When It's Dark

Submitted into Contest #91 in response to: Set your story in a library, after hours.... view prompt


High School Horror Teens & Young Adult



My friends are all into this new game called Truth or Dare, I never play along with them because I'm not the daredevil, and I can hardly tell the truth when put on the spot. I spotted Lisa, Chad, and Mel in the library this morning giggling away. Truth or Dare... I remember thinking, Walking up to them I take a seat next to Mel. "Hey Risha! Wanna play?" Lisa exclaims, muffled by giggles. I just shrug, Maybe I'll finally surprise them by saying yes. I smile to myself, "Sure." Chad's eyes grow wide, "Really?!" he asks not sure if he heard me correctly. I nod my head, "Dare." I say. Lisa, Chad and Mel whisper among themselves, Deciding which Dare they should give me, "Stand on top of this table and yell if anyone has seen your goldfish." They finally come to a decision. I shrug once again and lift myself up on top of the table we were sitting at, "Excuse me!" I start off by getting everyone's attention, "Has anyone Seen my Goldfish? I took him for a walk and he got lose." I ask frowning. I hear a few giggles and a few sighs of disappointment, I look down to see that my friends have fallen off their chairs and are on the floor gasping for breath. I smile, Finally fitting in with this bunch.. And That Dare wasn't that bad, I kind of enjoyed it. I giggle to myself. 

The first bell rings and everyone is off to class. What Mel, Lisa, Chad, and Risha didn't know was this may be the last time they Hear the morning bell.


I'm running home, excited for my group Truth or Dare in the school library after hours, Mel, Chad, and Risha all would be waiting for me. I was surprised Risha even agreed to do the Truth or Dare challenge with us, She's been doing that a lot lately. Surprising us, not playing Truth or Dare. I rush through the door of my house, "Hey Mom! I'm going to be hanging out with my friends, Just home to change!" I inform my mother. She nods and waves me off with her hand, focusing on some new baking recipe she's been working on. I walk up the stairs to my room and pick out my spy clothing, Slipping on my black jeans, a black cropped hoodie, and a beanie. I check myself out in the mirror, Perfecta, I giggle. 

Slipping through the cracked window of my High School Library I immediately see my friends, I throw them a wave and a smile. They wave me over to the bean bag area. I pick a vivid blue bean bag and flop myself down, "Okay who's first?" I grin. "I'll go" Risha says, "Mel Truth or dare?" Mel thinks for a moment, "Truth." Chad has a look of disappointment plastered across his face, I smile. "Do you still sleep with your parents when you're scared?" Risha pauses before adding, "Like you used to do in Elementary." Mel turns various shades of red, "I.." "..Sometimes, but it's always on the floor" she hurries on. Everyone around her starts to giggle and she jumps in, "Lisa Truth or Dare?" I think for a moment before getting interrupted by the library door opening. I recognize the male that comes in, it's the Freshmen Math teacher. I look around at my friends clearly shocked he's still at the school after 11pm. He walks directly towards us, "Hey kids, I heard some rumors going around that you four might be here playing Truth or Dare." He grins madly, definitely insane. I think to myself. "Whose turn is it?" He asks, clasping his hands together, I shake my head slightly willing Mel to keep quiet. "Lisa's." Mel says, okay... maybe she didn't see my head shake and eyes of warning. Mr. Waterman smiles, "So? what'll it be Lisa?" my heart skips a beat, "Dare." I say, trying to stay on my friend's good side. Mr. Waterman smiles broadly, and pulls out an army knife, "Cut off you pinky." he says while taking his place on the only empty bean bag. "Y-you can't be serious." I gasp. He shakes his head sadly, "You do the dare, your told is that not how you play?" "Well... Those are the rules Li." Chad expresses through a shaking jaw. I take Mr. Waterman's army knife and toss it to the side, "No one is going to be cutting anything off." I say sternly, "Mr. Waterman if you can't play by teenage appropriate rules then you're going to have to let yourself out." Mr. Waterman smiles, "Lisa...Lisa...Lisa..." He says, clacking his tongue. While getting up to claim his knife. Bending over to pick it up he pauses, "you know Lisa, this would be more fun if you would have just played by my rules." Then he stands up straight and walks, no rather, runs towards me, grabbing me in a choke hold he cuts my pinky off with no difficulty. I let out an exaggerated scream and hold my hand so tight it begins to turn purple, blood pouring from my hand and its 4 fingers. Chad's eyes widen and he tries to escape through the window, Mr. Waterman throws the knife at his legs, stopping him right in the middle of his escape. My heart is beating faster and I feel the sweat on my forehead increase rapidly.  


