Science Fiction

I awoke, my feet cold under the sheets. The room was strangely quiet as I slipped out of bed and looked out the window. I saw the world covered in a sea of white snow. I hurried to get dressed and started for the back door. "Today, I will walk through my snow-covered yard" I screamed.

I stopped at the door, silently watching the snow fall. The tiny ice crystals drifted peacefully down from the sky, covering the world in white. The door creaked as I opened it, and I carefully stepped onto the back porch so as not to slip and fall. I now had a full view of my backyard, a wintry paradise covered in snow. As I walked down the steps and to the sidewalk, the squeaking of the wooden steps combined with the crunch of the snow under my feet like two instruments in an orchestra, performing in the sweet silence all around me.

The white, cottony powder covered the branches of the trees. As I walked down the sidewalk, I saw the car resting under a thick layer of snow. The dogs ran to meet me, leaving trails of paw prints in the snow. I continued to the driveway and scraped some snow off of the car window, looking inside. The powder chilled my hand, so I put my hand inside my pocket to warm it. The snow began to fall harder. I wandered around the car, crunching the snow under my feet.

I heard birds chirping, and walked to the bird feeder, where several small birds were hopping around on the ground. The snow was peppered with tiny holes where seeded have fallen from the bird feeder. The birds flew away as I approachrd.

I never thought of myself as special. I was, in my opinion, just an average nerdy boy of poor physical fitness and less than average looks. I would spend my time away from school writing fan fiction, obsessing over anime and science fiction and playing with new gadgets. I always deamed to be a superhero with superpower like BATMAN, SUPERMAN and GOKU ....My mother told me that it's impossible to be like them, but I believe that one day, I'll be like them.

Then, a plucky young girl of less than 6 or 7 years of age sarted to walk over the one foot high chicken wire fence and onto the ice. There was a creak and the girl, sensing something amiss, said "Mommy?" just before the ice gave way. With a splash, the young girl crashed through the ice. At that moment three things happened. Firstly, the girl's mother screamed. Second, I sat upright more alert than he had ever been before in his life. And thirdly I was up and on the move.

I didn't know what overcame me but I needed to help. The precious drone on my lap crashed to the ground and was trampled by me as I ran. I threw off my jacket and scarf while running knowing they would weigh me down. As the woman yelled at her young suitor to "Do something." I was already moving across the ice to get the girl. I tried to pull her up but the ice further broke and I fell in too. As the water began to chill me to the bone I thought only of the young girl. I grasped her under the arms and pushed her up onto the ice near the edge. The young man was of almost no help so the mother reached out and pulled her daughter into her arms.

"Take her. Soo c-c-c cold.", I said as he pushed the girl upwards.

The woman turned back to help me using the scarf but I was nowhere to be seen.

I was under the water but I realized I was no longer cold. Some kind of warmth was filling me from the inside out. Maybe it was just the satisfaction of knowing I saved the young girl's life but I was certain it was more. Blackness enveloped me.

With a start I awoke again!

There were firemen all around me and I was laying in the snow with a mask on my face. Cheers erupted around me for reasons I knew not. It had been more than an hour before they pulled me out of the freezing water.

It was a couple weeks later that my life really changed. That was the day I saw a glowing blue-grey ball of fiery smoke spontaneously erupt in my room. A truly strange thing to happen to anyone for sure. At first I thought it was a fire and tried to put it out. The flame would not smother nor be extinguished by water no matter what I tried. It also did not burn anything around it. 

"What could this be? It was like no flame I had ever seen!! It's really stange. What is that! I can't Believe that."

Then, I thought maybe it was some kind of alien making contact with me, but it did not seem to communicate, it just kind of drifted around the room following me. It was only when I considered the supernatural that I came close to realizing what it truly was.

It was a spirit and it had come to me because I was a true hero. This was the beginning of my superpower.

Finally, I entered the world of superheroes, but I realised that this superpower will dispear bacause a strange voice said "Well, now, this superpower is the soul of a poor young boy who wants to be a superhero like you and help people but the destiny was too tough and we cannot change it but you can give him his last wish by helping someone who needed it a lot and using him to acheive that! Can you do that for him?" I was sad for the poor boy, so, I accepted without thinking.

I decided to help him, so, I went out of my house to look if anyone wanted some help, however I didn't found. 

Suddently, I remembered a boy who was my friend when we was in the primary school. He lived a difficult life with his mother since his father's death, because she didsn't stop insulting him and yelling at him..... So, I decided to go to him to see him. I arrived to his home but no one opened the door, so, I pushed the door and I found that it was open. Then, I entered to see if it was anyone in, I entered step by step. Her mother was lying on the ground splashed with blood, sweat ans tears, I turned back to see and my friend was with a strange man who wants to kill him with a large katana.

