Adventure Historical Fiction Holiday

By the time I stepped outside, the leaves were on fire. I was totally confused and didn't know what to do at the moment. The smokey cloud covered my view. I had a very bad feeling about my trip to Huacachina if only I had listened to my instincts, the story would have been a different experience. As I inhaled the thick smoke down my nostrils, I feared the worse. Jose! Jose! I cried for the concierge who was a Spanish guy. A very humble individual. I could hear him cough as he tried to find me in the (tinieblas) also known as darkness. At this moment all I could do was whisper the Lord's prayer to myself as I tried to escape being burned to death. What caused the blaze remains a mystery. As I pushed through smoke and trees, I was able to reach the dunes where many habitants were, Little did I know that this occurrence is normal to the Spaniards and they consider it to be one of their many natural disasters. Some said that right before an earthquake takes place, the leaves starts to burn because the surface overheats while others said that its due to the active volcano. Well at the moment all I needed was a cold bottle of beer to quench my thirst and flush down the smoke. I felt like I just had an encounter with death and managed to kiss his buttocks with my Mexican leather boots which I call (La chingada)

I was happy to have escaped. Not long ago until the fire fighters arrived to control the fire. Poor Jose was rescued as he was asthmatic and could not resist, they had to take him to the ER but luckily for him, he was discharged few hours later. My vacation was almost ruined but that did not stop me from sandboarding the dunes of Huacachina! I love the greenness of the Lagoon surrounded by the dunes with all the green trees reminding me of just how much I love nature! We had a camp fire night with people from all parts of the world that came to visit macchupichu and other historical places in South America Peru. Cusco is one of the most visited region in Lima Peru because of the hallucinated drink called Ayahuasca. Most people travel to the south to get the spiritual retreat because it's similar to the OOBE (OUT OF THE BODY EXPERIENCE) It is a very powerful drink made up of amazonic leaves similar to the leaves that were on fire! I was curious to go for a retreat but afraid at the same time because even though many people had positive feedback about the retreat, I was still skeptical about the bad reviews so I decided to just enjoy my vacation and forget the Ayahuasca. As I walked down the Lagoon to take a bath and read a journal, I could feel the heat penetrating my slippers it was like a burning furnace it felt just like my ex husband anger not cool of a thing to remember but inevitable. I made my way down anyhow and found a shade just as I sat down to read a hot blonde guy sat near me and said hey, and I was like hey hey, we exchanged couple words and he asked me out that night after exchanging numbers. I forgot that all of my things were left in my suite and they might have burnt to ashes. The Bomberos (firefighters) did not arrive on the scene till an hour later. Luckily for me the burning leaves did not manage to cause any severe damage to the inwards of the Hotel.

Scott was his name he was very cute blue eyes fair complexion and arms full of tattoos which I am not fond of but who complains about tattoos while standing in front of a hot guy? No one!

Voila voila! He arrived with a rose in his hand at night for our first night as friends and he was such a gent not only his amazing cologne by Antonio Banderas but his fine taste for clothes and his manly looks worked the magic. He was so neatly dressed I could not help stealing a stare every time he looked away. Every disappointment is a blessing thanks to the

burning leaves that I met this guy. We went to a night club called subte where we drank and dance our hearts away.I went to use the ladies room where I had to stand online so I awaited my turn, As soon as I got back Scott was out of sight. I felt so down and decided to leave but here he comes with a bucket of drinks on ice. As the DJ played the song I was eager to dance and show a little bit of my dancing skills. We clicked as if we had known each other all of our lives. Midnight came and it was weird saying goodbye because the energies were so strong like a live wire. I went back and found a half burnt leave at my window so I decided to keep it in memory of Scott.

I wouldn't have met him if it was not for the burning leaves and he is the first thing on my mind when I awake. We are planning our wedding and hoping to have our wedding cake decorated as the burning leaves. It led us to each other and now I understand that if it's meant to be, everything and everyone will lead you to where you are supposed to be. Thanks to the burning leaves!!! Well the hardest part was when my holidays were over, we should be going separate ways after sharing so much moments together. Once again I found myself in a bottomless Pitt how foolish was I for falling so quickly in few days for someone I know nothing about when I have promised myself to never fall in love again after a very painful marriage but here I come again with the bitter pills. Acting mature and confident, I decided to face the moment of truth without showing vulnerability I hugged Scott and said good bye deep down inside I knew it was a good bye but I also hoped to be wrong. Text and calls flooded my phone for months and years we were actually separated for 5 years before reuniting today. It was the longest years of my life. I grew weaker and I grew stronger because it was the only option I had. I touched rock bottom and live in the dark night of the soul every freaking NIGHT and my pillow became my victim. Scott love made me strong and made me realize how self sufficient I am. I accomplished a lot of things in his absence and so did he we are so happy that we found each other. Burning leaves that led to Flames of love burning like twin Flames! Love takes the Life of a turtle to arrive and true love is once in a life time when you find it, don't ever let it go because you never know when it might pass you by.

By Sweetie Morris

October 14, 2020 08:06

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