
She was beautiful, a grace to watch. Everyday she took a short walk after dinner thats when I saw her for the first time . I waited for her near my window . Her brown long hair were always left open ,swaying in the wind along with her loose white night gown .She was punctual and chose to come out when everyone goes to bed. She was strange in character but unique to look at .I dont know whether she noticed me any day during her walk but for me it was our time.

Yes,I was in love with her.

One day a strange looking man appeared from the darkness disturbing my routine.I think she recognised him.There was a gesture of disapproval from her. Disregarding her disapproval he was moving closer and closer to her. His each step was alarming. She turned back to leave. Then I heard her cry Helppp!!!!???! 

Clinggggg...The tea cup in my hand fell on the floor. I dont know how long I have been sitting there.That night still haunts me . Its been a month that she went missing. No one in the neighborhood except me believed that something happened to her No one bothered to look for her.But I was always in look out for her.

 I no longer sleep in my bed.For the last one month I spend my nights in this chair leaning towards the wall waiting to see her again.

That cry,hepppp!!??? is still there in my ears. I ran down to help her .But by the time I reach there ,there was no one.But the strange thing is no one heard anything. 

What would have happened to her? Is she still. alive?

Neighbours told that she already left the day before. But what I saw there no body believed.

When I explained the story I could hear the murmering and chuckles from behind .

Neighbours: He would have dreamt about her. ha ha. He wont learn his lesson. Crazy boy.

They know how obsessed I was with her. One day ,I approached her to open my heart. She was not ready to even hear me out. Out of excitememt I grabbed her hands.She reacted like a maniac infront of everyone and I had to leave with burden of insult 

Of couse! I felt bad . I even tried to kill myself after the rejection.But that doesnt mean I am obsessed. I also have self respect. I never even went near her after that. All these never stopped me from searching for her.

I searched her whole house that night itself ,but was empty. All the things have already been trasnported to another place. But no body knows where she went as she was a conservative character and didnt have any friends as such.

 Somewhere in the bottom of my heart I could sense that she is in a safe place near me.May be I should stop worrying.

Today I will sleep in my bed. Sleep embraced me like my mother. The moment I closed my eyes I saw her . She was right infornt of me in her night gown. I am also atanding near to her. She was arguing and asking me to get out of her house. Her brown long hairs were tied and her whole body was shivering with anger. 

In my eyes for the first time I could see hatred for her. In a flash of moment I took a metal flower vase and banged her head. Blood!!! Blood !!!! Helpp helppp!!!

I  jumped out of my bed disturbed by the dream. Why am I getting such dreams!?I loved her in my whole life and never wanted to hurt her.But all my dreams were about hurting her.

I came near the window and leaned towards the wall. I dont know why it always gave me some assurance.

Next day, when I was taking a walk around her home as usual,I found something. A letter from Movers. I took it to my home and start reading it.

Dear Jenna

We ATL movers have cancelled your request to transport things to California due to non acceptance from your side . We have kept your things at our godown.

Pleae note that we will be only waiting till 25th November after that it will be sold out.


I put the letter back to the cover. I looked at her house and sighed. So she didn't reach california.

I slowly walked towards the wadrobe, under my clothes there were a stack of letters.All these letters are from Michael,Jennas's boyfriend.

My Love

Where are you? I tried to reaching you so many times but all in vain. I miss you a lot,I can't live without you.Atleast tell me where you are?

Blablahblah.My.love what kind of salutation is that. This guy doesn't know that. He is not worth of her. I replied back saying Jenna is not interested. Now he stopped.People are crazy you know.

Her mother is another crazy person .She keeps on asking for money,not her well being.I dropped a letter to her saying that I am in debt mom can you help? Hahah..after that mother also stopped.

Inknow atlast it will be just me .True love you know.

I think I have to keep these letters in a much safer place.

I walked towards the chair and pulled it aside slowly.Monolisa painting from the wall behind the chair placed aside.Took the key from the pocket to open the door.

With a crack it opened.Its been quite a few days since I have opened this door.Was it a month before? I think so.

I slowly walked down the stairs and reached a dark room. I dropped the letters over there.This is the most safest place as far as I know.

Its all dusty and could see alot of rats and flies. By the way I am allergic to all these

I covered my nose while climbing up the stairs and slowly closed the door.

I took a room freshner and filled the air with lillies. 

I could hear Jennas words that day "Get lost you bastard! dont follow me" followed by peoples laughs and chuckles.

She shouldn't have told that.Hmm.....

I sat in the chair waiting for her......

November 13, 2020 19:55

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Sam W
14:27 Nov 19, 2020

Hi Anjana! Here from critique circle. This gave me chills. I loved how you started with paragraphs and then broke down to smaller and then single lines, as the MC's internal dialogue breaks down and you realize what he's done. I really enjoyed reading. I would suggest you brush up your punctuation and spelling.


15:56 Nov 19, 2020

Thanks Sam for your valuable points and appreciation.This will defenitely add fire to my writing


Sam W
19:29 Nov 19, 2020

You’re welcome. Think you could drop some feedback on one of my subs? I’d love to know what you think.


12:41 Nov 20, 2020

Sure Sam.I would love to.


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15:03 Nov 14, 2020

I am Anjana Radhakrishnan,Chartered accountant by profession ,who would like to explore things


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