When I saw this scenes, I froze in my place and immediately I remembered my superpower. So, I said "Please, help me to save my friend, I know that you wanted it a lot, so, can you do that?", the superpower became to grow, grow and grow more and more. In a wink, the superpower went to the stange man and he losted consciousness, I went to my friend to support him but he was just saying "My mother, where is she? Mother.....", so, I called the ambulance to take his mother.

Her health condition was stable despite her serious injury. My friend relaxed after hearing this and told me "I don’t know what to say. You’re the best. What would I do without you? You’re wonderful. Thanks a lot!"

Me and my old friend became the best friends ever, him and his mother become adorable and their situation became better than anytime and finally, the soul was satisfate and went to the heaven. I'll not forget this moments, they were the best moment I ever seen.

June 28, 2020 17:28

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Authoring Studio
08:02 Jun 29, 2020

Anpanman has always been my favorite superhero :) Great effort! Keep writing and stay safe!


Imane Sah.
09:02 Jun 29, 2020

Oh, really! That's good.... Stay safe! Purpule U 💜💜


Authoring Studio
09:37 Jun 29, 2020

Purple you💜💜


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Shirley Medhurst
20:31 Jun 28, 2020

I think you have a lot of very good ideas here Imane, but there were LOTS of grammatical mistakes &/or typos which made your story quite hard to read. e.g. "Second, I sat upright more alert than he had ever been before in his life." or "Finally, I entered the world of superheroes, but I realised that this superpower will dispear bacause a strange voice said.... " Many of them could be corrected very easily - try doing a quick edit before submitting, it will definitely be well worth your effort, you'll see Keep up the good work!


Imane Sah.
21:42 Jun 28, 2020

Yes, I know that.😇😇 Just to know.... I"m not English and I study too hard to learn this beautiful language! I did many mistakes that it's certain, but I'll try and try very hard to correct it in the future... I entered here just to correct that mistakes that I did. I know that it's hard for you and I'm so sorry for that. I'll do my best.... THANKS FOR YOUR CORRECTION!! 👍🙏🙏💕💕


Shirley Medhurst
08:09 Jun 29, 2020

Considering English is not your first language, I think you write incredibly well. BRAVO ! & please keep on going, you've got great ideas. I look forward to reading more...


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Himanshi Y
10:09 Jun 29, 2020

First of all, I am too glad to find a fellow army here. I actually read the title as "Waiting for your anpanman..." You really have great imagination. The way you described snowy morning, it was really good. I know its not easy to express what you can imagine, in a language that you are still learning as I am also learning English and writing. Sometimes the scene in our mind is so beautiful but when we write it down, it does not feel same. but I can tell from your stories that you really worked hard. Keep it up. I purple you.


Imane Sah.
14:55 Jun 29, 2020

Thank you a lot 💜💜💜💜


Himanshi Y
08:21 Jul 01, 2020

never mind. you are doing great. keep it up.


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09:11 Jun 29, 2020

Another GREAT story Imane! I read the comments below and I get to know that you're still learning English! I'm AMAZED! This story is really good! Looking forward for more stories from you Imane!😉😊 Keep writing! :))))


Imane Sah.
09:14 Jun 29, 2020

Thank you a lot!! Yes, I still learning English and enjoy it also with writing here some stories..... 😍😍😍


09:17 Jun 29, 2020

I'm glad! Keep writing Imane!😊


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<inactive> .
05:24 Jun 29, 2020

I really enjoyed the story! I think it's awesome that you were experimenting beyond your comfort zone, and how the main character selflessly helped a stranger without thinking of himself was very sweet! Overall, some grammatical mistakes but for me, it added to the charm! Also if you watch anime in real life then we should be best friends. :)


Imane Sah.
09:07 Jun 29, 2020

Thanks a lot 💕💕 And for watching anime, yes, I'm a OTAKU 😅😅 Why not? Are a girl or a boy?


<inactive> .
18:17 Jun 29, 2020

Haha same! What's your favorite anime?


Imane Sah.
19:10 Jun 29, 2020

My favorite is Meitantei Conan. I'm a fan....😅😅 and I love also many others anime like HxH and AOT and Tokyo Ghoul and One Piece and Dragon Ball and Akatsuki No Yona and Neverland and Your Lie In April and a lot a lot.....😍😍😍 And you ? You are a girl, right?


<inactive> .
04:29 Jun 30, 2020

Haha Your Lie In April is really good! OMG you watch Yakusoko no Neverland too?!


<inactive> .
06:13 Jun 30, 2020

Have you watched No Game No Life or Tate no Yuusho-sama no Nariagari? Awesome, I'm so glad to find another otaku in the wild


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Imane Sah.
08:31 Jun 30, 2020

Yes I watched Yakusoko no Neverland......💕💕


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A.J Blink
03:23 Jun 29, 2020

Well done Imane. This is a nice read. It's great you're learning English too. Best of luck honey. Blessings!


