High School Mystery Thriller

Why do we have to study in the library why can't we do it at home Zak complained. Oh, stop complaining babe you will be fine it's just a different setting that's all Hannah tried to tell her boyfriend. As they study, they see a book that they have never seen before it looks like a very unusual book. So what did there dumba** do they went to go check the book out. And when they grab the book they hear something open. They look to the side and there they see a door open. And the sept they have rarely any brain cells to think about the consequences they go in. And what they see is amazing. There they see artifacts, treasure's, scrolls, and more. Zak look at all of this it's so beautiful Hannah said in a surprised voice. I know right I am shocked that our school would have this kind of stuff Zak replied. As they looked around there was even more breath-taking stuff. When Zak looks around the corner of the museum and sees and alive Megalodon (I know kind of bland but whatever) Zak screamed and when Hannah saw it she was just as shocked as he was. How the hell could the school hold a megalodon like it makes no sense Hannah said. Well, if it's still alive that means someone has to be taking care of it Zak told her. As the 2 investigate they realize there school is more than they say they are. As freaked out as they are they weren't going to get caught but need to find a way out as well. Because if this shark was locked up in a hidden room, then it was problaey not meant to be seen. I really think we need to get out of here Zak mentioned. OH, YOU THINK Hannah replied. They were worried that they were going to get in trouble. But if they left before they got caught then they wouldn't get in trouble. That's until they herd footsteps. Terrified they both go hide behind the tank the best hiding spot if you ask me. While they were hiding, they saw the person who was behind all of this. It was their principal. There principal was always so cruel to them. Never liked a lot of the kids and no one even knew why. But while Hannah and Zak were hiding one of them sneezed and caught the principals sight. And when he went to go look Hannah and Zak were already in a different part of the museum. That was a close one Zak said. Yeah, too be honest I really thought we weren't going to make it out Hannah replied. As the Hannah and Zak try to find a way out, they realize that they have been there so long to the point where they have gotten home sick. Zak I just want to go home I don't want to be here anymore Hannah begged. Neither do I but we will find a way out we just got to keep looking Zak told her. As the 2 look around they finally see a door that looks like where they came from. So they bolt it that's until there principal steps right in front of them. Hannah and Zak freeze not knowing what to do they just start apologizing begging to leave because they don't want to be there no more. And they had to make a deal that they wouldn't tell anybody about the secret room. And they agreed. After that they never went into a secret passageway again.

(Extra story)

Brother gets payback

(Death, trauma, suic!de, murder. language)

