Derek’s Unsettling Phone Call

Submitted into Contest #30 in response to: Write a story about someone who receives an unexpected phone call.... view prompt




Derek Macking had a long week at work and ready for the weekend. He got off early around 3:00 pm. He arrived at home around 3:30 pm. His noisy neighbor was speaking to Derek in loud and shouting in a way that she didn’t think he heard her. Oh hey, Mrs. Betty, how are you doing on that sunny Friday afternoon? I am doing ok and you. Yes, I am glad to be off for the weekend, See ya later, Mrs. Betty. That old lady is noisy as hell. He took a shower and fixed some dinner. He used his George Foreman Grill to grill some turkey burgers. He sat down and watched the local and national news. He has to keep up with what's going on with current events. He got his feel of the news and watched Chicago P.D. His favorite characters are Kevin Atwater and Hank Voight. Atwater was easygoing and a team player. He’s always mostly supporting the team. Hank is head of the Intelligence Unit. He seems to come out as a dirty cop beating up suspects to get the information he needs. The other side is sticking up for his employees and will go to bat for them. Derek finished up the latest episode of Chicago P.D. Derek got a call from Phil. D, we have to cancel guys night out to the club. What you said P? something came up and I won’t be able to go out tonight. What’s come up “P” that you can’t do guys night out? “none of your business”. I can’t do it and leave it at that. Damn, I was looking forward to going out tonight winding down with my boys. Just chilling out, but flirting with prospects for the night. Wait a minute, I am acting like a female. You know when they can’t go anywhere alone. I am a strong black man at that. Thinking about going out by myself, it will be an advantage. I will have full reign tonight of the women and won’t have to worry if one of boys get the girl I want. Yeah, let me get ready. I will have fun tonight. Derek checked his email. It surprised him. It was an email about missing him from playing poker online. Man, I haven’t played poker in a while. Derek struggling with playing online poker. It was so addicting that he had to quit playing. Damn, why did he had to check his email.? Oh hell, you only got one life to live. Derek logged into his online poker account. Let the poker game begin. It was a somewhat slow start because he had lost 3 hands, but as the night was growing, he was picking up momentum. As he was playing poker, he noticed a pop-up to enroll into spades tournament. It been years since he played spades. His father used to play every Sunday after church with his friends. They would come over about 4pm. As Derek was getting his spades account setup something happened. It was 1:45 am. His cell phone rang. the screen shown up as unknown but he answered “Hello”. who is that calling me at this time of night. what do you want? the voice on the other end “I want a lot”. You are a bad man, and I don’t like bad men. You deserve to die, you bastard. You are just as bad as the rest of them. Con man-telling women everything to get them in the bed, then you dumped like yesterday trash. How cruel are you? Derek wanted to hang up,, but he was trying to figure out who she was. He was entertaining her. The women attractive to you; you don’t have the time of day to speak and if you get a hint that woman likes you but she’s not your type, that woman brushed off like dirt. You will die, your evil man. You don’t deserve to breathe air. Derek hung up the phone. He couldn’t believe what just happens. His mind was boggling. What the hell just happened? Forgot about setting up his online spades account. His phone rang again. he answered it. “Who do you think you hanging up on me, you maggot? You think you are all that and a bag of chips. You are very handsome and good looking chocolate man. Your smile shows those pearly white teeth. Built like a professional wrestler. Oh yeah, you are fine as hell. I can’t ignore that. Your day of reckoning is coming. Oh, I can’t wait, you will get what’s coming to you. Derek said to her,” How did you get my number and why are you harassing me? What have I done to you? Why you are answering these questions, you maggot? You will die and rot in hell forever. Men like you give other men bad reputations. If women are not the way you want to be or look, you discard us like we are the scums of the earth. News Flash, we are human too, damn. We may not look a size 2 and blonde, but we are human. We deserve love too. Why are calling me? I can’t help it; if a man doesn’t want to be with you. How is that my issue and my problem? I couldn’t care less. You should care more. See, you have proven my point, you are an arrogant ass hole. I don’t have time for your games. How did you get my phone number? It’s none of your business. Well, it is my business when you are calling me in the middle of the night. You are disturbing me from what I am doing. Is that what you are worrying about, interrupting your night? Huh, If I was you, that would be the last thing on my mind. Believe that maggot! Men like you only think about themselves not getting a damn about hurting others. You are only concern about yourself. Yep, you are wrapped up in yourself. You deserve to die and you will die!!!! Good night, Derek Macking!




February 26, 2020 04:57

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