Contemporary Friendship

I used to think that people who are my friends will always support me, but time changed and I found a new path in my life.

 I am a common employee working in an advertising company, I was doing my work with full dedication. My name is John, I got this job with a lot of hard work. But I was not satisfied with myself or I was not satisfied with my work. I had friends and they used to take care of me a lot, but why I was not happy. My two friends Tony and Sam were always with me.

Tomorrow is Tony's presentation and in our house the three of us are preparing him for his presentation. Tony puts his hand on his head and says, "John can't think of an idea, how to prepare an add for this car's brand, I have lot’s of thought but I can't understand anything" after that I said "Look at the quality of the car it is speed and comfort, so your story will be that if a woman is ill but the ambulance does not come, then our car gives her access to the hospital at the right time and comfortably" after I Expressed that he did not like my idea very much and he said, "Okay but I will think about something new" I also nodded my neck. The three of us were sitting while Sam said, "Tomorrow is also a presentation of rain She comes after a lot of preparation” Then Tony says "That arrogant girl who does not talk to anyone and I do not understand what she thinks of herself and any of you people have talked to her? I never did” When Tony's finished, I said," She's a good girl, she just doesn't talk to anyone more and everyone has there own way” then Sam says “You don't know this kind of girls she dose not care about anyone”

Next day Tony's number came after the presentation of four people . Tony put the same idea in front of everyone which is I told him yesterday. People applauded his presentation and when asked where he got the inspiration for this presentation, Tony pretended with great confidence and said, "I take inspiration from myself, sir" and people started clapping loudly. And I was seeing my mind being used by someone else's hands, but I could not understand whether to be happy for my friend or to consider my own use.

 Then Rain started giving hes presentation and she was speaking with so much confidence that in her presentation, a girl was take a girl to his house safely from the car and people also liked this idea very much and Tony and Rain’s ideas were finalized and the car company asked to work on both ideas. To celebrate this, a party was held at Bose's house in the evening.

Everyone at the party was congratulating Tony but Rain was not looking. I looked down from the terrace. Rain was sitting alone on the swing in the garden of the house. I dared to stand near the swing and I said to her "Congratulations Rain" she looked at me smiling and said "Thanks John" I said eagerly to her "You know my name" she said in a very general way "Yes, why don't I know you work in the company?"  I hesitated and said "Your idea was very good" Rain smiled again and said thanks. Now both of us were comfortable with each other, then I asked Rain "People believe that you are arrogant but I never felt like talking to you" Rain smiled and looked at her sandal and said "this is what people believe in but I don’t, and the person who does there work with dedication people consider them as arrogant, for the last three times my idea is being selected, but I have never shared my idea with anyone and I should not, because I do get paid for doing my work. And people just thought I am bad and I am not afraid of being alone, I am afraid to stay behind” I just said “But we should help our friends ", she quickly said “to let yourself behind? And when everyone gets ahead of you, then even this friendship will not work” said this, she went away from there, picking up her purse and I kept sitting there and kept thinking for some time.

One month passed, Tony was promoted and Rain was also promoted and the promotion of Sam will be held on place, but I was still the same and seeing myself losing.

 After some time, my friendship with Rain had started growing, this thing was probably not liked by Sam and Tony, both of them had overtaken me and both had also reduced their living with me and I was alone and now on my own was working. We were given a project by a new company and this time I had a presentation and I was very diligently preparing for the presentation and got selected and I was happy that I worked on myself this time and now I am on a equal position with Rain Tony and Sem Trio. The people started praising me and Sam and Tony also started talking to me, but Rain's behaviour with me was the same, now all three of us had to give different presentations for the same project, Tony and Sam wanted to come to my house to prepare. I refuse both of them. and asked Rain to come To this, Rain said, "I do not want to come because I do not want one of us to stay behind even after preparing together, we will make our preparations. Let's do it accordingly” She went away after saying this, but it seemed to me that she believed in me and I was happy. The next day the four of us gave a presentation and I was selected, from that day on, Rain became like a stranger who believes in me and my friends became strangers and I was happy that I am alone and moving forward I am also start believing in me due to a stranger and now she becoming my friend.

May 31, 2021 05:38

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