
Thomas Reed has been on lockdown for two weeks now. Two, painfully long weeks. Working from home sounds great, until you’re actually doing it. A busy mind needs something more than just four walls to stare at. 

“I should have gotten a damn dog” he says to himself. “A cat, a hamster... even a freaking fish!” For Thomas, this virus was the worst thing imaginable. He was bored, there is only so much for him to do in his small corner side condo. 

“I need a new hobby” he thinks aloud. He stares at the books on the shelves above his computer. Bought years ago, he never had the time or attention for them. “James Patterson, hello old friend, time to get to know each other I guess.” 

He pours himself a glass of iced tea and takes the book to the back patio. Looking for a change of scenery he takes a seat in his single folding chair. The patio wasn’t large, or comfy. That was never a problem before, less to maintain Thomas always thought, simple.

The black cast iron railing that once gave the outdoor space some charm now felt like bars on his prison cell. Privacy bushes on either side only made it more enclosed. A blank wall was all he had to stare at.  It’s funny how these were the things that drew Thomas to this condo years ago, he never thought he’d regret wanting his privacy.

With a deep breath he opens his book and tries to focus on the words. It’s too quiet. It’s never this quiet. Not even a car driving by. This is maddening! The words begin to blend on the page. There’s no use. This was a pointless attempt, he had no interest in reading a novel. 

“Ughhh, com’on” he says out loud.  

      “Hello?” A voice says from behind the bushes with a slight giggle. Startled, Thomas didn’t know how to react. He stands up and walks to the edge of the patio. Placing his hands on the rails he replied “hello?” 

     “Sorry, I umm I just wanted to say hi.” The voice explains. “I moved in about 2 months ago, I never really had a chance to introduce myself”

Thinking back, Thomas can’t recall getting a new neighbor then again, he’s never really paid attention to anyone living around him. He’s lived there for the last five years and didn’t know the names of any of this neighbors. 

“I’m Mari” the voice says lightly. 

“Thomas” he says in reply. “I’m sorry if I bothered you, I was just getting some fresh air” he shifted on the patio trying to peer through the bushes. She had a soothing voice. Maybe he was just relieved to hear someone other than himself. 

“No bother at all! To be honest, I was just about to lose my mind” Mari says with a laugh. 

“This has been mind numbing, at least I know I’m not completely alone. How you holding up, Tommy boy?” 

“Tommy boy?” He thought to himself, nobody’s ever called him that. He shyly explains how he’s been struggling with the quarantine. Keeping it simple, trying to not overshare. It’s so hard since this is the first time he’s had an actual conversation in two weeks. 

As the sun begins to set Mari let out a yawn. “Well, where did that time go? I better get back inside, my cat’s going to kill me” she laughs “the queen expects her dinner at 7:00 sharp! I could probably stay out here all night” She says. 

“Not me, this chair is awful” Thomas laughs. Mari teases him and tells him about her comfy lounge chair and ottoman.

“Haha, yea yea ok.... ummm would you maybe want to have coffee tomorrow? I know this great place” He jokes with a slight feeling of nervousness. 

“Of course!” Mari excitably answers. “8:00?”

“It’s a date” Thomas says with a smile. He grabs his book from the folding chair and heads inside. Closing the door behind himself he starts to think how he really should have invested in better patio furniture. 

Laying in bed Thomas could barely sleep. How does this even happen? He somehow landed a date while on quarantine, things like this just don’t happen. What does she even look like? He only caught a bits. Not even a full glimpse of this woman he somehow spent hours talking to. 

The next morning came and Thomas stood in front of his coffee pot eagerly tapping his finger tips on the countertop waiting for those last few drops to fall. He pours his coffee into his mug and instinctively grabs this book before heading out to the patio. 

Nervously sipping his mug he waits to hear the sliding door from the next patio. “It’s not 8:00 yet, maybe she’s the fashionably late type” he thinks to himself. “Maybe she thought this was weird and she won’t come out” 

“Good Morning, Tommy boy” his thoughts are interrupted by Mari’s greeting. 

“I didn’t even hear you” He laughed. “Morning”

“Oh yea I was already out here, kitty woke me up extra early” she explains. 

The two spent the morning talking, laughing and kill wasting time. They took a break around lunch time and agreed to meet again around 7:00, after the cat is fed of course. 

That night Thomas had a great idea. He logged onto his Amazon account and placed the order. 

They continued with their morning coffee dates, having lunch on their patios and growing more and more fond of each other. 

Finally after a week, Thomas’ order came in. 

“Mari, I had an awesome idea” he exclaimed as he carries the large box to his patio. 

“We’re having a date night!” He says in excitement. 

“How?” Mari asks while laughing, trying to guess what Thomas is scrummaging around with. 

“Pick a movie!” He says excitedly while connecting his iPad to the newly unboxed projector. The blank wall they’ve been staring at will finally serve purpose. 

Shocked, Mari tells him how this was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for her. 

Thomas blushing, asked Mari if she’d be interested in planning an actual date once the quarantine is over. 

“We haven’t even seen each other” she answered with a shy giggle. 

“Well, describe yourself...” Thomas asks.

“Ummm ok... well, I’m 28. I’m 5’5 about 130 lbs, don’t ever repeat that! I have sandy blonde hair. My eyes are a grey blue and I have a serious love for sweatpants” she says. 

“Sounds perfect” Thomas thinks to himself. 

Thomas vaguely describes himself to Mari. Knowing the connection he’s had, nothing else mattered. 

Weeks went by but they were no longer lonely. The days seemed to fly, only making their bond stronger. Finally the the announcement was made, they’ll be lifting the quarantine. Thomas will finally come face to face with the woman he’s been falling for. 

The two makes plans to meet. Thomas was going to meet her. He made his way to the front door. He nervously walked around the corner and knocked on the door. Standing there for a minute, he knocks again. Still no answer. 

“Mari?” He shouts. Peering in the window. The sight knocked the wind from his lungs. The room he was looking in was completely empty. Not believing what he’s seen he makes his way to his condo. Running to the sliding glass door, he rushes to the patio. “Mari!” He screams. 

In disbelief he hops the cast iron railing that has kept him captive for so long now. Pushing through the bushes, ignoring the thorns tearing into his skin. He approaches Mari’s patio. He’s greeted by an empty concrete slab. 

But how? How is this possible? Thomas falls to his knees. Thinking back to all the time he spent with her. But where is she? 

He tries the slide open the glass door, sounding an alarm. Needing to know the truth he goes into the empty condo. Frantically searching, finding nothing. No sign of Mari. 

“Freeze!” Thomas hears from behind. With tears welling in his eyes he just keeps repeating himself, asking the same question over and over. 

“Where is she? Where’s Mari?” 

The officer cuffs Thomas, sensing something isn’t right he takes him to a hospital. 

Thomas sits in the hospital room with a blank stare. He’s already explained his story to the nurse and then to the doctor. Repeatedly asking where Mari was. 

“Mr. Reed, I know this is hard to accept but Mari, never lived there. The officers asked, and that condo has been empty for a year” with sympathy in his eyes he asks Thomas the difficult question “how long have you been out of your medication?” 

His heart sunk. 

No. This is not real. She was there. She was always there. 

“Mr. Reed, you have a serious illness. The combination of the isolation and not taking your meds has had a serious reaction on your mental state. I’m so sorry to tell you this but Mari, wasn’t real.” 

No. This is not real. She was there. She was always there. Thomas thought. “Where is she, where is Mari?” He repeated. 

“I’m sorry Tommy boy” he hears. 

April 23, 2020 21:36

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