There were once 3 brother's and they decided to move to a rual are next to the beach. And it was beautiful it had a tree in the middle of the lawn had a big shed. Even a path down to the beach. It was everything that they could want in a nice home. When all of them got out of the truck they did shove each other around but not as hard as they pushed Zak to the ground. Hey maybe you should work out more Wilbur. Tommy just chuckled with Wilbur. A**holes Zak whispered to himself as he was getting up off the ground. He wasn't treated as fairly growing up maybe because he was adopted but he never let his brothers really get to his head. At least that's what his old therapist told him and all the rest of his friends that he had. When they all walked inside, they felt off, but they brushed it off because it's not like they really cared. Later on that night Wilbur and Tommy went to sleep. While Zak would usually stay up an extra hour or 2 working as usual. But he would work near the window because he likes the moonlight. That's until he looked out the window and saw a woman holding a lantern at the beach. It spooked him a little bit and sept he was curious decided to go check out to see if someone was actually trespassing. Once he reached the path through a chill went down his spine, he felt something watching him but didn't know what it was. Hello, is anyone there Zak asked in a worried voice. As he was looking around, he spotted the ghost he saw the woman was just standing there watching the waves. As Zak got closer, she disappeared almost like she was scared of him. But it was getting late Zak just headed back to the house he didn't want to deal with any bs. When Zak walked back into the house, he saw Wilbur coming back down the stairs. And Wilbur was not too happy seeing Zak coming back inside late. Why were you outside you should be in bed dumb a Wilbur asked. I'm sorry I saw something or someone outside and I thought someone was trespassing, so I went to check and there was no on Zak replied in a tired voice. Wilbur was too tired to deal with Zak's non-since so they all just got back into bed and didn't ask each other any further questions. When it reached morning, it wasn't surprising that Zak was the last one up which mean not a lot of breakfast was left for him. But he was fine with that he was treated badly as a kid so he knew how to cook and take care of himself by the age of 5. Once breakfast was over Zak went outside to see if he could find any footprints from the night before. But there was none to be seen he even went to check the beach and still nothing. It was a punch in the gut, but he just let it go because he didn't want his brothers to think he was going insane. While he was chilling on the porch, he was told but Wilbur that he needed permission to go outside at night. But Zak was 20 years old, so he was obviously not going to listen to that rule. That lead into an argument between the two of the brothers. Tommy never really cared when they got into an argument because he was used to it. That's all Wilbur and Zak did was fight. It would always never hurt Zak though being tossed around never being left alone never could do anything. His brothers would always find something to ruin a good moment or event happening in his life. A lot of people just say it was tough love but Zak felt like it was more like bullying. One time he tried to take his own life. But Wilbur and Tommy really didn't give a sh**. Not wanting to move out he just kept his feelings to himself. Sometimes told he needed to grow up and stop being a wuss. (anyways back to the original plot) Zak decided to just go relax he didn't want to bother anyone anymore. The 3 brothers were Hanging out on the lawn minding their business but when Zak looked up from his computer, he saw the woman again. He wasn't going to say anything knowing his brothers would just call him crazy. But that sparked an idea. He was going to look up the house to see if the house had a dark past. And it did. There was a woman named Hannah that lived with her 2 other sisters that were named Caroline and Niki. And as he read about their relationship it was so similar to his relationship. Apparently Caroline and Niki were sick and tired of Hannah to the point where they took her to the beach and killed her in the ocean. Caroline and Niki didn't get away with the murder because Hannah's body was found when they filed a report a month later. Now Hannah gets revenge on sibling that are doing the something. Zak was a little worried his brothers safety. But he could drop dead and the 2 wouldn't really care. So, he didn't bother to warn his brothers about it. Later that night Zak was woken up by a spirit that was standing at the end of his bed. It was the woman he had been seeing for the past few weeks while he's been there. But getting a closer look she looked quiet pretty to him and looked like she didn't deserve to die. He was still pretty scared to move. Come on follow me I want to show you something Hannah said to him in a happy voice. And that's what Zak did he followed her, and they went outside and ended up being at the beach front. Where Hannah was killed she explained to Zak that he had 2 options he could either kill himself somewhere on the plot or let her lead his brothers to drown. He thought about it mean has always thought about death but his brother's being dead would feel nice. But he saw how pretty and kind she was that he was going to choose death for himself. And when he told Hannah that she was shocked. Where do you plan on doing it exactly Hannah asked curiously. I will do on that tree in the middle of the front lawn to show of what there actions and words did to me Zak told her. She understood and let him to go back to the house. But Zak really didn't want to go back to the house he really just wanted to stay and talk to her even though she was dead. Zak did end up falling asleep because they did seem to be hitting it off a bit. Tommy saw saw this through his bedroom window and ran to go tell Wilbur. Wilbur Zak's on the beach talking to some female Tommy said. Well, he should not be outside this late let's go get him and you're coming with me no matter if you like or not Wilbur replied. When Wilbur and Tommy made it down there they were surprised to see him talking to a ghost. ZAK WHAT THE HELL ARE DOING OUT HERE THIS LATE GET BACK INSIDE Wilbur yelled. Zak was pissed with the both of them because he knew Tommy had to have snitched and Wilbur being Wilbur, he was obviously going to yell at him in the morning. But when Zak looked behind him Hannah wasn't standing there he would figure she had disappeared. Upset they all just went back inside and had a big discussion and left at that. Zak wasn't that excited to be offing himself, but it would put himself out of his misery and 2 he wouldn't have to deal with his brothers anymore. So he made sure to get up an hour to before his brothers did and grabbed everything he needed from the shed. Set up on the tree and would make sure his brothers would regret everything. When he pulled the rope the amount of pain he was feeling and not being able to breath was horrible. But he knew it was going to be worth it in the end. Because they only really cared about you when your gone. Finally, Zak was no more no breath just swinging there back and forth. But Zak woke up below his body and looked up and saw himself lifeless hard to look at but he didn't care. When morning reached Wilbur and Tommy realized Zak wasn't up yet so when Tommy went to go wake him up he saw that he wasn't in his bed. When Tommy mentioned this Wilbur, he looked out the window and saw Zak there lifeless. Both brother's ran out of house both trying to wake him up untying the rope around his neck. But nothing until they looked over and saw his spirit stand there silently just staring at them. When they saw it, him standing there, they realized that what they did throughout the years really got to him. You made my life a living hell by bullying me so I am going to get you back just you wait Zak warned them. Both brothers shaken of what just happened they were yelling that they were sorry and to pls forgive them. Sorry wasn't going to cut it for Zak he suffered for 15 years, and he wasn't just going to let that slide. Respect is earned not given from a simple sorry. For the past week Zak has done nothing but haunt them and gotten revenge. Wilbur and Tommy didn't have enough money to move so they were basically stuck there. Until they could make enough to leave. But they could leave but the scary memories will always stick with them.

November 06, 2023 17:10

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