I'm breathing heavily trying to reach Lisa, she's bleeding horribly. I look at the now formed puddle of dark crimson that's formed underneath her. Trying not to look at the bone sticking out from her disembodied hand I tear my bandana off and tie it around her finger gap, applying pressure to stop the bleeding. After I'm done with that I look towards Chad and see the knife sticking out of his calf, "Don't pull it out Chad!" I scream at him, He looks pained but nods. "Oh, But Dear Mel, it's your turn and I'm afraid I'm going to need my knife back." He grins wildly. I shake my head, You can't hurt me If I pick Truth I think. β€œMel...Truth or Dare?...” pick Truth Mel he can't hurt you if you do… β€œTruth.” I say loud and clear, Mr. Waterman smiles lightly, β€œHave you… Ever slept with a teacher for an easy A?” β€œYou're a sick man…” I mumble under my breath. β€œNo, No I have never slept with a teacher.” I say louder. β€œAre you 100% sure Mel?” Mr. Waterman pushes, β€œYes! I'm sure!” I scream at him. Shaking rapidly and hugging my knees to my chest, β€œWrong answer Mel, your going to be punished now” Mr. Waterman shakes his head sadly, β€œAnd here I thought you always told the truth Melly Boo.” Waterman throws the knife at me, it smacks me blade first in the stomach, I grimace before the pain hits me, then I scream, letting the tears that have drowned my vision fall. Waterman turns to Chad, β€œTruth or Dare boy?” He says hatred in his voice. β€œTruth you Mother F&%#$@” Chad curses. Mr. Waterman smiles, β€œWhy don't you tell your dear Girlfriend what happened between you and Alisson, would you?” Chad mumbles something before he turns to me, β€œMel… What you did to get an easy A is disgusting. I would have never thought you could be capable of something so nasty, But i'm not mad so when I tell you… You can't be mad at me Do, you, understand?” I nod my head but stare at the swiss army knife that's sticking out from my stomach, making it hard for me to breath. β€œI got Allison Devins pregnant, then made her abort the baby.” Chad says slowly, hesitantly looking up at me. More tears drown out Chad’s face, β€œIt's okay…” I mutter not sure if it really is or if I'm just in too much pain to respond with anger. Then I turn to the psycho teacher, β€œIt's your turn Truth or Dare?” Mr. Waterman looks at me for a second before saying, β€œDare, make it good would you.?” He smiles. β€œKill your psycho self.” I say, Mr. Waterman Squints his eyes, β€œWell If I must,” he says then walks over to me, grabs the swiss knife and impales himself right smack in the middle of his heart. He doesn't scream, or even make a face, he just falls to the ground thudding against the hard marble floor. I look around at the mess this psychotic man caused, my eyes landing on Risha. β€œYou didn't get hurt...?'' I question why. Risha sighs before looking back at me straight on. β€œMel, I thought you were the smart one.” she says, then pauses before beginning again, β€œMr. Waterman was my Professor Boyfriend you idiot, I told him you people would be here, I asked him to kill you three, But you three refused to die, then you killed Waterman. So, now I must avenge his death by finishing what he started.” She explains slowly as if I didn't understand English. I noticed Chad on the floor lifeless, the only thing that indicated his live body was the ragged breathing. I look at Lisa and see my bandana red and soaking with blood, she's lost too much and is close to death already. Looking down at my stomach I wince, Damnit, I've been too occupied. I didn't have time to dress my own wound. I hear Risha rustle around before pulling out a silver gun. She shoots four times, Starting with Chad, then to Lisa, Me and then she shoots herself. I feel the hole in the middle of my forehead, Wonder what Moms making for dinner then fall into a forever sleep. Bathing in my own blood.

April 23, 2021 21:08

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Cole Lane
03:13 May 02, 2021

Wow!! More, please!


More on its way! ^^


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20:46 May 03, 2021

This story is great, it had a great plot twist and I liked how it was written from different points of views. I also enjoyed how the way you wrote Risha to seem very innocent so when the plot twist came it was very unexpected.


Aw Thanks! If I'm being honest I Wasn't event planning the Plot twist, I forgot about Risha until I re-read looking for errors LOL! BUT It did add a great surprise to the story, Thanks for reading <3


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Ellyana Keys
14:17 May 01, 2021

This is such a good story!


Thanks!! I tried something different and really enjoyed writing it ^w^


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The Cold Ice
06:26 May 01, 2021

Wonderful story. Keep writing. Well written. Would you mind reading my work. β€œThe book reader”


Thanks for reading ! :) I'd Love to ready your work !


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