Gay Drama Friendship

This story contains themes or mentions of sexual violence.

Aston Delaware Galbraith is a student at a prominent British university, where he currently studies Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. He has the appearance of a young adult, a nonbinary slender body type, and the intelligence of an Einstein. He has dedicated the vast majority of his waking life to learning about several different fields of study.

From Algebra to Zoology, and everything in between.

He is currently seated at a study table on the top level of his university library. The towering spires and Gothic arches of this massive structure convey a sense of intellectual elegance and ageless wisdom, while the building's expansive wings and mazelike hallways provide more than a hint at the wealth of information housed within.

Recently Aston has become a celebrity of sorts having been the star competitor of his college team in the televised University Challenge event which is broadcast nationally on TV.

"Which hybrid citrus fruit was first produced in Jamaica by crossing a Seville orange, a grapefruit and a tangerine?"

His first buzz was the correct one.

"What day of the week will it be 100 days after Monday?"

Again, He was the first to buzz in and win the bonus.

"Give any one of the three six-letter anagrams meaning: in Japanese zen, sudden enlightenment; in Greek grammar, the simple past tense and, in mathematics, the magnitudes of quantities relative to one other?"

- No issue: he had the answer!

Many onlookers had no idea what was being asked, much less how to respond, but Aston found it all to be so easy.

Despite his extraordinary intelligence and tremendous academic knowledge, he felt an immense emptiness in his physical being that he had always stubbornly refused to accept, not even to himself.

He was a bookworm who had spent nearly his entire life in academia.

There is only one other student on this floor who was seated across in between several unoccupied reading tables. A morning greeter who never showed up to any of Aston's classes he is solidly built, muscular and masculine, with a good-looking, dashing Adonis face.

Aston was reading up on sexuality in ancient Rome and was startled to learn how open and accepting the culture was toward gays. He learned from his reading that many Ancient Romans were far more educated and enlightened than many people are nowadays. Some of the text he read made him feel quite eroticized.

A couple of times he looked up and saw and felt the nearby Adonis's eyes on him. In a way that is not antagonistic but rather kindly, enticing and inviting. And on a few of occasions, Adonis left the library for a few minutes to go through a door that had a notice reading "Library Personnel Only." Though after a few moments Adonis would emerge from the door and return to his seat.

Intrigue and yearning were in Aston's mind. And he felt a need in his body that no book could ever satisfy. Then just as Aston was ready to resume reading, Adonis who had again gone through the door then peeped out from it, then motioned to Aston to come along by signaling with a movement of his head.

Aston's body was filled with an urgent sensation that he had ignored for always in order to concentrate on his studies; but he could no longer dismiss the feelings of desire than were swilling in his being and now overwhelming him.

Aston was stunned into silence for a few seconds. Which exciting question would it answer if he followed Adonis? His life had so far just comprised of studying and reading books online or in person and never anything more than that. Was he about to be exposed to something new? For the sake of his family, Aston had lived a secluded academic life, but he always felt like something was missing.

There was certainly an absence from his human experience. That something, he knew what it was, but he had never been able to get it because of his family and school obligations. He had in effect lied to himself about his true feeling and what he really needed.

Rising up from the table, he strode over to the door and followed Adonis. There were no books or reading material in the corridor. Grey, barren walls and a long staircase to nowhere in particular. He followed a few steps after Adonis who looked to be comfortable with the surroundings. There was another flight of dreary, barren stairs down from where you came up. The low illumination gave the impression that this place was rarely used.

Adonis then entered a wooden door at the base of the stairs. Going inside: a windowless room, with faint lighting and all Aston could make out in the near darkness was a desk devoid of books and, thus, no education, at least as Aston knew that phrase.

Adonis and Aston were facing one other, and Adonis had his finger to his lips to signal that Aston should keep quiet. When their gazes met, they stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. Adonis led the way quietly but decisively, taking a strong grip on Aston before hungrily kissing him on both cheeks. They were both feeling a wave of indescribable need.

Rapidly, Adonis swung the genius lad around, bent him over the desk, and stripped him down with his undergarments around his ankles. Adonis then undid his flies and pushed himself delicately but firmly inside of Aston using gel and rubber, doing it like an experienced seducer.

 For the virgin Aston, the agony was unbearable, and he yelped more than once; nonetheless, the sensation grew increasingly thrilling as the thrusting became more and more intense.

It came to a climax!

Adonis used a tissue to quickly wipe himself down, and he also provided Aston with some Kleenex.

The handsome boy simply walked out of the room and was never seen again.

After tidying up, Aston zipped his pants back up and looked around the dark place. No learning material at all within this empty room.

But for once in his life, he had gleaned knowledge and experience that could not ever be found in any book.

November 10, 2023 07:58

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