Horror Teens & Young Adult

this is my first story so bare with me😊

Sweet Halloween , where the dead comes to life

They groan and moan, your blood they strive

The witches on their brooms, as they hackle and fly 

The night when bloody Mary mourns and sighs 

Trick or Treating, with costumes alike

For amusement, for pleasure, for a scare and for fright

Let me ask you this dear reader, are you in for a scare?

Walk through the cemetery at night, do you dare?

With vampires and Werewolves, ready for a bite

My dear reader, can you survive this Halloween night?

For Lilly and Ruby, Halloween night is best night their is. They get to be as mischievous as they wanted to be. Smashing pumpkins, stealing candy, destroying decorations people spent hours on. But tonight was different, tonight was the night they were gonna summon the ghost of the Riverview Cemetery . “Come on give me a boost”, Ruby requested, trying to jump over the iron gate of the Riverview cemetery. “I’m trying, Lilly said, your too heavy”. Lilly pushed her hand up with great force boosting her sister over the gate. Ruby hit the ground with a great thud. “Jesus that hurt, alright Lilly your turn”. She studied the latch on the gate, than gave her sister a sinister look. “Can’t you just unlatch the hook”?, she asked. “It’s rusted shut, you’ll just have to climb over the gate”. Lilly groaned as she proceeded to climb the gate. When she made it to the top, she jumped to the ground and landed on her knees. “dang it”, she said softly, rubbing the dirt off her knees. The graveyard seemed so peaceful and so quiet you could hear a pen drop, well besides the crickets. Lilly and Ruby started walking farther into the cemetery, with every step leaves crunching and sludgy mud squishing under their feet. The fog was thick and began to overpower their eye sight.“ I can’t see a thing, ruby began to say, where is the light”? Lilly reached into her book-bag and grabbed the flashlight and handed it to ruby. She flicked it on and began flashing it in different directions. “There“,she said. “What are you talking about?, Lilly asked. “The tree we are gonna be camping at, its right on that hill”. They both raced up to the tree, barely catching their breathe. They sat down and began to set up their camping stuff. After 5 min of setting up, the girls were ready to begin the night. “Why don’t I start the night off with a scary story, ruby asked”. Lilly looked at her and laughed. ”you expect me to get scared over a dumb ghost story”?

“not just any story, the story of a girl who haunts this cemetery“

A long time ago in the 1800’s, there was a girl named Janet Bernice. She was a social outcast and didn’t have many friends. One dark Halloween night while Janet was in the cemetery, these boys from her school began to taunt and tease her. Calling her names like mute girl and a bug-eyed bat. one of the boys pulled her hair so she took a rock and hit him over the head with it. She ran for her life up the hill, her heart beating so fast it could have jumped out her chest at any given moment. She made it to the tree and sat slumped against it gasping for air. From a distance she could hear the boys running And shouting. “Where are you must girl!” “Show yourself, are you scared”. When she couldn’t hear them anymore, she relaxed and stood up. As she began to stand, a hard force hit her in the face. She hit the floor with a loud and painful thud. She opened her eyes and saw the boy hovering over her helpless body. The boy who she had hit with the rock picked up her glasses and crushed with his bare hands. One of the boys examined her body and noticed she wasn't breathing. “Dude she’s not breathing”. The leader checked her pulse and noticed it too. “Sh*t, um just leave her body their, we‘ll figure it out tomorrow. And with that statement, they left the cemetery, leaving janet‘s poor body under the great oak tree. When they came back the next day, her Body was gone. 5 days later those same boys went missing. Rumor went around that the girl was a witch and that she came back from the dead and killed those boys. they say you can still her gasping for air as she took her last breathe... BOO!

Lilly jumped and began to choke on her own spit. “I got you so good, you should have seen your face”, ruby exclaimed, laughing hard on the ground. Lilly was not so amused by this. “That wasn’t funny at all“, Lilly said with a pouting expression. “Anyway what time is it?” Ruby checked her watch. 11:53. “we should be getting ready for bed” Lilly than pulled her sleeping bag over her head and body and went fast asleep. Ruby did the same.

Ruby began dreaming about Janet, her long black hair, her crooked smile, her unshaped body creeping slowly towards her. Ruby couldn’t move, she could only blink and stare as the spirit moved closer to her face. She whispered in her ear, “Lilly”. Ruby could move again. She kicked the spirit off of her and with that she vanished.

Ruby woke up in a heavy sweat, panting heavily, looking around for her sister but she wasn’t there. She checked her sleeping bag but all she found was the bracelet her sister had been wearing along with her watch. Ruby curled up in a ball and began to sob. “This can’t be real, this can’t be real,“ she said over and over again. Than somebody whispered “it’s only the beginning”. But before the voice disappeared, the last thing Ruby heard was her sister faintly cries for help. ”help me, help me”.

-A little editors note: I know the category is under general but I decided to add a little scary twist to it because it’s almost Halloween . It would only make sense, you know it being almost Halloween so why not make a graveyard story actually scary.

October 23, 2020 21:56

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