Fantasy Drama Sad


By: Vincent Jessop

August 22nd.

Letter 1:

To my beloved Theanin,

Theanin, I write to you in the darkest corner of my mind, for it is where I find myself in these daunting times. The thought of you and our son’s illness is what drives me to continue my hunt for the Tome. 

My search has led me to the great city of Rimisa, the capital of Bellator. The tales of the impenetrable walls of Rimisia do them little justice. Their grand spectacle shines brighter than the ambition of her people, whose personalities are more stubborn than the walls that protect them. 

Here, I’ve heard tales of the Church and their atrocities towards any non-believer. Even the King here is a Child of Eos. Although the Church is dangerous, it is here that I will find any information on the Tome, as it is the lifeblood and the sole goal for any Eosian.

My hunt for the Tome will cost me my life, if it means Markus can live his.

I love the both of you, and I will do everything in my power to save our son.

May your souls be with mine,


Letter 2:

 To my beloved Theanin,

Theanin, I don’t believe this letter will reach you but in the event that it does, I’ve found an old manuscript that details the existence of a map within the King's chambers, gifted to him by the Luminare of the Church. The map is said to contain the location of a library or a tomb with information about the Tome of Eos. Unfortunately, the manuscript itself was in pieces and was difficult even for myself to decipher.

However, that is not why I’m worried about this letter not finding you. Within the halls of the library in which I find myself, the city of Rimisia lies under siege from the Grand Army of Telocon, your birth nation. 

Perhaps I may be able to persuade some Teloconian soldiers to let my letter pass. Providing them information about Markus and your ties to Telocon may be enough to persuade them but I am unsure if it’ll work. You always remarked about me being a pessimist.

Theanin, If my search for the Tome becomes jeopardized because of this siege, I may not be able to keep our promise. My love for Markus trumps any promise that I have made in my past. I will not let his life fall into the hands of some arrogant King with a 1000 year old grudge. If the situation calls for it, I will use my power, for Markus’s sake.

May your souls be with mine,


Letter 3:

To my beloved Theanin,

Dearest Theanin, as I pen down my thoughts today, I find myself seated in an unexpected chamber within the palace of Rimisia, accompanied by men and women of high stature. My journey and determination have led me not just closer to the Tome but into the embrace of the King's council. But fret not, my love, for my mission for Markus remains at the core of my heart.

The siege of Rimisia forced me to display the potency of my abilities, as well as the righteousness of our cause. Through a strategic application of my power, I turned the tides and drove back the Grand Army of Telocon. The city is now safe, and the King himself, in recognition of my valor, has anointed me to a position on his council.

However, the news is not all filled with triumph. Despite the warm welcome by the city's elite, the walls of Rimisia seem to bear down upon me with a strange coldness, much like the hidden glances I receive from fellow council members. The map within the King's chamber eludes me still, and the pursuit of the Tome feels more complex and guarded. I assure you, the path to Markus's salvation is still my guiding star, but the lure of the challenge, the thrill of power is like a siren's song.

Your words about my being a pessimist ring in my ears, and I wonder if that sentiment has changed. Perhaps it is not pessimism but a newfound confidence that now drives me. Rest assured, Theanin, the Tome will be mine, and our son will live. I've never felt more capable.

You will be pleased to know that I have found allies who believe in the importance of the Tome. They have shared insights into the Church and their deeds. I feel my purpose growing, transcending our personal tragedy. The Tome is no longer a mere tool for salvation; it holds the key to greater things.

Theanin, as I embrace these higher ambitions, know that my love for you and Markus never wanes. It is but a fuel to a flame that now burns brighter.

May your souls be with mine,


Letter 4:

To my beloved Theanin,

With each passing day, the walls of Rimisia become more familiar, and the people within them more like family. As the King's personal advisor, I find myself at the heart of decisions that shape our world. I am privy to the secrets of power and the burden it carries. Yet, my love, fear not, for my heart remains steadfast in the pursuit of the Tome to save Markus.

I must tell you about a young General named Salus, with whom I often find myself in disagreement. His ideals and impulsive nature sometimes clash with my own more measured approach. Perhaps we both see a reflection of ourselves in each other, but I assure you, his ambition is not my ambition. My purpose is singular and noble, guided by the love for our son.

The King's trust in me has opened doors to hidden chambers and secret knowledge, and I have immersed myself in the quest for the Tome with renewed vigor. The path has become more complex, the knowledge richer, and the allure of power more tangible. But it is the power to save, to heal, and to right the wrongs that captivates me.

Dearest Theanin, as I walk this path, I find myself grappling with questions and desires that were once foreign to me. The pursuit of the Tome has awakened a curiosity, an ambition to understand and control the forces that govern our world. It is a tantalizing dream, yet I know it must remain subservient to the love and duty that guide me.

Your love and the memory of Markus's smile are the compass that guide me through this maze of intrigue and power. The path has taken unexpected turns, and I have embraced roles I never anticipated. But worry not, for my soul remains anchored in the righteousness of our cause.

With the Tome's promise on the horizon, I draw closer to our dream. I will save Markus, and in doing so, I may discover a greater purpose and a higher calling. But always, always, your love and the love for our son will remain the beacon that lights my way.

May your souls be with mine,


Letter 5:

To Malus, the man I once loved,

I write to you with trembling hands and a heart so heavy that words can hardly convey the depth of my grief. My love, our son Markus, the light of our lives and the very soul that tethered us together, has succumbed to his illness. His brave battle is over, and he is now resting in the embrace of the gods.

I sat by his side, Malus, holding his hand and singing the lullaby you used to sing when he was but a baby. His eyes searched for you, his voice a whisper, asking when his father would return. How does a mother tell her dying child that his hero has abandoned him?

Oh, Malus, how did we come to this? I've read your letters, filled with promises, ambitions, and newfound powers. At first, I believed in you. I trusted that your love for Markus guided your path. But as I read your words, the man I knew became a stranger, lost in the allure of power, status, and intrigue.

Markus needed you. I needed you. But you were not here.

Your quest to save Markus became an obsession with power. You speak of righteousness, love, and duty, but your actions reveal a man consumed by selfish desires. Your letters are filled with tales of your triumphs, your growth, your ambitions. But where was Markus in those words? Where was the desperation to save your son?

You say you were doing this for Markus, but I see now it was all for yourself.

I can't bear to look at your letters anymore. They are a testament to a man I no longer recognize. You've broken our promise, Malus. You've broken our family.

So, this is my farewell. Do not return home, for there is no home for you here. I will be returning to Telocon, to the arms of my family, to mourn our son and to heal.

May your new path bring you the satisfaction you crave. May the power and status fill the void left by your family. But know this, Malus, you have lost us forever.

May your soul find what it seeks,


August 23, 2023 03:50

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