
Hi, I'm Kai. Meet my friend, Alexa. I have been friends with Alexa since the incident. She has never talked about the incident, so I will stay by her side. I am not an ordinary human. I am actually not a human at all; I'm a fox. Yeah...a fox. Alexa and I are close and she knows that she can talk to me and I will listen. "Alexa, are you okay?" I ask; she has been locked up in her room all day. "Yeah, just go away Kai," she says through sniffles. "Okay, sorry." I say before walking away. "No, I am sorry, I'm just stressed. That moment; it just replays in my head like a broken record. I could've died because of that an-'' Alexa starts crying. I sit by the door; tail brushing on the cold floor. "I'm sorry Alexa. Saying it's okay doesn't do anything because it's not okay. Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask cautiously. I then hear the door click as she steps from the room. She quietly walks towards the door as she slips her shoes on and walks out without me. I gradually catch up to her. "Let's get ice cream!" I said, trying my best to cheer her up. There is no response; So I pull her baggy sweatpants towards the ice cream parlor. As soon as we get there we just sit on the bench; a smooth colorful bench; the opposite of Alexas' mood. "So, do you wanna talk about the incident? I mean it's best to get it off of your che-" I was cut off by Alexa. "Let's get ice cream shall we? Do you want some?" Alexa says abruptly. "I'm good," I say with a smile. She gets up and walks to the man selling ice cream. This happens all the time. She refuses to talk about it but you can tell it hurts her. Let's just say she has had a troubled past. Alexa was abandoned as a little girl and was missing for several years. But, that is all I know. She won't open up. Opening up will let these worries go away. She has trust issues and gets panic attacks caused by someone or something; I don’t know for sure though. Alexa comes back with a huge ice cream cone. "Isn't this huge, Kai?!!" Alexa giggles which makes me giggle while I reply with a smile. Seeing her happy is all I need. Then, I get a headache; I become weak. I groan. Alexa looks at me with concern. I grin while saying how I'm okay. "I thought you only liked your ice cream in a bowl?" I say, trying to change the subject. I didn't want her to worry about me. I only want her to get better. "Who told you that! I love ice cream cones!" She squeals. "If you say so..." I laugh. I see Alexa suddenly becomes quiet. I look around to see the cause of this; only to see a man stare at Alexa as if she's crazy. "Let's go, Al." I say, pulling her pant leg. She gets up without saying anything. As we are walking home, I decide to break the silence. "Let's have a code word for if someone is stressed or in need of help or if we ne-" I was cut off again! "I love that! How about...strawberry. Or maybe...sunny. I like sunny." Alexa says. Sunny did have a ring to it. "I like that; sunny," I say with a smile. When we arrived home we sat on the balcony watching the sunset. "Promise you will always stay by my side?" She said while still focused at the sunset. I hesitate before answering. "What makes you ask that?" I question, tilting my head. Without looking at me she responds. "It's just nice knowing so it won't hurt as much when they're gone. Take the sun for example; you always know it will rise again." Alexa says as she gazes into nothingness. I was truly taken aback. "Al, I don't know what to say. I can't really answer that, but just know you will never be alone, Alexa.", "I'll be with you from sunset all the way to sunrise." I say this smiling at her with tears in my eyes. The orange from the sun disappears slowly as Alexa turns around; the light in her face as she hugs me with tears in her eyes. She hugs me as if there is no tomorrow. After we hug, I start to get weaker again but that just makes me smile. We soon leave the balcony, finish eating and go to sleep. The next day I am awakened to the smell of french toast. As I get up, I see Alexa smiling as she throws me a grape. With my quick reflexes, I catch the grape and eat it. Alexa giggles as I start to get weaker. I barely can run; we are making progress. After breakfast, I ask her a question, "Hey Al, let's go to the carnival! It's free!" I exclaim. "I don't know Kai...maybe we should just sta-" I cut her off, "Come on Al!!", I exclaim, "Let's have fun! You deserve it!". "Fine, but on ONE condition, Kai. We will leave when I want to." Alexa says. "Deal!" I say. A couple of minutes pass and we were on our way to the carnival. Once we enter the carnival, we participate in so many games and have so much fun! The carnival was huge! Then, we got lost at the carnival. We were stuck in a swarm of people; there are so many people. I notice Alexas' breathing starting to increase. "Al, are you okay?" "Yeah, I am fine" Alexa barely whispers. "Can we leave, Kai? There are so many...families. Can we ju-" She never finished her sentence. She passed out. "Alexa, Alexa!" Time goes by and she is in the hospital. I have to do what needs to be done. I fade into her conscience. "Alexa, Alexa!!! Are you here?" I yell. "Kai!! Where are we??” She yells while running towards me. "Al, you passed out; we are in your conscience," She laughs "seriously Alexa. Why did you pass out?" She just stares at me. Then she plops to the floor. "There were so many families!! I want to know how it is to have a family but I couldn't because I guess my parents didn't want me!!! I was left to fend for myself as a child. ALL ALONE! I COULD HAVE DIED!" she sobs uncontrollably. I smile gently, "You finally opened up." I say. She looks at me weirdly. "I have a confession; I was never here. Just an illusion. I am here to protect you until...you opened up. Alexa, I am your...guardian angel. You know how people would look at you weirdly?" she nods her head. "That's because they can't see me; only you. I get headaches because I am fading away. My mission for you is to be happy without me and start fresh without replaying memories of your past." Alexa sobs as she yells "You promised me you would be with me forever!" "I will be. I need you to be happy without me here. You will never be alone. I will be with you from sunset to sunrise." I say with tears in my eyes. I give her one last hug. She hugs me like there is no tomorrow. "Don't go," she whispers. " I have to Al. I love you and stay happy." I start to fade away until she is hugging no one. Then she is gone too. I look from above, watching her in the hospital bed. Then she twitches. "Doctor, she is waking up!" The nurse says. Alexas' eyes flutter and then she wide awake. She looks up at the ceiling and smiles as her eyes glisten.


2 years later - It has been 2 years and Alexa has been talking to me even though I can't respond. I look forward to when she knows we can talk in her dreams. I see Alexa walking down the street when a man bumps into her. "I am so sorry!" He exclaims "No, it's fine," Alexa says with a smile. I smile by seeing her full of happiness. "I am so sorry if this comes out awkward but you are really pretty." The random man says. she giggles "You are too. I am Alexa" she reaches her hand out "Well, I am Kai. Nice to meet you!" He says while he reaches his hand to shake her hand. Alexa smiles from ear to ear and then looks up in the sky. I smile back at her hoping she feels my presence. You'll never be alone Alexa. I will be with you from sunset to sunrise.



May 16, 2020 03:58

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