Imane Sah.
09:09 Jun 29, 2020

Thank you. I enjoy learning English and also writing stories. I'll do my best...... 😊😊😊


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Arvi Krish
00:34 Jun 29, 2020

Wow!..I read your comment below that you are learning English. I really can't believe you are learning English. This is a great story for someone who is learning. Keep up the good work!


Imane Sah.
09:12 Jun 29, 2020

Oh really? Thanks. To be honest, I thought to stop writing after my first story "Save Me...." but your comments gave and give me the power to write. All thanks.....👌👌 Thank you again!!🥰🥰


Arvi Krish
02:32 Jul 01, 2020

Most welcome:-) Keep on writing! Don't stop!


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Arwen Dove
06:16 May 10, 2021

This is amazing!


Imane Sah.
15:32 May 11, 2021

Thank uuuu again


Arwen Dove
01:09 May 12, 2021



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Sprite Akuma
21:58 Jul 06, 2020

i can tell you're a k-pop fan :) me too sis, me too it's admirable that you're learning english considering it's a pretty hard language, all I have to say is keep it up!


Imane Sah.
11:09 Jul 07, 2020

Yes I know that it's a great language but not hard because I can speak one of the hardest language in the world...😅😅 Thanks for your comment 🌸🌸


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Yageen Faiz
14:47 Jul 06, 2020

hello! can you read one of my stories if you have time? thank you!


Imane Sah.
21:54 Jul 06, 2020

Thanks a lot.... I did it👍👍 🌸🌸🌸😁😁


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Jen Park
14:18 Jun 30, 2020

I loved the way you described the snow in different ways... your metaphors were so creative! Moreover, the protagonist did not take the superpower as something to brag or enjoy, but took it as a serious duty. That really moved me, too! I suggest you to fix your grammer and spelling mistakes, and split the unnecessarily long sentences that we can understand your writing better. If English is your second language, I give all my best respects to you, because I'm not a native speaker either! :D


Imane Sah.
16:16 Jun 30, 2020

Ahhh.. thank you Yes, I still learning English; it's my second languag.....It's really hard to write and study in the same time but I try to do my best 😁😁 Thank u again.🌸🌸 Stay Safe and Stay Gold😍😍


Jen Park
13:11 Jul 01, 2020

Thank you:) Stay safe too and keep up! 😉


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Batool Hussain
05:40 Jun 30, 2020

Good story. Mind checking out my new story? Thanks.


Imane Sah.
08:32 Jun 30, 2020

OK, I'll do that don't worry!! 😘😘


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Dobby's Sock
05:23 Jun 30, 2020

Hey Imane I noticed a lot of sentences that started with "I", like "I did this", "I went here", "I saw a lot of such and such". I like reading short stories out loud and this was what caught my attention quickly. The world building is your plus point I feel, which is essential to an author of course. Have a good day!


Imane Sah.
08:39 Jun 30, 2020

Thank you very much, I always try the possible to write what imagine in my head. It's like a movie, with characters, places, scenes anything....I want to share with everyone my feelings and my representations of the fictional world. When Iwrite, it's always like I enter to an other world and I like that a lot......... Thank you again 🌸🌸🌸🌸


Dobby's Sock
13:05 Jun 30, 2020

You're always welcome Imane :)


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Corey Melin
23:11 Jun 29, 2020

Magnificent story. Enjoyed as I read it through. By reading the comments I see where the issues have been listed, but overall I always say when it comes to my own faults that my imagination is in complete control as I'm writing and typing. Good job.


Imane Sah.
08:40 Jun 30, 2020

Thank you. And yes, me too, it's always like I enter in an other world......😇😇 Stay Safe 🌸🌸


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. .
05:33 Sep 03, 2020

Such an awesome story! I love how creative it is


Imane Sah.
11:26 Sep 03, 2020

Thanks! I enjoy writing it! I really like it also Thank you again 😘😘😘


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Elle Clark
18:10 Jul 13, 2020

The start of this story, where you describe the snow, is really beautiful! You also don’t have many mistakes at first but they get more as the story goes on - I think maybe you got tired as you kept writing! I’m so impressed with your English, well done! What is your first language? This is a really creative story and I hope you keep writing.


Imane Sah.
13:41 Jul 14, 2020

Thanks a lot.... I study English and my first language is arabic..💜💜 I know that I do many mistakes but I try too hard to correct it Thanks again!!


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Rodrigo Juatco
17:28 Jul 13, 2020

Nice story. I think we all dream about having super powers. Thank you for sharing your story.


Imane Sah.
13:43 Jul 14, 2020

Yes, of course We have our super power.... It's OURSELVES AND THANKS A LOT 🌸🌸


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