I Loved You Over FaceTime

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story about summer love — the quarantine edition.... view prompt

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“CAN LIFE GET ANYMORE BORING!?” I shouted at literally nobody, but can you blame me I have been stuck at home doing nothing for the past 5 months and without any form of affection- not that I had any before- so I was already on the verge of exploding for the third time this week because I have no one except my best friend Reilly who is my only source of actual sanity right now.

“Okay maybe I should download those hook-up apps or I don’t know what they are called,” I thought to myself then went to get my laptop to ask Reilly before I do anything stupid.

“Hey bitch, what’s up?” she said as soon as she answered while she was doing her nails. This girl is too dressed up to be my friend like I look homeless.

“My standards,” I said while smirking because she hates when I am being a smartass.

“I will murder you and hide your body in the worst cemetery I can find,”

“At least that would be more interesting than sitting at home and looking like a potato,”

“Didn’t I tell you before you should try working out or something?”

“We don’t mention this evil activity in this household!” I practically spat at her, while she just rolled her eyes at me.

“What did you want? You didn’t just call me to tell me your potato, right?”

“No, I didn’t you fucker I called you to get your opinion or something before I do something stupid again, I’m not ready for loss,”

“What is it I have other things to do,” she said before focusing on her other hand.

“No, you don’t, but anyways I’m asking if I should download a hook-up app or something”

“Why would you download a hook-up app are you becoming a stripper without me?”

I face palmed then turned my attention to her and said, “No I’m not becoming a stripper yet I am just bored and want to talk to someone or annoy them other than you,” 

“It’s good that you acknowledge that you’re annoying, but I think you should go for it anyways,” and with that we hung up and I started searching apps on my phone.

I came across an app named ‘Freaky Newbies’, and I thought, “What is this why would someone name their app that anyways it would fail,” but I checked it out anyways.

“So, I have to choose my dream guy using these questions press your preference, sure whatever,”

1. Hair: (long) (dark) (wavy) (soft)

2. Eye colour: ice blue

3. Height range: 5’6 to 6’0

4. Style: femboy 

5. Personality: introvert, bookworm, and a one direction stan

6. Age preference: 18-23

“Okay all done, now we wait which I bet will take a month or something because of my bazaar expectations,” I thought to my self as I went to take another nap.

Time skip 2 hours

I woke up to the sound of my phone notification, while putting my glasses on I checked who was it and it was the app telling me I got a new match.

“Okay let’s see who it is,” I said to myself while reading the boy's bio.

“So his name is Sebastian and he’s 18 looking for a bookworm who is 19+ to be he’s top and he matches all my qualifications, he sounds nice,” I said as I went and texted Reilly about him to see if she approves of her brother in law.

‘So what do you think’


‘and will tolerate your bs'

‘thanks for the boost of confidence girlfriend’

‘but I will take the rest that you accept him’

‘Of course I do’

‘just go talk to him before he realises his mistake’

‘Okay I will jeez'

I opened the app again and texted him:

‘Hey so I thought you’re really cute and wanted to text you’

A few minutes went by and then he replied:

‘Hi thank you that’s so nice I am Sebastian what’s your name?’

‘I am Crystal’

‘your name is so pretty’

‘thank you dear’

‘So tell me you’re 18 right?’

‘Yes ma’am and you’re?’

‘I am 20 but I look like a 16 year old'

‘You’re really beautiful miss’

‘thank you baby so tell me a bit about yourself’

‘Like were are you from and what are you’re hobbies’

‘I am from England and I like reading and swimming’

‘What do you do in you’re free time miss'

‘I am from England as well and I like reading and singing’

‘Are you a top or bottom sweetheart?’

‘Oh I am a switch but mostly a bottom, are you a top?

‘I am a switch too but mostly top, do you only like girls?’

‘I am bi with a preference for women’

‘well I am bi too with a preference for men so you’re in luck that I like you'

We talked the whole day about our lives and be seems like an amazing partner, he’s fun, kind, and seems obedient, so I decided to ask him to FaceTime.

‘would you mind if we facetimed love?’

‘No problem miss but can you give me a minute?’

‘Of course dear take your time dear'

I went a took a quick shower and put on some nice clothes and did my hair.

‘I am ready miss' 

‘Ok dear I will call'

I called him and he answered, he looked absolutely gorgeous his hair wet which I assumed he was taking a shower and he was shirtless his biceps and veins popping which made him look even more beautiful. I noticed he was blushing from me checking him out and I smirked and started talking.

“well hello baby”

His blush deepened before replying:

“H-hi miss"

“are you still shy after all this?”

“N-no it’s just that you’re so beauti-tful”

It was my turn to get a little pink, but I played it of.

“well thank you dear so, what do you think about us meeting in person after quarantine?”

“I would love to meet you miss I hope that’s soon,” and we both fell asleep over facetime and that went on for 6 months and finally the day have come.

Time skip 6 months:

“How do you feel about you meeting the ‘love of your life' as you call it?” Reilly asked me as I was getting ready to go out with Sebastian and I was so nervous I had to ask her to come over for help.

“You see I am very nervous and freaking out if you can’t tell you idiot,” I said through gritted teeth as I continued curling my hair.

“You will do good don’t worry you guys have been talking for 6 months now and he has been making you so much more cheerful and less of a bitch,”

“Very helpful,” I said while rolling my eyes at her and picking up the phone to check the time and my eyes went wide.

“OMG I AM GOING TO BE LATE SEE YOU LATER,” I shouted while running out grabbing my car keys.

“Have fun but not too much fun,” she said through the window as I drove to the restaurant we agreed to meet at.

After a 30 minutes drive to the damn place I finally arrived and entered to see Sebastian all fabulous in a tuxedo which if I may add suits him like a glove and I went towards him. 

When he saw me he blushed and bit his lip which made me smirk a little I guess the struggle of wearing a dress was worth it at the end I can practically sense him get hard.

“Hey love, it’s so great to finally meet you, you look dashing by the way,”

“Th-thank you miss you look beautiful,” he stuttered which made him look even more adorable.

We talked for a while then the waitress came and took our orders, after she left I went and sat next to him and put my hand on his thigh. He froze as my hand moved higher and higher until it was just above his dick and he let out a soft whisper like moan which made my smirk deepen. After a few minutes of staying like this he whispered to me, “please cr-crystal,” 

“What do you need baby?” I asked pretending to be clueless as I rubbed my had up and down repeatedly until I felt him on edge and removed my hand and he almost screamed. 

“Give me a minute dear, I will go ask the waitress to cancel our orders and we can go back to my place , what do you think baby?” I asked getting up.

“yes m-miss”

After a long night:

I woke up feeling sore but it was all worth it seeing my baby next to me. I gave him a massage to wake him up.

“Good morning love did you sleep well"

“yes miss that was amazing,”

“I am happy to know that you enjoyed yourself,” I said as I got up to get dressed.

“Miss you’re going to text me, right?” he asked shyly which made me want to pinch his cheeks from how cut he is, did I mention that he was a virgin?

“Of course dear I loved you over FaceTime,”


August 07, 2020 00:01

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1 comment

Debra Johnson
01:26 Aug 13, 2020

This story had me laughing out loud. Good job. Keep writing.


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