Complaints of a worker's heart

Written in response to: Write about a character attempting to meditate or do something mindfully.... view prompt


Drama East Asian Inspirational

On the terrace of the prayer room, I was taking a break from my unfinished work. I only have an hour, no more. If I force more, of course I have to be prepared with the consequences. Being scolded by the boss, called lazy, or worse can get the warning letter. No matter how tired you are physically and mentally, the boss just wants your job to be done. He said she replaced her fatigue with an equivalent denomination because he paid her. Yes! Perhaps the boss's name is already comparable to the work we sweat every day. Maybe it was equivalent if he only measured physical work, but he missed something. The boss does not pay for our tired inner and hearts.

For example, my son, who was only eight months old, had to be treated because his fever wouldn't go down. At the same time, my father's kidney disease got worse. The day after tomorrow, he had to do dialysis. But the company doesn't want to know about that, what the company wants, what the boss wants I have to stay in and carry out my obligations as an employee.

My luck is not as good as my friends in college. Some of them are now sitting in parliamentary seats, because since college their talents have been very visible in campus pragmatic politics. Also, his face, which can be said to be good looking, becomes more attractive after he is also a smart and quite intelligent child. I say okay, because during discussions, it is often my argument that he uses to strengthen the construction of his argument. My friend`s name is Raja. Maybe when he wanted to give a name, his parents hoped that one day his son would become a king. Maybe. There is also another friend of mine, who is now known as a famous preacher in the country. A preacher who has a fairly high fee every time he gives a lecture. Will he sell his knowledge? I don't think so, the fee is commensurate with the wisdom and knowledge he has gained for so long. If people can pay dearly for every entertaining show, why can't people pay for science and knowledge? So, for me he is not selling God's verses, but he is being paid for working as a broadcaster of God's religion. My friend's name may be quite familiar, so I disguised his name as Shohib. One more thing, my friend who has had the privilege since birth. Born into a wealthy family, his only responsibility is now to continue his father's business. In this case, I wasn't completely impressed because the stairs seemed to have been opened by her parents. My last friend, his name, Beni.

As for me, why did I choose to work as a laborer in an industrial company? Of course, being a laborer is not what I want. Who wants to be a contract employee who has to be chills every year of contract renewal? Extended or not? It must be felt by all contract employees. However, I don`t mean to belittle the labor profession. After all, I am also a laborer. I just wanted to vent my ego. Should the fate of workers always be in the hands of the owners of capital? must be under the company's rules of the game? No matter how loyal we are, the salary we receive is the same.

If only the owner of the capital saw things as Robert Bosch, the owner of the famous Bosch company, saw. Where he is willing to pay large employees. For him, social and salary qualifications also revolve around his business. The more he pays the worker, the more productive and diligent the worker is. Unfortunately, in Japan, there are still many capital owners who flirt with related organizations, so as long as workers can be paid wages below the minimum wage, capital owners are willing to pay related organizations illegally.

My break is almost over, I asked a friend who just woke up from his short sleep. 

"John, what time is it now?" He asked with sleepy eyes. 

"Five to one minute," I replied.

"Come on, oh. I'll spray again if I'm late," he said. 

"You go first, I want to smoke another cigarette." His eyes asked for my direction. 

Then he went to a cleansing place, washed his face, and returned with a face full of question marks. 

"Did you have trouble at home again?" He asked.

I didn't answer, I just shook his head. 

"Even now, the people who were at home are at home. Our job here is to make a living, " He said again. 

I woke up following my friend. I just left my cell phone rang. I saw the name Najwa with the symbol of love on the right. How does my wife call during working hours? Of course, this is not uncommon. I picked it up right away and I could hear my wife sobbing on the other side. 

"what happened?"

My wife kept crying and had a faint excitement to calm the people. My thoughts quickly fell apart. Why did my wife shed tears? Why did it sound like a soothing sound? Shortly thereafter, someone snatched my wife's cell phone. He immediately told me to be patient. From his voice, I speculated that the other person was my brother-in-law.

 "Why brothers?" I worriedly asked and asked. 

"Be patience, God loves your son more," he said shortly.

Helpless. Is this news true? Or is this just a dream? On the other hand, my brother-in-law is still calling my name. At the same time, the manager announced today that all employees must work overtime to reach their goals. When I saw him cleaning up the files I asked for. 

"Where are you going, Jhoni?" 

"I have to go home right away, Sir. My son died." I replied.

My other co-workers looked at me with pity. From his gaze I can feel the empathy of fellow workers.

 "But your work isn't done yet, you just do it first." Said the boss who may never know the word empathy. 

My colleague who had taken a break with me approached me. Embrace saying. Be patient, you have to be patient. 

"Sir, Jhoni's son died, why do you want to force him to continue working. How are you?" Ridwan said, my colleague really understands. 

"Yes, if you can go home, but I will cut your salary." Hearing that my blood rose. 

What kind of person is this in front of me? Doesn't he have a little empathy for other people? 

"No need, sir. I don't need to be paid. Starting today I quit." I replied as I left the company with a hot heart.

So, that's how I started building this business, I said to my employee who asked if he could take a few days off to accompany his father who was very ill. 

"Allowed, sir?" she asked. 

I nodded. Because for me, a job can be handled by someone else. But taking care of and being beside loved ones when they need it, it can't be represented by anyone. We work to make our loved ones happy, but if our work actually hinders that happiness, decide, your happiness is worth more than a lump of gold. As long as you are still able, there will always be something you can do.

My employee just nodded, his broad smile bringing the one satisfaction for me. In the past I've felt bitter, but let it be, lest I become the antagonist after successfully going through the role of the protagonist in life. 

My employee left, he closed the door. I reopened the photo of my deceased son.

The end....

Depok, Friday 13 May 2022, Indonesia...

May 13, 2022 17:31

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