah she is with me but we are not together. "

Pappy love was confused to Randy's reply. He said he did not understand why young people were too complicated when it came to love. He asked Randy to come and he took his hand and placed them on those of Kate. He asked them to dance for "Spring comes with love." As he was going he voiced out.

" Treat her well and love her with all your soul or I'll take her from you."

They all went into laughter and Randy danced with her eyes to eyes. With the night bowing to the voice of Wayne Wonder on the title " No Letting Go. "

Joe and Chelsea were coming back with food and saw them in an intensed mouth to mouth parade. Certainly their eyes to eyes communication revealed something that only their lips could testify. As Wayne Wonder was crying "take good care of me", the world was under their feet. They were taking good care of each other.

Chelsea gave a light throat clearing and the two people withdrawn from each other. They did not hear them coming.

Instantly, Randy jumped from his bed looking at every direction in his room. He realised all was just a dream. He repeated with a dissapionted tone "Spring comes with love" and feld back to bed. Thinking of means to conquer Kate.

The End

April 02, 2020 20:48

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